There are some basic things just about everyone getting into network marketing or direct sales is told to do. Work your warm market. Talk about your opportunity every chance you get.
Too bad those really aren't effective for a lot of people. You're far more likely to really annoy your family and friends and get very few signups that way. With all the companies out there, all the possibilities available to any person you might talk to, it can be very hard to sell people on why they should join your opportunity.
Don't forget how hard it is to actually get people working their business when you get them signed up. I can tell you from personal experience that even when you are successful and want to help family members get going, most of those who express interest still won't go anywhere with whatever you give them. Many people just don't have the drive.
So what do you do?
You want to find people who want to do what you do. You want them to come to you.
And that means you need to stop lying to them. You want them to expect to work. No more telling prospects that the product sells itself. You know full well it doesn't. You probably even know that just talking to people about how much you love the products you sell is a form of selling, even if you insist that no selling is involved in your opportunity.
No matter what you were told by your upline, you know that success does not come easily. Success comes after hard work. If it were easy, everyone would do it and there would be no money in it.
One of the major keys is to have a good system in place to help your prospects along. Some companies make it incredibly difficult to market your opportunity online, but if you can do it the possibilities are just about endless. All you need is something to offer people who are interested in your business and a genuine desire to help them out.
The wonderful thing about this is that once you have a system in place, you can attract solid prospects to you, rather than buying leads and wasting money. If people see you as a valuable resource, one willing to help them succeed, they will come to you and their success will fuel your own.
Honesty really is the best policy, especially in business. If you can attract people to your business by telling them what they really need to know in order to succeed you will gain their respect and trust. With that you have a better chance at building a business relationship that will benefit the both of you.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Are Your Network Marketing Efforts Taking You in the Right Direction?
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