Work from home business success is very much dependent on your attitude and perception. The better attitude you have and the better you handle downfalls, the more likely you will be to find work from home business success. Therefore, it is important for you to find ways to manage your time and to be perpetually optimistic, yet realistic, when starting and maintaining a work from home business.
Finding Work from home business success Through Time Management
One obstacle you will find getting in the way of your work from home business success is time management. Learning how to balance time between your work from home business, family, and other personal obligations can be a daunting task. Yet, it is imperative that you figure out the magical balance.
In addition, you will likely find those around you having a difficult time understanding your time schedule. One common problem encountered by those with work from home businesses is that those around you think you should be able to change your schedule on a whim in order to accommodate their needs. Nothing is further from the truth. In fact, it is important for your work from home business success for you to develop and maintain a regular schedule. Otherwise, you will find your business taking a back seat and never developing into what it could and should be.
Finding Work from home business success Through Positive Thinking
Another barrier between you and work from home business success is your own attitude and the way you react to obstacles. You will likely encounter individuals wishing to bring your business down. This can be from your business competitors, your consumers, friends who are jealous or even people you don’t know. Unfortunately, you will most likely run into people looking to take advantage of you, as well, in order to make a quick buck. This is where optimism combined with realistic thinking becomes important.
Realistically speaking, you need to prepare yourself for those people who wish you ill will and who want to stand between you and work from home business success. This means taking steps to protect yourself is necessary. Before working with a new client, get as much as you can in writing before you begin the work. Or, demand a down payment on services you will provide. These steps are necessary to protect yourself, your time, and your money.
While you need to protect yourself and your business in order to ensure your work from home business success, you also need to have a positive outlook. If not, it can become too easy to get caught up in negativity and want to give up of your work from home business. Success depends on you being your own cheerleader and refusing to allow others to stand between you and your dream.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Friday, July 11, 2008
Work from home business success
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Concentrate on doing what’s hard, and things will get easier
As business owners, we often focus on the tasks in our business that we enjoy doing the most and put off those things that we like the least. Often the things we are qualified to do but don’t enjoy as much are put off due to fear. When we deal with the fear head on, set due dates and subcontract the stuff we really struggle with or extremely dislike, we’ll have less stress in our lives.
Andrew Barber-Starkey from Pro Coach International Inc. says, “What’s the only thing that gets smaller as you get closer to it? Your fears.” Often fears are precipitated by spending too much time thinking about them and not enough time dealing with them.
Setting up a business means facing the unknown every day. Your skills and talents will determine the type of tasks on which you prefer to spend your time. The problem is that there are so many other responsibilities waiting to be dealt with.
Jane Doe(could be you), a woman who owns a company that makes websites and does online marketing for small businesses, was struggling with her fears. She particularly feared writing content for her clients’ websites. Although she recognized her personal obstacle, she still had difficulty getting past it. Each week Jane Doe would set goals for completing a certain amount of writing, and every week she would fall short of her objective. Jane’s biggest fear was that the client wouldn’t be happy with what she wrote. Ironically, the content most of her clients wrote was not very good.
As deadlines loomed, she realized that getting beyond her fear was the only way to handle the situation. When she presented clients with copy, the feedback came back positive every time. That improved Jane’s level of confidence, but didn’t solve her procrastination problem. She continued to complete other tasks first, even though it meant working long hours and late nights to get the content written. Finally, the backlog got to the point where things had to change. Jane came up with two strategies. One was to make a priority list for the day and commit to writing content before moving on to other tasks. The other was to schedule specific times to complete the writing. By using both these methods to do what was difficult for her, she was able to achieve her copywriting goals more often.
Joe Easy (could be you), a professional speaker who specializes in energy management, talks about how we all have peak energy times during the day. That’s the best time to do our most challenging tasks, the ones we put off until the last minute. I have found this strategy to work well for me. Since my peak time of the day is first thing in the morning, I(really me) use these early hours to focus on tasks that require more brain power. For me, that includes writing reports, reading, and writing copy or marketing plans.
Another strategy I use is setting deadlines. A marketing plan can take me up to forty hours to research and write. By setting a deadline for myself, then telling the client, I am able to establish a target and deliver on time. When deadlines are not required, it is easy to put off difficult things. Even setting self-imposed deadlines is better than operating with no deadline at all. When you tell someone your projected completion date, you are more likely to finish it on time.
Doing what’s hard is not about doing what is completely out of your realm of abilities. Subcontract the latter to more qualified individuals. Doing what’s hard is more about tackling what you are avoiding due to fear. It’s too easy to apply your attention to tasks you enjoy, or that come easily to you.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Why Internet Business Cannot Escape from the Clutches of Search Engine
Whether you like it or not, the search engine will always remain the number ONE way for people to find your internet business website. There are practically no way any website can escape from the clutches of the search engine even in the future. After so many centuries of research, researchers still can't find a good replacement for the gasoline which cars still rely on and that explain why oil will keep rising in the future.
Yes, you may write FREE articles and submit it to the various ezine websites and get traffic via your article resource box but ask yourself these questions:
In the first place, how do you find those ezine websites to submit your article?
The majority of ezine writers still rely on the "Search Engine" to find ezine site to submit their articles by searching for keywords such as "article bank", "article directory" etc. Imagine the kind of time and effort required if you tried to find these ezine site without the "Search Engine".
How do MOST people find the relevant ezine site for information that they are looking for?
Again, the majority of us still rely on the "Search Engine" to find the relevant information that we need. Without the "Search Engine", information finders will not be able to find your articles that are listed on the various ezine website. With the help of powerful "Search Engine" like google, your relevant article will appear to the user in seconds.
As you can see from the above, the search engine act as a bridge for all internet traffic as it will be very difficult for someone to find information without a common ground such as the Search Engine.
Therefore, as an Internet Business Entrepreneur, it is VERY important for you to allocate part of your time to learn and understand the Search Engines. For example, Google has introduced some measured to fight Domain Spamming. If you are not aware of its changes and still register your Internet Business Domain with a short time span of one or two years, then don't complain WHY you still did not received any Search Engine traffic even after staying in the Google Sandbox for nine to twelve months which has become the normal period before any NEW website is release as search results from the Google Search Engine.
Keeping your Internet Website within the Search Engine requirement allows you to receive FREE Search Engine traffic which will lead to increase customers for your Internet Business.
Of course, don't focus too much on your Search Engine Ranking Algorithm as it is something which keep changing and is beyond your control. Instead, seek to understand by creating a Search Engine Friendly website that make it easy for the Search Engine to indexed your web page. For e.g. creating relevant Title, Alt Text for Images, Getting only Highly Targeted Relevant Links, Estimate Numbers of Correct Keyword Density on Each Page etc.
However, do continue with your Article Marketing as it is a Good Marketing Strategy and include Search Engine Marketing as your second source of FREE traffic which at time when you tweak it correctly, your TRAFFIC can really double or triple of what you can get from your Article Marketing method.
Wishing all Internet Business Owner success in getting High Traffics from the "Search Engine".
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Monday, July 7, 2008
In The Footsteps Of The MoneyMakers
One of the keys to understanding how to earn income online is to quietly observe how others succeed - or how they stumble and fall in their marketing efforts.
If you've ever posted an url on a free for all links site,no doubt, you were promptly deluged with dozens of "confirmation e-mails," most of which were nothing more than advertisements for some fancy new product or business program.
If you're new to the net, instead of quickly deleting these irritating mails, it may ultimately be to your benefit to sample a few first. Glance inside and study how these advertisers are trying to get your attention. Notice the use of language. The catch phrases used. Study how are they trying to entice you to click on their url link and visit their website.
Are they using the hard sell? Or are they being somewhat evasive and coy, hinting that you're missing your one final shot at financial success, unless you do something right now! The catch is that you won't know "exactly" what it is they're about, until you take a look-see at their web site. -- A good technique.
Also emulate those techniques which you find to be effective. Or that ring of truth. A good advertisement is one that puts you in a receptive or positive mindset.
And learn what not to do, from those advertisements that you find to be poorly conceived, insulting, awkwardly written, or unprofessional. If you don't like what you're reading. Ask yourself why. You certainly don't want to waste your precious time designing an advertising campaign, that will only turn potential customers off.
One of the smartest things you can also do is to memorize the names that you come across from day to day. Names such as Allan Gardyne, Ken Evoy, or Corey Rudl, to site a few examples.
This is very important.
You will notice that internet entrepreneurs such as those just mentioned, are accomplished at getting their name, their business, or their product, in front of the buying public. And they do it legitimately, without spamming or using other unsavory methods.
In fact, many of these established internet entrepreneurs, never use ffa sites, or any annoying devices such as those gruesome pop-up ads that fill up your web browser. Most will not post to the popular business newsgroups.
But how have you come to recognize their names?
Perhaps they author ezine articles. Or maybe you've seen banner advertisements for their product on a web-based e-mail site, or at an internet resource center that you've visited. Maybe you've seen their ads on a classifieds page. Alternately, some web site business owners may invite a well-regarded internet entrepreneur to test a product or service that they offer. Then they will quote their testimonial. This tactic may boost sales and heighten the reputation of all parties involved.
This is how it happens online, people work together, and success often breeds more success.
But you don't have to be a BIG player to allow this pattern to work for you, as well. Don't be discouraged if you're a "newbie" and don't know anyone. Even the big moneymakers had to start somewhere. And everyone was a "newbie" once.
Here's a suggestion.
It relates back to the point at the end beginning of this article. If one of the big moneymakers sends you an advertisement. Read it! And if you have the opportunity, subscribe to their ezine. You won't be sorry. They want to share their knowledge and success. That's how they became a major player in the first place.
An alternative is to subscribe to the ezine of someone who may be more modest in internet stature, but who has impressed you with their knowledge and savvy. Maybe they are are a mid-level entrepreneur with a home business web site. ASK what programs they are having financial success with. Or what business tools they frequently use. If you're a subscriber to their ezine, it's possible they will only welcome your questions, and your interest. If not - find someone who will.
But in the end, don't expect someone else's efforts, or someone else's advertising budget, to get you over. And be wary of individuals who blanket the internet with e-mail, and continually jump from program, to program, to program. -- It's a fine line. Use your intuition. You want a mentor. Someone who's willing to help, because someone once helped them. But you don't want to waste a moment with a "mass" recruiter/salesperson who's only out for the quick first-run commission, and who doesn't care at all about his/her customers, or down line if they are involved in an mlm-type business.
So, just use common sense. And remain undeterred in your goals, whatever they may be. Because in the end, your ultimate fate on the internet will be determined on the basis of your resourcefulness, doggedness, Free Web Content, and how unacceptable you are of failure.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at