Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Birth of a Successful Internet Business: Part Eight of Ten -- Automating Your Business

Running a successful Internet business can be a very time consuming venture. Not only must you design and market your website, but you must also develop your products, fulfill your orders and answer customer support requests -- the list goes on and on.

Although there will always be daily tasks that you must handle personally, there are a number of your daily tasks that you can automate or at least partially automate.

For example, if you're receiving the same basic support requests or questions over and over again, there are two different ways you can automate your answers:

1) Create a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page for your website and/or products. Your page should include a list of commonly asked questions and provide the answers for each.

2) Create a text template for each of your frequently asked questions that contain the answers. When you receive a commonly asked question, simply open your text file and copy and paste your pre written answer into your email message. You can then customize your message for each recipient.

The above example will assist you in partially automating some of your daily tasks. However, there are some tasks that can be completely automated simply by placing your information within an autoresponder.

Autoresponders are one of the top promotional tools available online today. They are also known as mailbots, automatic email and email on demand. They were derived from the very popular fax on demand and designed to automatically respond to any email message sent to it with an automatic response.

Autoresponder programs vary from software set up to run with your desktop email program to a script that runs on your server. The script may run a web-based autoresponder system that utilizes a web page form, or it may run with your pop email account on your server. It is programmed to automatically send out a predetermined message when a message is received to a specified script address or email address.

Below is a list of tasks that you can completely automate:

=> Articles

If you're writing articles to promote your business, you can place them within an autoresponder. This will enable your visitors to quickly and easily retrieve your articles on demand.

=> Ad Rates

If you're selling any type of advertising space, you can place your ad rates within an autoresponder to enable your visitors to request them at any time.

=> Business Opportunities

If you're promoting a business opportunity, you can provide your potential customers with further information via autoresponder.

=> Free Courses

In addition to the standard autoresponder systems, there are also autoresponders that can send an unlimited amount of follow-up messages. These follow-up messages can be set up to automatically be sent out at predetermined intervals. In other words, you can set up your autoresponder to automatically send out a new message each day for as many days as you would like.

Follow-up autoresponder systems will enable you to set up a free course used to increase your sales. As you may know, it may take up to seven contacts with a potential customer before closing a sale. By setting up an autoresponder and offering a free autoresponder course, you can completely automate a portion of your marketing efforts.

The examples above can be set up with any of the following autoresponder services:




In addition to autoresponders automating some of your daily tasks, there are also scripts that can be used to automatically respond to form submissions. For example, if you're processing your customers' orders yourself (with a merchant account, secure server, etc.), you can use a form processing script to not only process your customers' information, but to also do all of the following:

¢ Send out an order confirmation message

¢ Add your customers' information to your database

¢ Send out download instructions

¢ Send you a copy of the order

If you're using a third-party credit card processing company, there is a way you can automate your ordering process as well.

Third-party processing companies require that you provide a web address that is used to direct your customers to once their payment has been processed. This page is usually used to provide your customers with download instructions. However, you can use this page to collect your customers' information prior to directing them to your download page. Simply use a script like the one mentioned above.

Please keep in mind, there aren't many form processing scripts that will send out an autoresponse file -- most won't. However, the following form processing script will:

In addition to using a form processing script to automate your ordering process, you can also use a web based mailing script.

Instead of setting up your "download" page with the above form, place a subscription form within the page. This form will be used to collect your customers' name and email address. Once completed, your customers' information will be added to your database and an autoresponse message will be immediately sent out. This message should be used to thank your customer for their purchase, and provide them with download instructions.

The great thing about this technique is that you can personalize your autoresponse message with your customers' name. In addition, they are automatically added to a database, which will enable you to send out product updates or introduce new products.

Please keep in mind, not all web based mailing scripts will send out an autoresponse message or enable you to personalize your messages. However, the following scripts will:

1-2-All Broadcast

A complete list management system including HTML or plain text newsletters, MySQL database, personalization features, automatic removal links and more.

AutoResponse Plus:

Complete list management including unlimited lists, HTML or plain text mailings, MySQL database, customizable auto-personalization of messages, automatic removal links, unlimited follow-up autoresponses and more.

Automating portions of your Internet business is an essential part of your success. Not only will it lighten your workload, but it will also free up your valuable time.

Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Friday, March 21, 2008

The Birth of a Successful Internet Business: Seven of Ten- Accepting Credit Card Pays thru Your Web

Accepting credit card payments through your website is an absolute essential part of doing business on the Internet. If you're not accepting online credit card payments and processing orders online, you're losing a massive amount of business. Studies have shown, you can increase your online sales up to 400% simply by accepting credit cards. In addition, by offering a combination of payment options, you can increase your sales even further.

With today's advanced technology, you can start accepting credit card payments through your website almost instantly (depending on the service you select). Preparing your website to process orders online can be as simple as pasting some HTML code within your web page.

There are many professional companies online that will enable you to accept credit card payments through your website without a merchant account. These companies are known as third party payment processing companies and provide an invaluable service for homebased businesses.

Most companies will enable you to accept all major credit cards and electronic checks. Some companies will also provide telephone billing and recurring billing for paid subscription and membership sites. There may or may not be a set up fee and there are usually no monthly fees. Some companies charge a "percentage" and a "per transaction" fee. While others simply charge a set percentage fee per transaction. They will process your orders and send you payment for all your orders processed, minus their fee and a reserve fee.

A reserve fee is withheld to cover any charge backs you may have. If you have no charge backs within a period of time, your reserve will be refunded to you. Each company has their own guidelines in regard to reserves.

Once you've applied with a company and/or have been approved and paid the setup fees, you can immediately begin accepting payment. You will then be provided with special coding to place within the HTML of your order page. When your customer clicks on your order link or image, they will be taken to the processor's secure server to process their purchase. Once their order has been processed, they will then be directed back to a page on your website that you specify. This page may be a download page, or even a "complete your purchase" page that you can use to collect your customers' name and email address and then direct them to your download page.

Once your customer places an order, you will instantly receive an email notification letting you know that you've made a sale. Your account will be instantly credited, minus the company fee, and you will be paid according to the company's payment schedule.

Third party processing companies are great for startup businesses, as if you don't make any sales, you won't be charged a fee. You are only charged a fee when and if you make a sale.

The following third party processing companies will enable you to accept credit card payments through your website:

=> PayPal

PayPal will enable any business or consumer with an email address to securely send and receive payments online. You can also accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover credit cards and electronic checks. You can sell with PayPal through an online auction, on your own website, or as part of an online marketplace. They also offer recurring billing. There are no setup fees. They charge 2.9% + 30¢ per transaction. Services available for US and non-US merchants.

=> ClickBank

ClickBank will enable you to accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Eurocard, Visa-Debit, MasterCard-Debit, Novus credit cards and electronic checks.

They charge a one-time $49.95 activation fee, and a $1 + 7.5% fee per sale. There are no monthly fees. The great thing about this company is that they'll enable you to run an affiliate program. Services available for US and non-US merchants.

=> enables you to accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover credit cards. They also offer recurring billing and a free shopping cart. There is a $49 set up fee. There are no monthly fees. They charge 5.5% + $0.45 fee per sale. Services available for US and non-US merchants.

Accepting credit card payments through your website is an essential part of your online success. Don't put it off another day. Take your time and select a company that will best suit your needs. It will be well worth your effort.


Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Please Bring Them Back!!


I have been associated with the United States Army for the last 28 years of my life. I have never been so proud of working with the bravest men and women of this world. I am very proud of my military career and I would do it again if asked. I have been back from Iraq 8 months ago and I enjoy again being with my family. I am using this medium to spread the word to "bring our troops back home". I hate to see my comrades in danger and losing their lives. I am not saying that is not a worthy cause but after 5 years it is time to come back home. Thanks to all the men and women from the United States Armed Forces. I salute you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LTC Eugenio Rivera
Alexandria, VA

Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

The Birth of a Successful Internet Business: Part Six of Ten -- Designing Your Website

When preparing to design your website, you must first decide on your website's focus.

If you're designing a mini-site, your website should focus on one particular product. However, content sites are a bit different. If you're developing a content site, your site should focus on a subject on which you have a great deal of knowledge. And, should relate to your products or services. In addition, your images, ezine and content should also relate.

Designing Your Site

When you begin designing your site, your top priority must be your products. If your potential customers can't find your products, you're not going to make any sales. It's that simple. Every part of your website should have one specific purpose -- to lead your potential customers to your products.

For example, if you will be providing your visitors with tutorials, these tutorials should relate to your products or services. They should identify a problem, provide instruction to assist your visitors, and promote your products as the solution.

Your Storefront

The main page of your website is your storefront. It should load quickly and provide your visitors with a complete overview of everything your website offers.

Instead of trying to cram all of your information into your main page, consider creating sections. These sections can contain highlights of your information with a link to further information. You can divide your page into sections by using tables. These tables can contain colored heading sections for information such as news, articles, products or whatever you'd like.

It's much better to keep your main page down to the most essential elements. You can then use links to additional pages to provide the detailed information. A good rule of thumb is "less is more." In other words, keep your main page as small as possible, while at the same time, include your most important elements.

Load Time

According to two surveys conducted by Forrester Research and Gartner Group, ecommerce sites are losing $1.1 to $1.3 billion in revenue each year due to customer click-away caused by slow loading websites.

The main page of your website should load within 8 seconds or less with a 56K modem.

There are many things that can cause a web page to load slowly including:

=> Large graphics
=> Too many graphics
=> Animated graphics
=> Too many banners
=> Special Effects
=> Large pages


You can significantly decrease your site's load time simply by optimizing your graphics. This process will decrease your graphic's file size without sacrificing the graphic's quality.

You can optimize your images right online. Visit GifWorks for further information at

Enhancing Your Site

There are a number of ways you can enhance your site without using a lot of graphics. For example, if you can use the same small images such as bullets or arrows, it will give the illusion that you're using a lot of graphics. However, your graphic will only have to load one time. This will enable you to "recycle" your images to keep your page's load time down, while at the same time, enhancing your site's appearance.

In addition, you can enhance your site by using tables with colored backgrounds instead of images.

If an image doesn't enhance your page in some way, you'll be better off to just leave it out.


If you'd like to set up your web page using tables, try to place your Heading text above your table code. If this isn't possible, make sure you include your most relevant keyword phrase within your top left table cell. This will assist you in ranking higher in the Search Engines.

Screen Resolutions

When designing your site, keep in mind, your visitors will have many different screen resolutions.

The resolution of a monitor refers to the total number of pixels. The higher the resolution, the greater the number of pixels. Higher resolutions present higher quality images.

To accommodate the majority of your visitors, use a standard screen resolution of 800x600 pixels.

Another way to ensure that your web page will look great to all of your visitors is to set it up using tables. Instead of using a fixed width within your table code, use a percentage. This will enable your web page to span a certain percentage of your visitors' screen size. For example, if you set your table width at 90%, your web page will automatically resize and span 90% of your visitors' screen size, no matter what screen resolution they're using.


Although there are an unlimited number of background and text colors you could use for your web page, a white background with black text will be your best option.

You must be very cautious when selecting your background and text colors, as reading on a computer screen is much more difficult than paper. You must make your web page as easy to read as possible.

You can add color to your pages using tables with colored cells.

Web Browsers

Before you begin the actual design process, I highly recommend that you download and install two web browsers -- Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. These are the two most widely used browsers on the Internet. Why download and install both browsers? So you can view your pages through both browsers, as they are not created equally. Your page might look great when viewed through Internet Explorer, but may not display well when viewed through Navigator.

Internet Explorer

Netscape Navigator

It is very important that you take the time to design your web pages to accommodate both browsers.

In addition, you can also visit AnyBrowser to view how your site will look through different browsers and screen resolutions at

Above all else, your product must be your main focus. Your product should be displayed above the fold of your web page. This is the top portion of your web page that is visible when your page is first loaded, without scrolling. This is the most important part of your entire page -- use it wisely.

Take your time and plan your website very carefully. There is much more to web design than meets the eye. Do your homework and learn how to design a website that sells. It will be well worth your time and effort.

Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Birth of a Successful Internet Business: Part Five of Ten -- Planning Your Website Strategy

Developing a professional website strategically designed to sell your products or services is one of the most important factors in determining your success. However, it is only the first step.

Before you begin the actual design process, you must first determine your overall strategy and design your website accordingly.

Internet marketers have basically two choices:

=> Design a content website that includes not only your products and services, but also information and resources that will be of interest to your target market.

=> Design a mini website that focuses on just one product or service, with no other content of any kind.

Although both types of sites can be effective, your success will ultimately depend on your site design and marketing strategies -- both will play a very important role.

Content oriented sites are sites that provide visitors with content such as articles, tutorials, free ebooks and resources. This type of site attracts their target audience with incentives. Their products and services are mentioned on the main page with a link to further information.

Content sites usually profit by educating their visitors. For example, a content site selling pet supplies might provide a basic tutorial to assist their visitors in learning how to groom a dog. They provide this tutorial completely free; however, the main purpose for this tutorial is to educate their visitors. And in turn, plug their products.

When you provide your visitors with quality information that teaches and informs, you are not only gaining their trust in you by sharing your expertise, but you're also building your credibility, which is very important on the Internet.

Once you've gained your visitors' trust, they will be much more apt to purchase your products or services. However, above all else, you must never abuse their trust in you. You must be completely honest with your visitors and have a sincere desire to assist them. If your sole purpose in developing your own Internet business is for financial gain, your chance of success will be minimal.

The key to using this technique effectively is to provide content that targets your potential customer. This content is used to presell your visitors through education.

Mini-sites are different from content sites, as they don't provide any content. They usually contain one or two pages and completely focus on one product or service. Basically, the site is just a sales letter for the product.

A mini-site should be neatly designed in standard HTML with no Flash or fancy plug-ins and very few graphics. There should be no banners or outside links of any kind -- nothing that will distract your visitors' attention.

The sole purpose of a mini-site is to attract highly targeted traffic. The more targeted the better. For example, if you have a website that sells a number of products, a good mini-site would focus on one specific product instead of all of the products. You could create a mini-site for each product you offer.

No matter which type of site you design, keep in mind, your website is a direct reflection of you and your business. The appearance of your website is the most important factor in determining your website's value. If your site doesn't look professional or pleasing to the eyes at first glance, its perceived value will be low. The perceived value of your website will have a great impact on your success.

Not only must your website have a professional appearance, but it must also be specifically designed to sell. Everything within your website should have one specific purpose -- getting your visitors to take action.

Every part of your website must be strategically designed. From your overall design to your sales copy -- each will play a very important role.

Your website is the most important sales tool you have. A professional website should possess all of the following:

¢ Your Own Domain (
¢ Quality, Dependable Web Host
¢ Customized Email Addresses:


¢ Target Your Potential Customers
¢ Professional Appearance
¢ Professional Looking Graphics
¢ Quality Products/Services
¢ Effective Sales Copy
¢ Easy Ordering Process
¢ Automated, Personalized Thank You Letters
¢ Customer Database
¢ Personalized Follow-up Letters
¢ Opt-in List
¢ Well Organized
¢ Easy to Navigate
¢ Load Quickly
¢ Search Engine Optimized

Take your time and do your homework prior to designing your website. Look at the entire picture and plan each step very carefully. Your website is the storefront of your business. Make it shine.

Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Internet Success Stories - If They Can Do It, You Can Do It Too!

Articled Posted with permission of Author from

"Because this is a blog that tries to chronicle my way up the blogging world, I don’t really consider myself anywhere near these guys. But I do think this is a list worthy of an eye.

I caught it from a pro-blogging blog and tried to confirm (knowing some of these are false marketing), but I couldn’t find any support. Anyway, don’t take my word for it but feel free to get yourself some inspiration." (Quote from author)

1. Mark Zuckerberg [ Facebook ] 23 years old | $700M
2. Andrew Gower [ Runescape ] 28 years old | $650M
3. Blake Ross and David Hyatt [ Mozilla ] 22 years old | $120M
4. Chad Hurley [ Youtube ] 30 years old | $85M
5. Angelo Sotira [ Deviant ART ] 26 years old | $75M
6. John Vechey [ PopCap Games ] 28 years old | $60M
7. Alexander Levin [ WordPress ] 23 years old | $57M
8. Jake Nickell [ Threadless ] 28 years old | $50M
9. Sean Belnick [ Biz Chair ] 20 years old | $42M
10. Kevin Rose [ Digg ] 30 years old | $31M11. Ryan Block [ Engadget ] 25 years old | $20M (Guy on the Business Week Cover)
12. Aodhan Cullen [ Stat Counter ] 24 years old | $18M
13. Tom Fulp [ Newgrounds ] 29 years old | $15M
14. Rishi Kacker and Matt Pauker [ Voltage ] 24 years old | $12M
15. Markus Frind [ Plenty of Fish ] 29 years old | $10M
16. Catherine and David Cook [ My Year Book ] 17 & 19 years old | $10M
17. Fredrik Neij [ The Pirate Bay ] 28 years old | $10M
18. David Hauser & Siamak Taghaddos [ GotvMail ] 24 years old | $8M
19. Jermaine Griggs [ Hear and Play ] 23 years old | $5M
20. Jay Westerdal [ Domain Tools ] 29 years old | $5M


Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

The Birth of a Successful Internet Business: Part Four of Ten -- Developing Your Business Plan

Developing a strategic business plan is an essential part of your success. Not only will it assist you in visualizing your business strategy, but it will also give you an organized approach to achieving your goals.

Your plan will be used as a step by step guide to assist you in accomplishing your goals. Without a solid plan of action, you won't have any direction. You'll travel in circles and ultimately never reach your goals.

Your Internet business plan should include all of the following:

Business Summary

Your business summary will completely summarize your entire business strategy from start to finish.


Your business objectives will consist of a description of your products and services, and exactly what you want to accomplish.

Marketing Plan

Your marketing plan should consist of all of the following:

=> Identify your target market

If your product or service doesn't have a market, you definitely won't be successful. You must identify who your customers will be to determine whether or not there will be an interest in what you're offering.

Your product should not only fill a void, but should also be unique. The less competition you have, the better. If you enter a market in which you're competing against hundreds of other products similar to yours, your chance of success will be minimal. Develop a high-quality product that fills a void and provides people with exactly what they want.

=> Identify your competition

You must know who your competition is in order to compete. What are they offering? How are their products priced? How is their website designed? How are their products delivered?

In order to compete with your competition, you must continuously keep an eye on them. Do a search at the Search Engines to locate your competition and evaluate their business.

=> How do you plan to advertise?

Although setting up a website is an essential part of your advertising plan, it is only the first step. You must develop an advertising plan that will drive a continuous stream of targeted traffic to you website.

Your first step will be to submit your site to the Search Engines.

Although there are many Internet marketers that are constantly trying to maintain a top listing in the Search Engines, in my humble opinion, it's simply a waste of time.

Each Search Engine is different and has different guidelines in regard to how they rank a web page. In addition, their guidelines change very frequently and it is literally impossible to keep up with them. Your best option will be to optimize your website to the best of your ability, submit your pages to the Search Engines and forget it. (Resubmit your main pages any time you make any significant changes.) Your time can be better spent using other marketing techniques other than fighting the Search Engine wars.

If you really want to build your business online, you must be willing to invest a portion of your profits back into your business. There are many advertising opportunities available on the Internet that will enable you to purchase targeted advertising very reasonably.

Ezine Advertising

Pay-per-click Search Engines

Pay-per-lead / Pay-per-sales

=> How will your product or services be priced?

Although pricing your product or service may seem like a simple task, it is a little more difficult than you may realize. If you price your product too low, it may be perceived as a poor quality product. Remember the old saying, "You get what you pay for?" A higher price is naturally perceived as a better quality product. However, if you price it too high, your product may not measure up.

Make sure you take your time and select your selling price very carefully. Visit your competitor sites and see how they're pricing their products. Test different prices to determine the best price for your product.

=> How will your product or services be delivered?

If you're selling a tangible or physical product, what shipping options will you offer? What shipping prices will you charge? Will you charge higher shipping rates for orders outside your country?

If you're selling an intangible or electronic product, will you have security measures in place? Will your product be password protected? How will your customers retrieve your product? Will your product delivery be automated or manual?

=> How will you accept payment?

How many payment options will you offer your customers? Will you have a merchant account to process credit card orders? If you don't want to get a merchant account, will you be using a third party credit card processing company? Which companies will you use? Will you accept checks and money orders?

If you decide to get your own merchant account, you will also need access to a secure server and a shopping cart system. A secure server will protect your customers' information. A shopping cart system will provide your customer with a running total of what they've ordered and the total cost.

The following website can provide you with a merchant account:

Total Merchant Services (TMS)

If you'd rather not have your own merchant account, third party credit card processors will process your credit card orders for you. There are usually no monthly fees. They charge a "per transaction" fee and send you payment for all your orders processed, minus their fee and a reserve fee.



If you're just starting out, you may want to use one of the third party credit card processors, as this is the easiest route. Each company provides you with step by step instructions to assist you in getting your website set up to accept credit cards. The great thing about third party credit card processors is that they handle everything for you. You don't have to hassle with processing your credit card payments or charge backs, as everything is taken care of for you.

Developing an Internet business plan will provide you with a road map to achieving your dreams. Plan each step very carefully and fully research your options. Plan your work then work your plan and you'll be well on your way to achieving your goals.

Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Birth of a Successful Internet Business: Part Three of Ten -- Essential Software

An essential part of running a successful Internet business is quality software. Software will play a major roll in your success. You must be willing to invest in the software you'll need to assist you in running your business.

Email Program

The first and most important software you'll need is a quality email program. Although most Internet Service Providers include email accounts for their customers, these accounts aren't adequate for an Internet business -- especially if you get a large amount of email. Not only do the email addresses contain your ISP's name, but they are also very limited on features and options.

There are many email programs available on the Internet. However, the best program I've found is Eudora. Eudora is a standalone email program that works with any ISP. It will enable you to easily organize your email by filtering your messages into specific mailboxes. This feature alone can save you a great deal of time. What's more, your email address will be your own domain -- not someone else's.


Mailing List Software

Collecting your visitors' email address is one of the most important parts of developing a successful Internet business. You must develop a database of potential customers if you truly want to succeed. Publishing an ezine is a great way to accomplish this. In order to do so, you must have a good mailing list program that will enable you to send your potential customers personalized messages.


Group Mail

If you're using a software program that resides on your computer, you'll also need a good form processing script to enable your visitors to subscribe:

Master Form

If you're an American Online customer, you won't be able to use a software program that runs on your computer. You'll need to use a program that runs with your web browser.

All Broadcast Email

Subscribe Me

HTML Editor

Your website is the storefront of your business and is one of the most important factors in determining your success. In order to design your website, you'll need to get a good HTML editor.

Coffee Cup




Microsoft Frontpage

Before you begin the actual design process, I highly recommend that you download and install two web browsers -- Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. These are the two most widely used browsers on the Internet. However, they are not created equally. Your page might look great when viewed through Internet Explorer, but may not display well when viewed through Navigator. It is very important that you view your website through both browsers, and design your pages accordingly.

Internet Explorer href="

Netscape Navigator href="

Graphics Editor

Graphic design is an intimidating subject for many Internet entrepreneurs. However, most of us must learn some basic design techniques in order to avoid the high costs of hiring a professional designer.

In order to create or edit your graphics, you'll need to invest in a good graphics program. The most popular program used by Internet marketers is Paint Shop Pro. This powerful program is the only program you'll need to design professional looking graphics.

Paint Shop Pro

Zip/Unzip Program

Zip files are used to compress and transport file archives over the Internet. It is the preferred method used for electronic file distribution, as rather than downloading several different files, you can simply download one Zip file. In addition, the download time will be minimized, as the files within the Zip archive are compressed.

Once a Zip file is downloaded, it can be easily opened and extracted (unzipped) with a Zip/Unzip software program.

Although there are many Zip software programs available on the Internet, WinZip is the most popular. WinZip makes working with file archives simple.


FTP Program

File Transfer Protocol, better known as FTP, is a procedure used to upload and download files to and from your web server.

In order to use FTP, you'll need to download and install a software program on your computer. The most widely used FTP program is WS FTP Pro.


Text Editor

Text editors have a variety of uses such as writing HTML, editing scripts, and writing ezine articles -- just to name a few. NotePad is an excellent text editor and is most likely already installed on your computer. However, it can't handle large files and is better suited for smaller files. You may find that you'd like an editor that is a little more powerful. I use a great program called NoteTab Pro. This powerful editor will enable you to edit large files, format your text, convert your text to HTML, and even includes a spellchecker and thesaurus.

NoteTab Pro

Ad Tracking

Testing and tracking your marketing strategies is an essential part of your success. I recommend using a great script called LnkinLite. It's simple to use and will assist you in tracking all of your strategies.


Financial Management

In order to keep track of your business financial matters, you'll need to invest in a good financial management software. The best program I've found is Quicken. However, as this program is very difficult to use and understand, you may want to use a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel, and set up your own system.


Tax Program

Filing your taxes and keeping up with the ever-changing tax laws can be very intimidating. However, if you keep good records and use a good tax program, you can file your taxes with ease. I highly recommend using Turbo Tax. This great program will make the process a lot easier and even enable you to file your taxes electronically. What's more, it will even allow you to import your Quicken files.

Turbo Tax

Although this list of software is far from complete, it will provide you with a basic guideline to get you started.

If you're serious about your business and you really want to succeed, purchasing software is an absolute must. Do your homework and select software that best suits your needs. It will be well worth the investment.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Birth of a Successful Internet Business: Part Two of Ten -- Tools of the Trade

An important part of developing a successful Internet business is setting up your office space. Whether you operate your business from an office building or out of your home, having your own "space" is an essential part of your success.

Your office space should be used exclusively for your business and be set up to best suit your needs.

Below, are some suggestions to assist you in setting up your office:

Desk and Chair

When selecting a desk for your office, make sure you get a desk that is specifically designed for a computer. Computer desks provide plenty of room for your monitor, a cabinet for your computer case, a shelf for your printer, and a slide out shelf for your keyboard.

When selecting a chair for your desk, keep in mind, you'll be sitting in this chair for many hours. Make sure it is very comfortable and that you try it out before you buy it.

Take your time and select a desk and chair that you'll be very comfortable with. If you don't, you may find that you're straining yourself in one form or another (back, neck, arms, etc.), which will result in poor work performance.

Computer Equipment

If you haven't purchased a computer, make sure you purchase one that will grow with you. If you don't, you'll find that you'll either have to upgrade your system or purchase another one a few years down the road.

In addition, make sure you purchase your computer from a reputable company that will provide you with quality customer support.


When selecting a printer, you will basically have two options -- laser or ink jet. You should select a printer depending on your needs. If you'll be doing a large amount of printing and speed and high quality are important, your best option will be a laser printer. Laser printers produce better quality black text than most ink jet printers, and are much faster. However, an ink jet will enable you to print in color, which is a big advantage.

Another important consideration is the printer's resolution. The resolution determines the print quality, and refers to the number of dots per inch on a page -- the higher, the better. Most printers today support a 600 x 600 dpi resolution that will produce a good quality for most print jobs. Keep in mind, although a printer may support as high as a 1200 x 1200 dpi (dots per inch), you most likely won't notice any quality difference, when compared with a 600 x 600 dpi, with most print jobs.


A scanner will enable you to scan photographs and documents into your computer. For example, if you'd like to place a photograph of yourself or your products on your website, a scanner will make it possible.

Fax Machine

With today's advanced technology, you can use your computer to send and receive faxes. All you'll need is a telephone line, fax modem and software.

Digital Camera

A digital camera will enable you to take pictures of your products, or whatever you'd like, and transfer them into your computer. They provide a great way to create your own images for your website or product development.


A business line will enable your customers to contact you. Even if you're using your telephone line to connect to the Internet, most phone services now offer voice mail. Voice mail will enable your callers to leave a message while you're connected to the Internet. There are also software programs and devices that will enable you to take calls while you're connected to the Internet.

Filing Cabinet

A filing cabinet will enable you to organize your paperwork such as your receipts, tax information, and business records.

In addition to the basic office equipment, you'll also need to stock up on some supplies:

a> Pens
b> Pencils
c> Pencil Holder
d> Pencil Sharpener
e> Address/Phone Book
f> Business Cards
g> Note Pads
h> Envelopes
i> Printer Paper
j> Ink Cartridges
k> Log Books Files
l> Excedrin Migraine, Motrin IB, Advil, Tylenol or whatever your favorite headache medicine may be. You're going to need it:)

Take your time and set up your office according to your budget. Start out with the essentials such as a computer and an Internet connection. You can add additional equipment and supplies as you go.

Setting up your office space is an essential part of your success. Not only will it designate a specific area as your business space, but it will also provide you with some added motivation to work towards accomplishing your dreams.


Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at