"Genius. It is just attention to something specific. That's all it is … so anyone who gives attention to any subject for a period of time will evolve in the direction of that understanding." -- Abraham-Hicks
Most of us wish we were geniuses but almost none of us feel that we are. Society tells us that the Einsteins of the world come along maybe once in a generation.
But you are a genius – we all are. At what? At being you. And that may be enough to help you create online success. Why?
Ever look around on the web and find that most online businesses are, well . . . boring? Loud? Obnoxious? And definitely unappealing? Ten-page ads are NOT appealing. Empty promises of making thousands of dollars in a few weeks – appealing, but not very realistic. This mass of unappealing web content is the result of people trying to be the model of success – but these people have forgotten to be themselves.
At the other end of the spectrum, look at what's really a success online: social networking. MySpace, YouTube, Facebook. What's that all about? These sites are about people being themselves. They show themselves as they really are--grungy, attractive, silly, sad, and smart by turns. Other people are really attracted by that authenticity.
Some MySpace users have over 1.5 million friends. Count 'em. Yup, we said millions. What are they doing? Nothing but putting a spotlight on who they are. They are geniuses at being themselves, and that attracts.
You are also a genius at being you. So if you want to attract people online to your business, be the genius that you are. Don't hide your personality under a bush or cloak it in a lot of "expert" bull-pucky. Express yourself!
Whether you write articles, author a blog, put up a page on MySpace or post a YouTube video, the germ of success for you lies in your own genius.
The age of the guru is over. The age of "people like me" is here, now. People want to interact with people like them, people like you.
Whoever you are and whatever you're situation, write about it so people can connect with you. Connecting is as simple as letting people know not just who you are, but how you are. Describe your situation and BE HONEST. Are you a mom stuck at home dealing with dirty diapers and toilet training but longing for some time and money for yourself? Then say so. If you haven't washed your hair in three days because you don't have time to, but you really want enough time and money to hire a babysitter, dress up for a few evenings of adult conversation and wine … then blurt it out!
If people can have 1.5 million "friends" online talking about their most recent fight with their boyfriend or a bad day at work, just think of what you can do with your home-based business by just being you? Blog, submit articles, write reviews, set up a business website, get a MySpace page … whatever. Just don't lose your personality along the way.
As Coco Chanel, the grand dame of fashion, once said:
"How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone."
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at http://www.secretsofonlinesuccess.info
Saturday, May 10, 2008
How to Be an Online Marketing Genius
Friday, May 9, 2008
Getting to First Base in an Internet Business
An internet business is not suitable for everyone. Begin by knowing yourself.
To succeed in an internet business or home business, start with getting clued in to exactly what is involved. The question is not "can I do it?' [because we can do almost anything we think we can], but more like "is it for me and does it gel with the kind of person I am?"
The decision to start an internet business arises from a variety of reasons:
1. a desire to work from home
2. to make extra money
3. plan for retirement
4. get out of the corporate rat-race
5. because lots of people are doing it and claiming outstanding success
6. become another Yanik Silver or Joel Comm
7. work of a beach chair in Bora Bora
8. have time to really live life.
Any of these reasons is good enough as long as one is not living in cloud cuckoo land. Starting a project like this with unrealistic expectations can only lead to a rude awakening. When reality clashes with fantasy, reality always wins.
Here are some questions that may help you find out.
1. Am I ready to learn the new skills and applications that are required.
2. Do I have the time, focus, desire and discipline to do what it takes?
3. Can I work alone or do I need to be part of a team to function?
4. Am I willing to sacrifice part of my leisure time to get the business going?
5. Do I get easily discouraged and lose determination?
6. Do I tend to nickel and dime every idea to death?
7. Can I think outside the box and find alternative approaches if present ones fail to deliver?
8. Do I have access to broadband? [While a dial-up can be used, you'll need considerably more patience when implementing marketing strategies.] this leads to the final question:
9. Am I a patient person or do I expect instant gratification?
Unlike instant coffee, instant noodles and instant dinners, there are no instant results in an internet business or home business, regardless of the claims made in sales copies you read on the internet. While the gurus selling their programs may not be lying in their income claims, it did take them several years to get where they are. Sure they'll tell you what to do and guide you along the way; but they cannot do it for you. You are still the key player, so take a look at the questions above again.
An internet business comprises of two distinct parts:
1. Setting up the business [with or without your own web page.]
2. Marketing the business.
Of the two, setting up an internet business is the simplest. Some can be accomplished with very little effort and could take less than 30 minutes. But that's just the first step and you're still a long way from your destination.
Marketing an internet business is a long and demanding process, and it is in this that the earlier questions apply.
Let's look at the ideal features a practical internet businnes should offer, particularly for a start up.
1. It must provide you with a website. [You don't need to know web design.]
2. It should host the site for you. [No worries about domain name registration, ftp programs and domain renewals.]
3. No or very little start-up costs. [You want to minimize your risk.]
4. It should include you in its network so you don't feel alone and abandoned.
5. Marketing must be simple.
6. Marketing materials (invitations, emails, e-cards etc.) should be available. You just need to cut and paste and perhaps edit a little to make them unique.
7. Instructions on how to use these material should be clear and concise.
If you're a newbie, this will be an ideal approach for you to test the waters, explore whether an internet business is for you, build your confidence and gain some basic skills that you can later expand to more ambitious business models or undertakings.
There are millions of opportunities offered on the internet but not all internet businesses or home businesses fit the profile described. Do your research, using the checklist as a guide.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at http://www.secretsofonlinesuccess.info***********************************************************************************
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Putting All the Pieces Together - Part 1
How do you put all the pieces together when you don't know what the pieces are?
I've attempted to build a few businesses in the past but I failed miserably before I even started because I was never told what I needed to know in order to be successful.
This time around I decided that I had to take responsibility for my own business. My mentor, although a good guy, can't possibly be held responsible for my business. Regardless of promises made prior to signing up. Afterall he has his own team to build. The very first piece of the puzzle is to take responsibility for your own business.
The next piece is to know the company and it's policies and procedures inside and out. You must know every aspect of your business and this includes the P&P. In the policy and procedures document that every company has you will learn what you need to know in order to stay compliant with the company. Read this document entirely. Write down any questions that come up and then consult the company's website FAQs. Any questions you may have left should be directed to your sponsor. Any questions that your sponsor cannot answer need to be submitted to the legal or compliance departments.
It's important for you to give at least 2 weeks for these departments to respond to your question. You are not the only person asking questions and they respond in order of receipt. This also means that if the way you build your business will be impacted by the answer then you need to wait for the answer and move forward in your business with the things that you already know are in compliance.
Now it's very easy to get the attitude of, "It's my business and I'll do what I want!" but please understand this attitude may cost you your business. Even major fast food restaurant franchisees have to comply with the corporate office's regulations. It's only to protect both the company and your business.
Another piece of the puzzle is marketing/advertising. Please understand that this one piece contains lots of smaller pieces. When you put all or most of these pieces together you will find that your business starts to grow with little help from you. You must first check to see what marketing/advertising materials are already available so you don't re-invent the wheel. Then you must submit your own materials to the right department for approval before using them. Besides submitting your marketing/advertising material to the parent company may result in your material being used company wide..
As I said earlier there are a lot of smaller pieces to the marketing/advertising piece. Here are a few of them:
* Email blasting with autoresponder
* Leads for cold calling
* Lead capture pages (aka landing or splash pages)
* Ezine ads
* Newspaper / classified ads
* Free For All link sites
* Search Engine submission / optimaztion
* Personal Website
* Blogs
* Articles
* Joint Ventures
* Viral Marketing
The list goes on but the above are most used. Now when you start looking into all of these it's easy to get confused. I mean which company offers the best service for the price? How do you know the leads you're purchasing aren't just recycled lists that everyone else has gone through also? The questions can gone forever.
The short answer is this....your sponsor should be sharing with you everything he/she is using that has worked for them complete with costs involved. This should be part of the team training process. Let's face it - you can't sign up for a business and expect to have people knocking down your door while you continue to do nothing. We also need to understand that the entire reason that Network Marketing works is because when someone in our team experiences growth, so do we.
Why aren't sponsors sharing their marketing/advertising strategies with you? Great question, I'm glad you asked...You'll have to read part 2 of this article to find out the answer.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at http://www.secretsofonlinesuccess.info
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Avoid Home Business Scams
Many websites claim to offer home business opportunities. Some people do make money at home through online jobs, but many of these so-called opportunities are scams. How do you know the difference? Here are some tips for avoiding home business scams.
First, use some common sense. If you are looking because you're short on funds, it can be easy to talk yourself into believing the promises you will read online. Try to look at the offers objectively. Many scams try to convince you that you will become wealthy with little effort, and you might even see on the website that this is some "secret" for making money that is just now being revealed. Much later they reveal the cost for learning the secret. Before buying this kind of information, take a moment to wonder why it's being sold. If it's really that effective, the person selling it should be wealthy and not need to sell anything.
Second, don't get involved in a pyramid scheme. These are programs that pay you to recruit but don't really have a product to sell. You make money by getting other people to join the system. This only works for those who start the pyramid scheme, and is illegal in several states. Note that this is not the same as home party or similar plans where you get a percentage from what you sell in addition to a percentage from those you recruit.
Third, don't pay to stuff envelopes or make products. In fact, don't pay to work for anybody.
Avoiding home business scams means avoiding anything that offers easy wealth. It also means avoiding paying to work for somebody. Don't expect anything online that makes no sense in the real world. Don't get scammed.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at http://www.secretsofonlinesuccess.info
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Home Based Network Marketing
Home based network marketing has never been easier. With the wide array of electronic tools, coupled with the internet your task has been similfied and very doable. There's no greater business or opportunity than a home based network marketing business bar none.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to build a network it takes plain old elbow grease action and a few good years of patience and cultivating your business partners that join you. There aren't any magic bullets, books, software, devices, meetings, tapes, and etc that makes it any harder or easier. All those tools work and they work well the question is really- do you work? Most of us prefer to take the easy high road if possible and that's ok.
I've heard that it is the matter of working smarter and not harder.Not many years ago mlm, network marketing, affiliate programs and franchises would scare people off and that's crazy. The reason being because of all the extra hours we'd have to put in to make things happen. There's no such thing as a best program, best company, best this that and the other. Look, keep it simple please.
Yes, reading, studying and learning about the business is good but don't over do it and if it's good enough for the fortune 500 then it's probably good for us all. Having enjoyed the benefits for so long and trying everything underneath the sun I'm going to make it even easier for you (remember the high road).
Here goes, to build your home based network marketing business you need to understand it's a business not a hobby and nothing is free. So understand up front you're going to need to spend money period. If things are free that's what you'll get free stuff that doesn't work!
Find a subject you really like, or product concept ( I personally have always marketed home based business ideas) join a company that sells what you like or believe in and go build a network using "A SYSTEM" that uses the internet as its backbone. Your system should do the selling, prospecting and training. All can be done in a nice little package.
You plug in your nickels like a slot machine in Las Vegas (except you'll get better odds) and off you go. That system works day and night for you How can you lose?
But instead we run back and forth to work everyday letting the corporate world system gradually beat us to a frazzle? How much can we take? No time for us to make a life, no meaningful time for our family, let alone personal time to reach our own potential in life. Considering a home based network marketing business makes a lot of good sense. No employee's, offices, meetings, bosses, insurance, workers compensation insurance, business taxes, fica and you get tax write off's you haven't even probably considered. There's a lot to be explored.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at http://www.secretsofonlinesuccess.info
Monday, May 5, 2008
Make a living from an online home business
Work from home make money on the Internet, to have an online home business is a dream of thousands of people worldwide. People search at the Internet for the phrase "work at home" more than 500.000 times per month.
The fact is that most of the information you'll find , is get rich quick schemes : earn more than thousand dollars a day, earn money when you sleep, invest one dollar become a millionaire, type at home earn more money than you can spend etc. Opportunities like those, has to be considered fluff, scam, hype or fake.
It's easy to get overwhelmed, oppressed, by the huge amount of information available. It's difficult to take the right decisions.
Is it possible for any ordinary person, with a small budget, to make a living out of their online home business?
Yes, it lies in any body's reach. However, there is no such thing as a free lunch at the Internet. There is always work involved to make money. Especially in the beginning of an online home business.
You have to educate yourself to know where to start. You need to learn about the necessary resources and techniques to be able to start an online home business, to create a Web site, and to get traffic and sales.
Why do you want to get online instead of starting an ordinary business?
The big advantage of the Internet, is its world wide reach to a huge amount of people = potential customers. And best of it, the possibility to automate, replicate and duplicate peoples and corporations efforts, in order to increase income without growing costs.
Once you have your online home business up and running. It will continue to to work, with less effort than you have to put in an ordinary business.
Again, can it be done by anyone? It can, as long as you have the will, the attitude and the persistence to do it.
How do you get started?
Well, the answer might surprise you a bit, however, the best start you ever get, is to find out what you really enjoy doing.That is the most important step towards success in your online home business.
When you're clear about what you want to spend your time at, it's time to investigate how to realize your online home business plan. That will be far more easy when you have narrowed down the possibilities, to what you really enjoy doing.
The market opportunities at the Internet are huge, there are 100,000 new users getting online everyday.The benefits of an online home business will increase over time.
It's time for you to start thinking about what you want your future life to look like. Write down 3 things you really enjoy doing, picture yourself as you have accomplished your desires. Now you're on your way...
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at http://www.secretsofonlinesuccess.info
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Secrets to Success in Internet Marketing
There has been much advancement in the technology which has led to various revolutionary changes in the world. One such technological advancement which has affected the human race a lot is the internet. Now it is considered that almost anything can be done on the internet. Internet has opened the gates to each and every possibility a human being can think of. With the world becoming a single market the options and chances of internet marketing is increasing day by day. Nowadays people don't prefer going to shops as there is the facility of online shopping available to the customers through the internet. Thus we can see that internet can be put to use for almost anything and at anytime. There are no place and time barriers for this. Apart from that internet also facilitates internet marketing on the other hand which is the upcoming move of the people of this era.
Now people are earning a handsome amount of money with the help of internet marketing these days. Now it is to be taken care of the fact that internet marketing is very different from normal type of marketing. In face to face marketing there are different factors that come into play where as in case of internet marketing there are different factors that come into play. In case of internet marketing one needs to be very alert and also very sharp as it involves marketing your product over the net without knowing the face of the customer. So you never know when you can get fooled. Apart from that there are many other competitors present in the internet market that it will be really difficult for you to market anything over the net. AS such there are no secrets of internet marketing. Consistency with a proper plan is the main mantra of the success of various people.
In order to get success in internet marketing you need to have that attitude. Firstly you must decide what you are going to so and how you are going to do. Once these things are decided you can work upon the implementation part of your marketing strategy. Here you need to be very alert as you will have to study the market and the demand of the product that you will be marketing. You can use various tools that are available such as Adwords etc. to enhance your internet marketing campaign. Thus with proper and determined planning you can surely achieve success in internet marketing.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at http://www.secretsofonlinesuccess.info