Saturday, June 7, 2008

How to Succeed With a Network Marketing Program

Network Marketing Companies abound by the thousands. If you type in network marketing into any of the major search engines, you will get thousands upon thousands of results. A lot of people have joined network-marketing programs and made lots of money from their efforts. Anybody with ambition and energy can probably find a company that suits them and join it and eventually attain financial freedom.

However, you must remember that this is a business and you must put forth effort to achieve your goals. Otherwise you may wind up just barely breaking even. Here are some things to consider before you sign on the dotted line or submit that form...

First, be sure of the Network Marketing Company you hook up with. Make sure that it is all that it claims to be. Make sure that you are actually promoting a product or service. If you get paid more for recruiting than you do for selling, that should make you raise your eyebrows. Make sure that the company is stable and that it will not only make regular payments to you, but that it will ship its merchandise to your customers and that it is going to be around for a long time.

Secondly, be sure that the product you are promoting has mass appeal- that is something that all people will want. Does it sell itself? Will people be making a beeline for your website to purchase this product? You should make sure to have such a product because that will make your efforts a lot easier.

Finally, make sure that the program is something that can be easily adapted to sales by mail and the Internet. I suggest that you find something that you can start promoting online, since that is the least expensive method to use. Of course some people will disagree with me on this point...

My suggestion to you would be to create a free newsletter. You also need to create some sort of freebie to get people to sign up for your newsletter. It could be an e-book or it could be some sort of special report. You could also offer your subscribers free advertising for as long as they are subscribed to your ezine. The most important thing is to get the list built up. Once you get your list built up, you now have a warm market to market your network-marketing program too. Don't bombard your subscribers with messages about your program.

Send out messages periodically, but don't flood their inbox with messages about your program. Also be sure to follow up with your prospects. The newsletter itself can be used as a tool to earn money, but of course that is another article...

Making money with a network-marketing program isn't the easiest thing in the world to do. If you follow a plan and believe in yourself, you can succeed with one of these programs.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Friday, June 6, 2008

Network Marketing Home Business Supreme

10 Reasons why Network Marketing makes the most sense.

1. Working with a team can be very rewarding.

I don’t know about you but one thing that I
always hate is doing something all by myself. I
guess it just feels better when there is someone
there. One of the most wonderful points to
network marketing is the group of like minded
individuals you rub shoulders with every day.

2. Easiest business systems to learn.

One of the best things about network marketing is
the system is already in place and waiting to go.
The ease of use in these systems is real easy to
learn. Most companies offer training to aid you
in the learning process. And also have support
personnel available to all of their distributors.

3. Having fun is the key.

I have found that when I enjoy what I am doing it
becomes easier to do what I have to do. I love
the thrill that I get when I see new people
touring my web site and wanting to learn more
about my business. This is very exciting and I
have fun doing my work everyday. Do you?

4. Make money with little or no investment.

You can not find a more cost effective business
to get started. For under $50 month you can be
in a business and start earning money in your
first day or week. That is providing that you
have chosen the right program to join. Choose
wisely while you could earn money in most any
program all programs are not created equal.

5. Support form team leaders.

It is wonderful when you have people that know
the business to help you along each step of the
way. I believe in a strong team working to build
a huge down line that everyone can benefit from.
When you find a leader that really cares about
you stay with them and you can achieve more than
you ever dreamed.

6. Has already been tried and tested

When joining a net-work marketing program you are
getting the best from both worlds.
1. Like a franchise you have a proven system
that works. 2. Lowest cost to get started. It
will take more than just 90 day if you really
want to make a living at network marketing. Stick
with it and your dreams can come true.

7. Group advertising co-ops

Most net-work marketing groups have several forms
of co-op advertising available thru the company.
Also each team may have other advertising
programs that they can recommend to their members.
Always ask your team leaders what they are doing.

8. Pre-made web sites

When I first started on the internet I didn’t
know anything about how to build a website nor
did I have any idea where to start. When I found
that I could get an affiliate web site to promote
as my own It was a live saver to me at that time.
You may have heard that you can not make money
with a company web site. That’s just no true, I

9. Make new friends for life.

One of the most energizing aspects of networking
is the people that you become friends with. They
can encourage you when you are down and you can
share many wonderful times together. I really
love to make new friends and that is what I look
for with each and every new prospect that I work

10. Power of duplication.

When you teach and work with your new found
friends and start seeing them duplicate what you
are doing than and only than can you start to see
the massive income that is possible in this
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Thursday, June 5, 2008

10 Reasons To Start an Online Business

Thinking of starting an Online business? Don't Know if you should bother. Wary of all the hype. Here are a few good reasons to go ahead and do it.

1: Anyone Can Do It.

It’s true; it has never been so easy to start a business. Think about it, in the past you were confined mostly to brick and mortar businesses. You would need retail premises or warehousing. Now you don’t need any of these. You don’t need experience. Everything you need to know is out there on the World Wide Web. Get yourself a notepad, put the coffee pot on and hit the search engines. Be methodical, visit message boards, user groups and article directories. Subscribe to ezines. (Online magazines). Ask lots of Questions.

2: Low cost.

This has to be one of the cheapest ways to start your own business. You’ve got a PC and an Internet connection, what more do you need? Web hosting? You can even get this for free! You may need to upgrade at a later stage, which will cost you money, but even then it won’t be really expensive. A web site? Maybe, it depends what type of business you start. But again you can do it yourself with Microsoft Frontpage, or similar software. Even free web hosting may come with a Wizard to help you build a site. Content for your Web page? Again it depends what sort of business you want but this could even be found for free. As above, hit the search engines!

3: Work from home.

Didn’t you always dream of working from home? No more daily commute, sitting in traffic wondering where you’re life is going. More time for yourself and your family. You can wear what you like, work when you like. If you want to get up at 5 am, and work while it’s quiet, go ahead. A word of caution! You must be disciplined when working from home. If you got a space to call an office, then use it. Tell you family and friends not to disturb you except in emergencies. (Running out of ice cream is not an emergency).

4: No Staff.

Can you imagine running a store without staff? Or a repair shop, or almost any ordinary business. In most cases it can’t be done. If you need three staff, ones on vacation and another calls in sick, you’ve got a real headache. But working from home you shouldn’t have these problems. If you need help with some tasks, like copy writing, or web page design, You can hire people’s services online at sites like

5: Part Time.

Not only can you work from home but you can work part time. It is possible to run a very successful online business in just a few hours a week. Maybe in the early stages of creating your business, you’ll burn the midnight oil. But with so many repetitive tasks being done by software packages, e.g.; autoresponders, once you’re set up you may need to do little more than regular maintenance. Or create new products.

6: A portable business.

One of the great things about your online business is that being run from a computer means it can be run from a computer anywhere. If you’ve got a laptop, you can work in the garden, or from bed. As long as you can get an Internet connection, you can go on vacation and still do some work.

7: No stock or Shipping.

If you choose a business selling information products; such as ebooks. They can be downloaded by your customer, which means you don’t have to carry stock, or deal with packing and shipping. If you want to sell a physical product, search the internet for drop shippers. These are companies who carry the stock and do the shipping for you. There are drop shippers carrying an amazing variety of goods.

8: 24/7 Income.

This has to be one of the best things about your online business. You don’t have to pull down the shutters at 6.00pm or any time at all for that matter. If you’ve set things up with lots of automation built in your web site can be pulling visitors night and day. And from around the world. You can earn money while you’re sleeping.

9: More fun than work.

It’s a good idea to base your business around an interest or hobby, something you’re intimately involved with and knowledgeable about. Whether it is computer games or wedding planning, if you are passionate about it, you won’t feel like you’re working. You will want to get up in the morning, and get on with it. No more Monday morning blues.

10: Control your own destiny.

There is nothing quite like taking charge of your own life. You may only start part time, but when you’re successful in your business, that extra income can be a real boost, and not just in spending power but in your self esteem. Maybe you like your job, but a little extra money every month will give you freedom from worrying about bills and the pleasure of spending more on your family. A few treats now and again can work wonders for your morale. If you hate your job, then looking forward to getting home to work on your own business, sure helps you get through the day. And looking forward to the day you quit, spurs you on to be successful.

I hope I’ve given you something positive to think about. If you’re inspired to start an online business, but still worried about the nuts and bolts of it, remember, the World Wide Web, is full of free advice. There are thousands of ebooks available, thousands of articles, thousands of products to help you, much of it low cost or free.

Start today.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Skills you need for your Home Business

For those who have a lot of free time and been meaning to do something about, a home business would be perfect. Setting up businesses from home has become a trend because of less stress as compared to working in a company.

However, a home business is not just like setting up a lemonade stand on the front porch. It involves a lot of work.

If you are serious on starting a business at home, there are certain skills you need to master. This is because one needs these skills for the successful operation of ones business.


A core skill that one businessman or woman should possess is the skill of planning. Planning is essential to business. Before doing anything or going into the business, you must have a concrete business plan. Think of it as building a house. The business plan is the blueprint of the future of your business. Include all your objectives, steps on how you'll accomplish them and your time frame. If you are serious with opening the business, it is essential that you do market research. This whole research is part of the whole planning event. Using the data collected from research, the business can plan effectively.


Although not all businesses involve selling, almost all businesses have some form of selling. Selling is as important or even more important than the invention of a product. Without the right selling skills, a good product can go to waste. Investigate on the companies selling the same products and how they are doing. Study on how you're selling approach would be by studying their strengths and weaknesses. But the real gist of selling is in knowing your target market. Know your customers needs so that you can reach out to them.


This is always important in a business. The marketing plan is always vital to a business. With effective marketing, your business will surely be successful. Start with giving out business cards to your friends, family members and acquaintances. Make sure that people are aware that you have a business.

Fliers are also a good idea. Hand out fliers around your neighborhood. Post them on bulletin boards. Remember to make people know the essentials about your business.

These three skills are the pillars of a good business. Mastering them will be most useful in your business. Remember to get support from your family members and friends. Get the necessary permits and licenses and procuring the necessary equipment for your business. Starting your home business will not be an easy task. These three skills will help you to maximize your business growth and profit.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What is Wealth?

How would you define wealth? Is it having a bank account with $1,000,000 in it? Or does it take $2,000,000, $5,000,000 or more? Is it having a Lamborghini in the driveway and a Gulfstream G5 in your hanger? Perhaps it is a mountain cabin or a beach house. Just how do you define wealth?

Is the above description one of wealth or does it describe ‘rich’? Perhaps the answer to the foregoing question is simply a matter of personal opinion. Wealth means something different to each person.

A large percentage of people would say they would like to be ‘rich’, or at least have more money. Many would even like to be wealthy, but don’t really understand what wealth is, or how to get it.

Wealth is defined as “much money or prosperity”, “having an abundance of”. But, an abundance of what? You see, the truly wealthy have created Wealth in all areas of their life; wealth in mind (knowledge), body (health), spirit (divine), personal relationships, and financial. The truly wealthy have an abundance, or prosperity of all of those areas.

But where does it all start? It is true that a few people have inherited great financial wealth those are the exception. Most wealthy people have started with no more than a desire, an idea, a strong belief in themselves, and a wealthy attitude. Richard Carlson states it this way, “Wealth Consciousness is so much more than simply having the ability to make money. It’s a mind set that involves seeing life not as a struggle, but as a magical adventure where our needs are met with grace and ease…Wealth Consciousness is a state of mind, a sense , not of believing, but really knowing that what we need is available to us.”

As one journeys toward building wealth it is important to understand that “wealth does not come from money, Money comes from Wealth..

One of the first steps is to recognize which areas of life where you would like to create wealth, and then give attention, by taking action, to each of those areas. You could start or improve your exercise program so you can have good health and vitality in your life. All of the money you can earn won’t mean much if you are in poor health and cannot enjoy the fruits of your labors. Maybe you need to develop stronger relationships with the people in your life. Also, develop new relationships, particularly with people you would like to be like or mentor with. Give increased attention to your spiritual self and connect more strongly with divine power. The divine, or faith power, provides that strong energy link to all other aspects of life and makes all things possible.

All of the mentioned areas of life are important. The different elements of life are like the legs of a stool. If you remove one of the legs the stool is out of balance and may not stand. If it does stand, it will be weak and unstable.

Do you want to be wealthy? If so, what price are you willing to pay? Are you willing to make changes in your life or are you just going to sit in front of your TV and wish. Insanity has been described as "doing the things you have always done and expecting different results." We pay the price of success only once, but we pay the price of failure every day!

It all starts with a simple desire to stand up, take action, and make necessary changes in life. Success is a choice, choose well!

Take time to understand your definition of wealth and then create a plan of action to achieve whatever you have designed. Create an attitude and belief of wealth consciousness and then trust yourself to creating the life of your design.

Once you have all areas of your life in balance, including the money, then you are truly wealthy. Then you can live a life by design, and then you can help others on their journey to building a legacy of wealth.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Monday, June 2, 2008

How Does One Become Wealthy?

Perhaps you have asked yourself how someone becomes wealthy. How do I become wealthy? The best way to become wealthy is to study the success of those who have already achieved what you want and then follow the same formula of success which they have followed. There are many great examples of individuals who have started with nothing and now have amassed fortunes. If they can do it, you certainly can do it too.

Our purpose here is to examine some of the principles of success others have used in creating their wealth.

1. Income.

It should seem obvious that in order to create any financial wealth one must first have income from one or more sources. That income can come from a job, a business, investments, or a combination of all three. All three sources can, if managed properly, allow an individual to build wealth. There are many stories of individuals who worked seemingly insignificant jobs who took care of their money and over time became wealthy.

While it is certainly possible to build wealth with income from only a job most of the people whose names are well known have created their wealth by starting their own business or becoming savvy investors. Starting your own business and investing wisely allow you to take advantage of a very important tool, Other Peoples Money (OPM). In the business world OPM is more properly termed leverage.

One of the most rapidly growing areas of business today is Network Marketing. Each day thousands of people are starting their own Network Marketing business. In fact, both Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump have said that if they were to start over in building their wealth they would do so in Network Marketing.

2. Eliminate Debt.

This step should be obvious, but to many people debt is simply a way of life. By eliminating debt you will immediately get a return on your money equal to the rate of interest on the debt you have retired. On credit cards that can be upward of 20%. It is interesting to note that those people who have high debt, particularly credit card debt, seldom invest in anything with returns exceeding 4% - 6%, if they invest at all.

You should have everything you want, which you can afford. If you can afford the monthly payment on something you want does that mean you can afford the item? Generally not!

While debt is an important tool to use, particularly in business, it should be minimized or eliminated on a personal level. Make certain that you understand the difference between good debt and bad debt.

3. Savings.

Pay Yourself First. How many times have you heard that but have not done any thing about it? It is essential that you have a clearly defined savings plan. To start you should be saving 10% of your income and then increase that as you are able. Everyone should have an emergency reserve fund equivalent to 6 months of your living expenses. Other savings plans should include saving for major purchases, and to take advantage of investment opportunities as they are available.

4. Spending Plan.

This area is where the wealthy really start to separate themselves from the general public. They have a clearly defined spending plan. They are disciplined and focused in where they spend their money. Just because they can afford an item doesn’t mean they buy it. While they may have big homes and expensive cars those items are low in priority to most truly wealthy individuals. Go online and find a photo of Warren Buffett’s home and you will see a conservative home which he has lived in for many years. He, and those like him, would rather spend available cash on another great investment.

It is important to understand the three different types of capital when developing your spending plan. They are Operating Capital, Investment Capital, and Risk Capital. The foregoing types of capital are also listed in the order of their importance.

Types of capital is an important distinction but to adequately cover the subject could take an entire book we will just mention them here and you can do some research so as to gain a complete understanding.

5. Investment Plan.

Most Americans spend more time planning their next vacation than they spend planning their financial future. Of course that includes investments.

Do you have any sort of investment plan? Do you have an investment advisor? Do you understand risk and know what your risk tolerance is? What return do you hope to receive, and where can that return be found with an acceptable risk? These are questions you need to answer in developing your investment plan, but if you do so with solid research and clear thinking you will be able do develop a investment plan which will give you passive income your entire life. That passive income is one of the purposes of a great investment plan. Passive income continues to pay you while you relax in your favorite vacation place.

The media, and others, have, for years, successfully dumbed down the American public into believing they have limited investment opportunities. Many people believe they are limited to bank cd’s and mutual funds when in fact there are many high grade, high return investments available to them. Do your homework and know that there are many tremendous investment opportunities available to you.

6. Minimize Taxes.

Make certain you have an exceptional tax advisor who can reduce your tax liability to the lowest legal amount. A few dollars spent getting the best tax advice will pay for itself many times over. Even if you are a tax professional it would be wise to have another trusted tax expert review your returns to insure you have maximized your filing returns.

If you as an individual are receiving a tax refund each year you should modify your withholdings. Allowing the government to hold your money for an entire year is a poor choice in savings. They pay you no interest and by changing withholding you can increase your monthly cash flow for whatever purpose you need.

7. Asset Protection.

All of the above strategies could be of little value if you fail to take proper action to protect the assets you have worked so hard to create. Depending on the type of assets and type of business you have will determine the type of legal entity that would best protect those assets and your business. In fact, you may need more than one legal entity to give you proper protection. You should get good legal advice from a qualified person regarding how to best protect all of your efforts. You may settle on forming a Corporation or a Limited Liability Company (LLC).

Another important discussion you need to have with your legal advisor is which state is best to domicile your entity. Different states offer different levels of legal protection so do you homework and make certain you are getting the maximum protection allowed by law.

Once you have developed a solid financial plan don’t forget the other important areas of a wealthy life. Those areas are Emotional wealth, Spiritual wealth, Intellectual wealth, Physical wealth, and a wealth of relationships. If all you have is money, but none of the other elements of wealth you will ultimately be unhappy, and probably broke!

The above principles of financial success have been used for generations by the wealthy. Because of space they are mentioned only briefly here but there are many recourses available on each of the subjects. If you are serious about building wealth, and leaving a legacy, you will do your homework and make certain you have a solid wealth building plan. Then you will take action. To your success.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at