When I first decided to get into an online business, I became so excited that I worked day and night to get everything set up and ready to go. I put everything else aside and developed a kind of tunnel vision of what I wanted from my home based marketing efforts.
I put aside time from leisure activities and put a lot of things in my life on hold to create sufficient time for my business. I'd say if you're in this for the long haul like I am, you've done likewise.
But now that you've developed tunnel vision and found more time for your business, how do you get the most from that time? The best thing I've found is what the best business people both on and off the Internet do: set, meet, and maintain goals towards success.
If you're wondering what this is all about or how to go about it, here's what to do.
Set goals at three levels and try to stick to them. The three levels are long-term, mid-term, and short-term goals.
Long-term goals reflect how much you'd like to increase your income and how soon. Make those decisions and memorize them. Put your business on a time line and follow it day by day.
In order to avoid disaster that could put you out of business, be careful in selecting the business opportunities you're going to pursue. Don't bite off more than you can chew by joining every affiliate plan presented to you.
Limit yourself to no more than three at the beginning. Be very selective, making sure that those you're involved in balance each other, hold to a specific theme, or belong to one business type.
The long-term goals determine mid-term ones. How much do you have to make per week, per month, every six months, to achieve the long-term goals?
After answering these questions make up your time line, using a sheet of paper. Draw a line at the left all the way down the paper. Divide the line into twelve months with hash marks. Label the hash marks by the month.
To make sure you are working towards you're goals post them on small notes on your computer, around the house, and in your car. Find places you'll be likely to see them - on the bathroom mirror, the fridge, the TV, and the car dashboard.
Now choose your short-term goals - the daily and weekly ones. Make up a "to-do today" list and a "to-do tomorrow" list. Check yourself regularly to make sure items on these lists get the attention they need and are completed each day. At the end of the week, check off your weekly goals.
Okay, now you've met your goals, so what? Well, meeting your goals should make you feel very good, and you should highlight that with some kind of reward system.
We all know we can't spend the profits of our work before we even make them. It is indeed possible and appropriate to meet goals before we make money. However, what profits we do make need to go right back into the business as advertising, new software, web hosting, and the like.
But we can reward ourselves when we meet certain goals. Short- term and mid-term goals can be rewarded non-monetarily.
For completing a short-term task that's been haunting you lately, don't go out to eat. Rather, have a nutritious snack, watch a TV show, or read your favorite section of the newspaper.
For mid-range goals met, go to Ebay and price a set of golf clubs, let's say, or look at car ads. Perhaps you could get out photos from a recent vacation and dream of your return to the spot. Use photos instead of notes posted as reminders of meeting your goals.
Long-term rewards can be monetary, but don't break the bank. Hold off on making any major purchases out of your profits until later. Instead, take the family out to eat at a moderately priced restaurant, go to a football or hockey game, or have friends over for cards and snacks.
Keep your tunnel vision active by chipping away at your goals. Remember, short-term, mid-term Article Submission, long-term goals are the avenue to success.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at http://www.secretsofonlinesuccess.info
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Goal Setting Is the Fast Lane to Success
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Earn Big Internet Bucks From The Global Financial Meltdown
The world financial system is on the rocks. What can you do? How can you profit from an economy that is shuffling to a halt, and that looks like it won't be getting going for some time to come?
Markets are plummeting. Your nest-egg of blue chip shares you were relying on to help you in your retirement will no longer buy you that retirement condo in Florida. You'll be lucky if you can manage a damp mobile home overlooking a swamp. Your house is now worth less than you paid for it and the banks are failing. There's a worrying shiver going through the global economy and your boss is thinking of outsourcing everything to China.
So what are you going to do about it? How do you react to an economy that is grinding to a halt, and that looks like it won't be recovering any time soon? You could protest about how unfair it all is. You could campaign for changes in the banking laws so it won't happen again. You could curl up in a little ball and hide 'till it all goes away...
When anything changes there are always winners and losers. You can be sure that someone, somewhere will profit from this global chaos. The only question is... will it be you?
Let me ask you this... what do people do when they don't have money to spend. They stop going out, they stop going on holiday, they stop buying new cars. What do they do instead? They stay in and surf the Internet! See where I'm going with this? I'm suggesting that the current world recession could be very good news for work-at-home entrepreneurs who are in business online. We're just about to be in a booming economy as all those people who don't want to go out and spend money get online to look for bargains, entertainment, education and opportunities.
But how do we cash in on on this coming boom in Internet surfing? The answer is simple... share your experience and your expertise with the rest of the world and get them to pay you for doing so.
What is it that you have done in your life that you could share with other people that would be useful to them, entertain them and educate them? The answers to these questions will give you the starting point for creating your own e-book. An e-book that may just be exactly what someone else out there is looking for and is willing to pay for!
So cut up your credit-card an write your E-Book! Not only will it keep you off the streets and out of the shops,it might just be the financial lifeline that could mean the difference between just surviving and really thriving in this worryingly uncertain Global downturn.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at http://www.secretsofonlinesuccess.info
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Stop Throwing Your Money Away!!!
Why is it time after time I see people just throwing their money away? Heck if you just want to spend your hard earned money you make on complete junk why not just give it to me so I can invest it or something and turn it into a bigger profit? I have come to realize people talk a big game, but can never back it up when it counts.
What do I mean by this? Well everyone who starts a home based business says they are tired of the scams, and do not want to buy into the hype and fancy cars and houses. However time after time people still do it. Why? Well I guess people just can't seem to get enough of seeing other people's success online and they want it so bad they will do anything to get it even if it means spending there last ounce of money to get it.
Then people wonder why the fail, and they become to believe every home based business is just one big scam out to get their money, or the person who signed them up to the business is a crook and took their money. My answer to that then is, stop throwing your money away. I do not want to seem so insensitive here but seriously what does it take, and how many times does it take for people to realize what is real and what is not real?
Here is what you will need to succeed in an online business. If they do not offer it then walk away no matter what they say, or what you see. Just because someone else is making money does not mean you will.
Do your homework. Go out and study the business your looking to join. Read reviews, find people who are already it in and call them on the phone and ask hard questions, and see what they say. Most importantly ask if they will train you, support you, and above all help you when you need it. If not then guess what. You just threw your money away once again.
Here is another helpful tip. Stay away from the cheap programs. They are nothing but complete junk. Sure one may actually be worth the money from time to time but more than likely they are not worth your money. A recent study has shown that it takes just as much effort to convince someone to buy something for $50 as it would for $1,000. So why make so little when you could be easily making more money? It just does not make sense to me. So I will say it one more time. Stay away from the cheap little programs.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at http://www.secretsofonlinesuccess.info
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Working From Home - Six Mistakes to Avoid
Are you thinking of working from home?
Home based work has its own set of challenges. Here is a list of mistakes that you should avoid.
1. Lack of Initial Planning
A home based venture can be started any time and in any manner that you want. There are no plans to be approved and no blueprint to be prepared. However the lack of proper planning can be disastrous. Plan thoroughly before you initiate anything. Think of all the raw materials and resources that will be required. Make sure you have proper understanding of the nature of your work and its challenges. Ascertain that you have some extra funds to meet unseen expenses.
2. Indiscipline
When you are working from home, there is no one to keep an eye on your work. A temptation to do something other than work always exists. This can be a cause of distraction. A lot of discipline will be required to keep your focus on work.
3. Procrastination
In the absence of a boss and with no deadlines to meet, you will keep procrastinating. A good strategy would be to set time targets. Time management skills are a common factor to successes of most people. Make a time table and stick to it.
4. Boredom
When you don’t like a thing, you aren’t going to do it for long. Select a line of work that you enjoy. Working from home usually means long hours of solitude. There is a strong possibility that you will quit out of boredom if you don’t choose an area of work that you enjoy. Taking little breaks from your work can also do wonders to your mood.
5. Stopping the Learning Process
Working from home means no one to interact with, no one to compete with and no one to exchange ideas with. This may lead to a stagnation of your knowledge base. To avoid this, interact frequently with the people in your field. Keep abreast with the latest developments concerning your field and read more than just the local newspaper. Internet is a great source of information - use it to your advantage.
6. Compromising the Quality
Home based works means there are no benchmarks with which you can compare your work. A strict watch on work quality is needed. You should always be looking for ways to improve the quality of your work.
Most of the people, who are working from home, may be making these mistakes; but making mistakes is not a sin - it's a sin when you refuse to correct them. Start correcting them today.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at http://www.secretsofonlinesuccess.info
Monday, November 24, 2008
Base Your Home Business Opportunity on Online Marketing
When you're learning about something new, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of relevant information available. This informative article should help you focus on the central points.
When you base your home business opportunity on online marketing, you will be able to tap into a large number of resources that each promise to give you access to a whole different segment of the market. There is a plethora of online marketing opportunities that will permit you to introduce your home business to a wide audience. Conversely, if you find that you would have a hard time marketing your business to a large audience, perhaps this business opportunity needs to be revised a little bit in order to appeal to a much larger segment of the market. Here are some tips for getting the word out about your home based business opportunity via online marketing.
Build a professionally looking website. Too often individuals make the mistake of going overboard when creating a website, and the result is a site with too many ads, pop ups or pop under, and streaming videos that take the viewer's eyes away from the business itself. Unless you know how to design a website yourself, this is a task best left to the professionals. Keep in mind that a well-designed site will permit potential customers to visit your store and learn about your business 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You want to put your best foot forward when it comes to website based marketing.
If you find yourself confused by what you've read to this point, don't despair. Everything should be crystal clear by the time you finish.
Purchase email addresses. You need to take great care that you do so from a reputable business so that you will not be accused of spamming, but once you have found such as list, use it. This is a great opportunity for emailing out newsletters, recipes, memorable quotes, and special offers. If your newsletters are witty, you will be able to add new subscribers by folks who liked what they read when a friend forwarded it.
Set up an affiliate program, and permit others to receive a little profit from sending visitors to your website. You might even specify that the commission will not be paid out until someone signs up for a newsletter or places an order.
Change your email signature to showcase your business. Think about how many emails you send out every day, and you will be amazed how many potential customers you can reach simply with your signature.
As you can see when you base your home business opportunity on online marketing, you will be able to attract customers on a daily basis, even when you are not online. In addition to the foregoing, because of the many times that emails get forwarded when they contain witty or important information, you will be able to capitalize on your email investment many times over! So go ahead and give it a try; you will not be disappointed.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at http://www.secretsofonlinesuccess.info