When one is getting ready to leave the corporate world and enter the world of Work at Home Network Marketing, there are many things to consider and prepare for to make that transition smoothly. Any time one makes a major life change, and making the decision to go from the security of a weekly paycheck to self-reliance certainly is, it is important to have a solid plan to execute and to make yourself aware of all the details and changes about to come. Doing this will help reduce or eliminate the stress often associated with this kind of life change.
Get your Financial House in order: Take stock in your current financial situation. Take a look at how much debt are you carrying. You may want to consider paying off debt or consolidating several debts at a lower rate. How much do you have in savings? Determine how much savings you want to have on hand in the start-up phase of your business in order to feel comfortable. A rule of thumb is to have a year’s worth of expenses on hand.
Creating a budget for yourself is useful as a guide to follow. It may be necessary to tighten your belt a little bit.
Create a Business Plan: Understanding your business and writing a plan is an important component of making a smooth transition to working at home. Prepare yourself with as much training and information as you can get on the business you are getting into. Align yourself with other leaders and find out what they are doing to be successful. Having a mentor is a great way to start out your endeavor. Create your goals and understand what you want to accomplish. Be specific. Knowing where you are now and where you intend on going is an important part of your plan, as well as your actual success. Decide on a marketing plan. Will you advertise in newspapers, on the Internet, or magazines? Decide on an advertising budget. There is a lot of information available on writing business plans in books and on the Internet.
Leaving your present Job: Once you've decided to leave, what's the best way to handle it? The golden rule of leaving is not to burn any bridges. It’s important to maintain your professionalism every step of the way, no matter how anxious you are to move on. This starts with how you break the news. The aim is not to spring any surprises but to soften the blow. You can do this by asking for a meeting at the earliest opportunity to “discuss some career choices you have made”. Such a remark usually only means one thing and your boss will appreciate the advance warning. Study the employee handbook and your benefits literature. That way, you'll know exactly what you are entitled to be paid after resigning -- unused vacation time, etc. You will have to make decisions about health insurance. Companies are required to offer continuation coverage to you at a cost. This is called COBRA benefits. You have 60 days to decide whether to pay for this coverage. It would be wise to look into all your options ahead of time.
Keep in touch with your business contacts and mentors, not just your friends. You never know when you might need them.
Create a DMO (Daily Method of Operation): Your DMO is the activity part of actually building the business. To be successful in your new business, you must operate with focus and intention. Develop a DMO. You are most likely coming from a job with a start time, a lunch hour, and a quitting time. When working for yourself from home set up a similar schedule. Plan when you will be prospecting, training, having lunch, spending time with family, etc. Take personal responsibility for your business and your success. Being consistent each day will create success.
Good Luck at your New Venture: When making the change from the security of a steady job to working from home, preparation is the key to your success. Know what you are getting into. Have clear goals and be focused. Following a well-designed plan with consistence and persistence will lead to success.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at http://www.secretsofonlinesuccess.info
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Preparing to Leave the Corporate World to Work at Home in Network Marketing
Friday, June 27, 2008
Home Based Business - Illusion? Does it really work?
There are billions of sites registered in search engines for the keyword Home Based Business. Everyday, millions of surfers are searching for home based business on net. I believe that despite a very few percentage, all of them, including the website publishers, have the same question in mind.
I am not an expert or a guru to comment. I do not really know the ways of fast and easy money that some people claims to have already discovered but what I believe in is, if you learn any trade religiously, if you have passion behind your work – your hard work is not going to let you down.
There are lots of ground works to do before you actually start a business. You first need to know if a particular business suits your intelligence. You then should make a project report and survey the market for the particular business. Opinions from experts are always helpful. Do not ever jump into a business as because someone else seems to be making lots of money in it. Most of the home-based entrepreneurs do not follow these guidelines and finally keep asking themselves, “is it an illusion?”
Let me share my experience. It was almost 12 years back when I first started to look for home based business. I was very new to web world and not as smart as a modern day kid. To me, it was like in Hollywood where every other actress looks more beautiful and gorgeous. I could not resist myself and hooked to several programs hoping to start earning the next day. I almost forgot breathing and kept working several hours a day. It did not work because I did not do the basic learning. Hard work alone can’t bring success. You can’t copy other person’s success. You need to innovate ideas to outperform.
The question “does it really works” actually came to my mind too but I never loosen my heart. Leaving aside all the programs, I started from the scratch. I read lots of e-books written by gurus and tried out all the ways I came to know about. Once I discovered what worked, I added my own original ideas and perfected the process.
So, if I have to answer this question today, I would say yes, it works but not for those who are looking for fast and easy money on net. Do learn before you are into it. Do not get impressed by the testimonials and bank statements you would often come across on websites because the business may not be of your kind. To choose a right home based business is the toughest job. If you are looking for free programs, I advise to stay away. If you are unwilling to invest money to start your own home based business, you don’t need a business, you need a job.
If you follow these basic guidelines, if your lady luck keeps smiling on you, there is nothing that can stop you to be a successful home based business entrepreneur.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at http://www.secretsofonlinesuccess.info
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Looking For A Home Based Business Opportunity? K.I.S.S.!
Ray Croc, the founder of the most successful and most recognized restaurant chain in the world, once coined the fraise, “Keep It Simple Stupid” or K.I.S.S. for short. He recognized very early on that simple is good that simple is the most productive way to run a business. This simple concept is what has driven the McDonalds franchise into the monster it is today.
If you are looking to be successful in a home based business of your own then why not stick with a concept that works, simplicity? How can we find such a business opportunity? E-A-S-Y! Affiliate Programs!
Ask yourself this, what home based business do I know of where I don’t need to concern myself with inventory, storage, packing, shipping, complaints, returns, phone calls, emails, checks and credit cards, etc.? When your only concern running your home based business is generating traffic to your affiliate links, your life is immensely less complicated and less stressed then it would be running your home based business in the traditional sense!
Generating traffic to your affiliate links is accomplished the same way as you would generate traffic to any internet business. You will want to have your own website. Yahoo makes it very simple to set up your own website using their free SiteBuilder application and they will host your site as well for extremely reasonable prices. Your website does not have to be fancy. It’s only job is to display your affiliate links. Once people click on your affiliate links, then they will be taken to a fancy website. At the top of your website put a brief description about what your site is about. With each of your affiliate programs put a brief description of what is being offered along with your affiliate link at the end. Do not divulge too much information about your affiliate product or service because then people will “think” they know what it’s all about and loose interest. Just enough of a description to stimulate their curiosity is enough. Let your affiliate website do all the selling!
Make sure to put Cost-Per-Click(CPC) advertising on your website such as Google AdSense. Google makes it very simple to put their AdSense on your website and it’s free! The ads displayed will be relevant to the content of your website and you will be paid a commission every time someone clicks on one of the ads. Doing business online is a numbers game. Most people who will go to your website will not buy from you, they will look around and leave. Think about it, if someone is going to leave your website, with or without buying, wouldn’t you rather they left through a link that will pay you every time someone clicks on it? A very substantial part of your income will come from Cost-Per-Click advertising.
Once your website is up and running there are a number of ways to drive traffic to it. Here are two of the best. They are also free!
Start your own Blog. This is a great way to drive free traffic to your website! Google will even give you your own Blog site for free at Blogger.com and it’s simple to set up. Having your own Blog and making daily posts will with time establish you as an authority figure in peoples minds on whatever topic your Blog is about. With time people will come to trust and believe in you, and people will buy much more readily from people they know and trust. As peoples confidence in you grow some of them will want to see what you have to offer them by checking out your website.
Writing articles and submitting them to article submission sites is a great way to drive lots of free traffic to your website. Just remember to put your bio along with a link to your website at the bottom of each article you submit. The search engines will spider your articles word for word, and when people search online for information using keywords or phrases that are in your articles, they will turn up on the search results along with a link to your website so be sure to include highly searched for keywords and phrases!
Having your own home based business dose not have to be complicated. Affiliate programs offer the simplest home based business opportunities available because they work with you by taking all of the difficulties that come with owning a business off your hands! With affiliate programs the only thing you have to do is find the money(The Buyers)they’ll do the rest!
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at http://www.secretsofonlinesuccess.info
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Starting a Profitable Internet Business
I have been online since Jan 2000 running my own home based internet business. I am sure many of you are either starting a profitable internet business like I am, or possibly have been online for a longer period of time than I have been and are making very little money if any at all.
Don't worry, as you are not alone if you haven't yet seen the flood of cash that you probably expected in a couple days or weeks depending on what "program" you signed up for.
I get many e-mails daily that ask me the same questions,"Are you making any money with your program?" and "Does your program have a guarantee"? So I thought that would be a good topic to write about and possibly help some of you that may need some reassurance that the internet really can work if you have the right step by step techniques.
Here are a few things I experienced along with suggestions for what you will need on your website that hopefully will help you keep focused and achieve your goal of financial independence with starting a profitable internet business:
1. First you need a program that is proven and has been debugged to ensure that the market for your product or service is there, so all you then need to do is attract your market to your website. Easily said, but traffic to your website is your number one daily effort and is key to your success in being profitable in a short amount of time.
2. You will need to build a mix of free and paid advertising to be overall profitable. Paid advertising is often with PPC (Pay per click) ads, while free is typically with search engine listings. It is a fact that the marketer that spends the most advertising money is the one who is often making the most money. Expect to spend money and have a budget well thought out ahead of time.
3. Search engines take different amounts of time for your website to show up on keyword searches. Google for example takes some 6 months, while Yahoo is more like 2 months. MSN is less than yahoo, as is AOL. What this means is it takes time for your free search listings to pop up and you may not see profits during this time period. So, what should you do during this time?
4. If your product is known to be profitable strictly with PPC ads, then you can do this while you are waiting for your listings to be found by the search engine spiders. If PPC alone isn't profitable, and you can't take the lack of profitability financially or "emotionally", then you should focus on building up your site during this time.Also, if you are looking at a product that is not profitable strictly with PPC, then you might want to think about promoting another product. Read on:
5. Content- search engines tend to love content.While you are waiting for the SE's to find your site, you can spend that time adding quality content to your site. Content that ads keywords is the goal. You can't ever have too many keywords! I found that the more keywords I added, the advertising cost lessened.
6.Link Building: you can also work on link building while you are waiting for the SE's to rank your site. You should expect to link build as a routine part of running your internet business. SE's put more importance on sites with many reciprocal links, and even more importance on one way links to your site. Make sure the links are relevant to your business topic or you could get "penalized" by the SE's. Make sure your website has a link adding feature so other webmasters can easily link with you and you can then approve (or disapprove) the link.
7. Autoresponder: Having an autoresponder that enables you to e-mail to your customers or prospects is another key necessity for your website. Offering a free helpful item in exchange for a prospects e-mail (opt-in) address is a great way to build your customer list. Your list eventually will become a group of buyers that you know may purchase something from you in the future.
8. Website: your website needs to have many specific attributes that all add up to a user friendly, customer attracting sales generator for you.Make sure your web designer knows all the latest tricks. Or, purchase a course that you can follow that includes all the essentials of a killer sales pulling site. Thats what I did.
9. Articles: There are many ways to add more links pointing to your site. Writing an article like this one can do that very nicely. Make sure you select your keywords and use them within the content of the article. You also can submit to forums, groups, blogs to provide links to your site. Consider the time needed to write articles along with all the other things you'll need to do when starting a profitable internet business.
I can list dozens more do's and don't but the above is a pretty basic what to expect and what to do in your first 3-6 months online. Your profitability is dependent on many things, especially your own personal diligence and focus. Staying focused may be your biggest challenge when profits may not happen as fast as you expected. I made a first sale on the second day I started PPC ads. I made additional "back end" sales where I made even more profit in the first month. I broke even in the third month. I can't predict how you will do in your program as the program itself may not be "proven" to generate profitable sales. That is one key item to discuss thoroughly before you start any program.
If you apply the above, and can follow step by step techniques, your website will build over time and eventually you will turn profitable. Starting a profitable internet business is readily accomplished with the right mix of knowledge, product, and personal drive and focus. If you don't have a step by step method to follow, I highly recommend you locate one. Mentoring with someone that has already made their site or program profitable, is another highly recommended route to take. That's what I did and now I can teach you to do the same.
To your success and profitability!
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at http://www.secretsofonlinesuccess.info
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
What Is The Best Opportunity For Those Wanting To Start a Home Based Business?
There are many opportunities available for those who want to start a home based business. Depending on what your skills are and how comfortable you feel at the computer, you can begin making money very quickly. Typical home based businesses include affiliate marketing programs, data entry, writing and editing, graphic design, selling products, web hosting, and web design. Working from home is easier than you think and you may even make more money than what you are doing now.
If are unsure of which business to go into, you should create a list of your interests and then a list of your skills. While you can always learn a new skill, using the ones you already have will make starting a home business much easier. There are many options for you, so decide on which one is the best. Once you have an idea, conduct research to see how profitable the business will be so that you will be able to make enough money to pay bills and other responsibilities.
When starting a home business, you will need a computer, internet access, printer/fax machine, spreadsheet program and other software, and time to put into creating your web site. For most people, creating a web site seems difficult, but its not if you find a web hosting company that gives you templates to work from. Your web site does not have to too complex, but it should contain all the information needed so that customers will be able to see what you have to offer and how to place an order. Most home businesses will require that you find clients to work for. These clients can be found on job boards, open forums, and online newsletters. You may also find work through marketing companies and from others in your field.
Finding your first few jobs may take a little longer than you thought, but once you find a few clients or make a few sales from your web site, it will become easier. You may even want to branch off into other areas and start a second home business. There is no limit to what you are capable on the internet. Many people begin with one business and end up in another. After you have been working from home for awhile, you may stumble on another business opportunity that will make you more money and that may be more satisfying. Since the internet is still new, there will be many more opportunities in the future for those who want to start home businesses. More and more companies are using the internet for advertising purposes. This is a very exciting time for those who want to earn money and be their own boss from the comfort of their own homes.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at http://www.secretsofonlinesuccess.info
Monday, June 23, 2008
Work from home with efficiency!
Some people seem to think that it's difficult to work from home, due to the discipline that it takes. It really can be easy as long as you have the right attitude and focus. Easier said than done, you may say.... I've written a few tips to help to keep those distractions to a minimum.
First you need to set your tasks for the day the night before - this is indeed a discipline to get into. The last thing you do at night should be to plan the next day. I found this hard to get into the habit of doing, but it really works. If you set aside just 10 minutes the night before you can have your whole day planned. This means that you will have your day off to a flying start straight away, rather than wasting time and wondering what to do!!
It's also important to be focused - this is where planning comes in. You now already have your days' activities planned the night before, so you know what you've got to do. You then simply need to keep focused on that plan - again easier said than done! Complete your tasks one by one and don't deviate.
You need to start your day at a reasonable time too - if you work from home, you are your own boss. So you may think that you can have a lie in and start your day later. Or maybe you'll do a bit of housework before you start. Unfortunately this doesn't get your day off to the best start. If you treat your day like a professional work day you will get far more done.
Speaking of a professional work day, why not dress for success - this may work for some people but not for others. If you dress as if you were going out to work in an office it can really change your attitude. However, some people can have the right attitude dressed in their pajamas, so I guess it depends on you as a person. However, it's worth a try to see how it changes your day.
Another thing is to try to keep distractions to a minimum. People sometimes think that because you're working from home that you're not working. So they ask if they can pop around to see you, or could you just give them a lift somewhere. You need to think that this is your working time and block it out of your calendar. Of course, the beauty of working from home is that you can choose how you spend your time but you need to choose wisely. If there is something that you'd like to do during your normal working day, then you should go and do it but you need to make the time up elsewhere.
Also, keep email,MSN,Skype and Yahoo Messenger etc... to a minimum. In this day and age communication is instant and constant! I have trouble with this myself - if a new email comes in I used to read it straight away! I now restrict my email use and check it periodically throughout the day rather than having it on all the time.
Another very large distraction is the TV. This may seem obvious but keep the TV off! This could be a difficult one if you like the TV and watch a lot of it. I heard recently that people can spend an average of 6 hours a day watching the TV, this figure amazed me! The TV has got to be the worst distraction that you can have. If you are working you need to make sure that it stays off!
Also make sure that you have breaks when you need them. It may seem great that you've worked for 12 hours solidly, but it isn't very good for your productivity in the long run. You need to take short breaks throughout the day, especially if you're working in front of the computer. I am a culprit for getting carried away and not taking enough breaks, but I am now making a concerted effort to change this.
Last but not least, have your own work space; keep it separate from your living space. Of course this is sometimes difficult if you're working on the dining room table, but just try to make sure that you clear your work away once you've finished. It's good to have a clear definition of work and home life.
These are just a few ideas to help with the distractions whilst you're working from home. If you implement a few of them I'm sure it will help you to really enjoy working from home and to keep you focused.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at http://www.secretsofonlinesuccess.info
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Keys to finding a home based business idea
When you are looking for inspiration, you are probably going to be willing to try anything in order to get ahead. There are many times when you are looking for a great idea that can be all that you think it is going to be and more, and there are many times when you might find that great idea in the strangest of places. If you are looking for a home based business idea, you are certainly not alone. There are many people who are looking for the home based business idea and there are many people that might find the home based business idea where they least expect it.
Stick With What You know
The key to finding a home based business idea that meets your needs is to sticking with what you know. You are going to want to be sure that you are focusing on the things that you are already good at. The best thing that you can do to help yourself find a home based business idea that really meets your needs is to take a look at two different factors. The first thing that you want to look at is what you are already good at. This can be a combination of things, but you need to look at the things that you already do in your life that you are good at. If this is something that you are currently doing for a job, then great, because the best home based business idea can come out of something that you are already doing to make money. However, it is just as often the case that you aren’t doing something that you are good at in your job. In fact, many people spend time at work doing things that they aren’t good at. So if you aren’t good at your job, or if the thing that you are good at isn’t your job, remember to focus on what you are good at.
The second thing that you should focus on when you are looking to find a home based business idea is something that you like to do. Now, this might be the same thing that you have already found that you are good at, but it might be also something like a hobby or something that you consider fun to do in your spare time. No matter what it is, you have to find something that is fun for you, something that you would do if you weren’t going to get paid at all.
This is because the best home based business idea is to combine something that is fun for you with something that you are good at. So, when you have your thing that you are good at, and your thing that you find fun, you can brain storm the different home based business ideas that you get when you put the two together.
Have Fun
The most important thing that you have to keep in mind when you are thinking about the various home based business ideas that you are going to have is that you have to be able to have fun with what you do. The people who are going to be the happiest people are those that can say they truly love what they do. This is true no matter if what you have is a home based business idea or simply an idea for a career change. You have to be sure that you can be happy with what you have chosen to do in your life. If you find a home based business idea that doesn’t sound like it is going to be fun, you shouldn’t try it, because when it comes right down to it, a home business is actually a lot of work, so it had better be something that you find interesting, something that is fun, and something that is going to help you make the money that you want to make in your life.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at http://www.secretsofonlinesuccess.info