Friday, December 19, 2008

Successful Home Businesses- What Do They Know That You Haven't Figured Out Yet?

There are many successful home businesses around today. Then there are those that are struggling to make even a little amount of money. You have tried and tried but nothing you do seem to work. So what is it that the people with successful home businesses know that you don't?

There are two things that they do that a lot of people don't, this is set goals and use the power of positive thinking. With these two things you will be surprised at home much difference they can make in your home business success.

First, you always want to set goals no matter what home business you are doing. Setting goals is important for a couple of different reasons. One reason that it is good is that this will show you what it is that you want to achieve. This will then help you have the motivation to work towards those goals. Another reason that it is good is because they can help you stay focused. Staying focused is something that you will need to do in order to achieve those goals. You will need to read over your goals at least once a week to keep them fresh in your mind. You will also need to revise those goals every time you achieve one. Don't just achieve it and not set new goals because this will hinder you later on.

Second, believe it or not your attitude can affect whether your business is successful. When you think in negative thoughts you will be putting out negative vibes. This can make you have more problems with becoming successful. When you think positive you will be putting out positive vibes and this will make it much easier for you to have success with your home business. This will not only affect your business but all aspects of your life.

You may not believe it but it is still true just the same. I know that if you could talk to someone who has a successful home business they would tell you exactly what I am telling you about goals and your attitude. There are many people who will not believe it but you can try it for yourself. Start thinking positively about everything and see what kind of results that you get. You will be surprised by what you see happening. There are many people out there who will not believe me and that is their right. However when you try it for yourself and see what happens you will be amazed.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Greatest Lie Ever Told: Everyone is Your Prospect!

Outdated network marketing ideologies (some people call them lies), have made failure a common destination for most network marketers in our industry.

The "everyone is your prospect" (and other tired theories), end up making you feel frustrated and incompetent, not to mention it sets you up for failure.

Why? Because you go out and try to "sell" your product or your business opportunity to everybody you come in contact with and then feel like a loser when people repeatedly tell you they're not interested!

Here's the reality: not everyone is a prospect for your business opportunity or product despite what you've been taught. Shocker huh?

Although your upline and in some cases, your company has drilled it into your head that everyone is a prospect for what you're marketing, you must keep in mind you're in business and not everyone wants what you're selling.

You must also know that it's to your company's benefit for you to think that you have a huge market with wide-open arms just ready for your product. That's probably how they sold you on the opportunity - right?

Take for example the three foot rule. The three foot rule is an offshoot of the "everyone is your prospect" theory. This is where you find a catchy phrase to start a conversation with anyone and everyone who's unlucky enough to venture within three feet of you. The goal is to "work" your opportunity into the conversation. Don't you feel phony when you do this?

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with making small talk with strangers when you're out and about, but if your only reason for doing so is to get an "opening" to pitch your business, then its contrived. Besides, most people can sense when you're insincere and fake. Who do you think you're fooling?

Now, think about it. What kind of role-modeling are you showing for your potential prospect anyway? After you pitch them your opportunity, the first thing that comes into their mind is, "will I have to go up to strange people in public places to recruit for my business too? I don't want to do that... this is not for me."

You are making your potential prospects even more resistant to your proposition with your actions and you don't even know it. But maybe you do, because the three-foot rule and the other "lies" you've been practicing and believing in have not been working.

It's a reality that you feel awkward prospecting this way, but your upline says it's one of the "techniques" we use. Your family hates taking you out in public places, like restaurants and stores, because they know you're going to launch into your network marketing spiel at any given moment. They're embarrassed and ashamed you work your business this way. You're like a lion on the prowl in the Serengeti!

The more you conduct yourself this way, the more you feel a lost of your dignity. You feel like a schmuck, like the creepy guy that sits alone in the back of a movie theatre watching a children's' flick and talking to himself.

Despite what you've been told, not everyone is your prospect. That can never be! Some people are happy working a job. Some people are so fearful and distrustful of business people that they could never muster up the courage to become one of them. Some people don't like risk. Some people just aren't qualified to be their own boss.

By now, if you've done the three foot rule for any length of time, you know that it is not a good use of your time. In fact you are getting frustrated, and angry that you have to resort to such tactics, but you feel you are obligated to use any wacky prospecting technique your upline comes up with.

If they told you to dress up as a clown complete with the big red nose and rainbow curly wig and go door to door prospecting, you'd do it because they told you it worked. You want to be teachable and trainable, so you do anything they tell you to do, much to your displeasure.

Around about now you are ready to quit. You've had enough of the "everyone is your prospect" lie and other lies. The reason you are not having much success is because...

You are not going after your target market! Your job is not to convince, bribe or convert anyone into having a business. Your job is to talk to people who are on the same page as you. In other words you want people who are actively seeking out a solution to their problem and you want them coming to you first.

When people seek you out, you are seen as an expert. When it's the other way around you are seen as a pest and a desperate one at that. Why would you want to waste valuable time trying to convince uninterested people of your opportunity or to try your product?

The reality is that if you keep believing the "lies" or the ineffective marketing techniques your upline is telling you to do, you will not have much success if any success at all.

If you want to have massive success you must go after your target market. I promise you that you will drastically reduce your chances of failure in this industry by doing so.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Making Your at Home Writing Career Viable

Working as a writer has long been a popular work at home job. It has become an increasingly viable way to earn a good income, as the Internet has increased the possibilities.

You don't just have to worry about whether or not someone else will find your work worth publishing. Now you have more people wanting content to publish and more ways to earn money from your own work.

Earning a living as a writer still is not necessarily easy. You're going to have to work at your craft. You won't always find people interested in what you would prefer to write. You may have to work on your style and how it relates to people interested in your services.

Many writers work for others. There are many employers of varying sorts. You can go freelance and find individual assignments, or you can find someone who needs your writing skills regularly. There are advantages to each option, and it can very much so be a matter of personal preference.

Publishing your own work has become incredibly easy. Many people earn a living writing for their own website, whether in blog form or otherwise. The earning potential varies tremendously, depending on topic and your own skill at monetizing a website. But with the right software you don't have to be a great website designer or constantly pay someone to maintain your site for you. All you need is to get set up and go.

There are also many opportunities in writing for others. Many website owners would sooner pay someone else to do their writing, whether it be writing articles for their site or sales copy for their product. You bring the skills, they tell you what is needed.

It's easy to work for low pay online. There's a lot of competition out there, and many writers willing to work for a pittance. It can be hard to get serious pay as a writer, but it is not impossible. Show your quality and know that you are worth it. If you're helping people earn a better living, they will know when you're the writer they need to keep using.

In many cases, having your own website is strongly recommended. It's a way to show off your work and attract clients if you're freelancing. A good website is a major part of your presence on the web. Even if you don't expect to do a lot of marketing online, listing a website on your business card is just one more sign of being serious and professional.

There have rarely been more possibilities for earning a living as a writer. Not all writers will succeed, and not all styles of writing will appeal to people online. But if you can adapt you will give yourself more chances to build a viable business as a writer.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Internet Based Home Business- What Is One Of The Most Important Things You Need

When you have an internet based home business there will be all kinds of tools that you need to help you run your business. You will need a website for your internet home based business plus anything else that you find that will benefit your business. However, there is one thing that will help you become more successful than anything else.

What you will need is a list. Don't know what a list is? This is where you supply a newsletter or ezine to people for free and then they sign up for it. When they sign up they get put on your list to receive your newsletter. This can be more valuable to your business than anything else you will ever have. Let me tell you some reasons why this is so important.

First: When you are trying to do business on the internet you will have to gain the trust of your customers. This can be a hard thing to do because people can't see you or talk to you. Thus it will be very hard to know what kind of person you are and they will have no way of getting to know you to find out. You will provide your list of customers with a free newsletter that will help them learn how to market their business or something that would be of value to them. You also want to provide them with free tools, software or anything else that you think will benefit them. This will help them learn that you want to provide them with things that they will need thus gaining their trust. The more people can see that you care the more liable they are to buy from you or join your opportunity. This leads to our second reason why you want a list.

Second: When you have a business you will have products to sell or an opportunity that you need to build a team for. When you have a list of customers that already trust you they will take your word for it when you tell them that they need something. So you can continue to send them different products or opportunities for your home business. They will more than likely buy from you over someone else because they already know you.

There may be just two reasons here but they are very important reasons why you will want your own list. I could go on and on about this but you need find out about lists and why you want one by researching it. This can be your most important tool for your internet based home business. So educate yourself on it and start your own list now. You will be glad you did.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Monday, December 15, 2008

Choosing The Perfect Home Business Idea

A lot of people get stumped when it comes to choosing a home business. In some cases, people are confused as to what home business they will engage in that they either end up starting a few home businesses at the same time or never really start anything at all. In both cases, the entrepreneur does not gain anything of value. If you are of those people who have no idea what home business is right for you, you should first make an inventory of your skills and resources before you attempt to start any type of business. Always remember that at home business is not something that will grow on its own so make sure that you know what you are doing if you do not want to end with lots of frustrations and no money.

Choose Something That You Are Familiar With

When it comes to choosing the perfect home business idea, it would be a good idea for you to focus your attention on the things that you are familiar with. For instance, if you are a computer programmer, it would be a good idea for you to explore the possibilities of engaging into a programming business. On the other hand, if you are one of those people who love to work with your hands, it would be a good idea for you to find a business that will put your creativity to good use.

Never attempt to start a home business that requires certain skills that you do not have at the moment. Note that it is always easier for you to spot opportunities in a field that you are very much familiar with. Yes, you can always learn new skills but since learning new skills will take a lot of item, effort and money on your part, you might as well stick to the things that you already know and save yourself from a lot of trouble. There is really no point in going through all the troubles of learning new things when you can capitalize on the things that you already know.

Find The Softest Entry Point

When it comes to setting up your home business, you need to probe into a specific industry and find a soft entry point. For instance, if you are a writer and you would like to engage into online writing, it would be a good idea for you to start working on some non paying or low paying jobs for a while and build your portfolio. Once you have collected some impressive items in your portfolio, you can move on to those high paying jobs and earn some really good income. Take your time when it comes to setting up your small business. Always remember that business do not grow overnight so be patient. There may be times when money is scarce and your business will not do so well but if you are patient and work hard towards your goal, you will eventually achieve that goal.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at