Saturday, September 27, 2008

Qualities Of Successful Entrepreneurs

What makes a successful business owner or entrepreneur? Some say creativity, others say passion, organization, or leadership skills. The qualities that help make entrepreneurs successful range from the practical to the esoteric; from learned skills to natural tendencies, or the way you think, act and behave.

The qualities that make entrepreneurs successful often have to do with "big picture" skills like planning, acting and thinking strategically, or being able to create or envision something that doesn't exist yet.

Successful entrepreneurs also tend to be able to detach themselves from what's happening, get a bird's eye view, in order to get a new prospective and see what's really happening and what has to be done.

Here (in no particular order) are some of the most significant entrepreneurial characteristics:

• Energy and enthusiasm.
• A passion for what you do.
• The assertiveness to push forward your ideas.
• A love of novelty and new things.
• Take initiative to do what needs to be done.
• Creativity and imagination.
• Be a self starter, make things happen on your own.
• Be able to manage your time and be productive.
• Be really good at following-through.
• Be ready for anything that comes up.
• Think positively and believe in yourself.
• The ability to make decisions.
• Not be afraid or embarrassed to ask for help when needed.
• Effectiveness at persuasion.
• Problem solving skills.
• Ability to be flexible, adaptable, and creative.
• Think "out of the box".
• The ability to produce results.
• Ability to take risks and do so in a calculated way.
• Enjoy the ride, if you don't why bother?
• The ability to negotiate and compromise, not get so stuck that nothing moves forward.
• An exacting and exhaustive mentality.
• An appropriate sense of urgency.
• Resilience after Failure, not giving up when things get tough.
• Alertness to all that's happening around you.
• Leadership: The ability to envision the future and motivate others to follow that vision.
• The ability to manage stress. If you can't who will?
• The persistence to keep on going.
• Confidence in your ideas and yourself.
• The ability to reflect and improve
• The ability to plan, act and think strategically

Which entrepreneurial traits do you possess?

Which ones would you like to develop?

Whether you're already running a business, or just thinking of starting one, you might want to consider sharpening your entrepreneurial skills so that you can achieve the business success you're looking for.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Advantage of Having A Home Based Business

The most evident advantage of having a home business is that you can be more involved in your family life. I’m not just talking about stay at home Moms. A good deal of the time, the man is the main breadwinner. Often he is away from home most of the week. Today’s man values is his family life. He wants to help raise his children. Having a “work at home” business allows him to actively participate with the children. Because so many businesses are failing or downsizing, the online business field has become very popular.

Whether it is the husband or the wife (often couples work as a team in a home business) there is someone there for the kids. No taking off work if your child is sick. You don’t have to ask the boss if you can take off early to see your son’s soccer game. You are there. The amount of quality time you can spend with your children will greatly increase.

Many lines in your family budget will decrease when you start working from home. Gas prices have gone sky high! It doesn’t take any gas to walk from the bedroom to the home office. Look at the time you will save with no commute.

Your clothing budget will probably decrease also. There is no need for expensive dress clothes and shoes when you are working from home. No longer will you feel like you have to go out to lunch with your office mates. Keep that refrigerator stocked with fruits, vegetables and other nutritious items. Not only will you save money, but you will be healthier.

You will also save on your taxes. I cannot give advice on this subject since I am not a qualified accountant, but some of the advantages are obvious. Part of your mortgage will become tax deductible if you have a dedicated office area. Of course items that you buy for the business are deductible. Don’t be afraid to spend money on advertising your business. It is deductible. If you are serious about your home business, you need the advice of an accountant. You will benefit from it.

To me, one of the best reasons to have a home business is that I am my own boss. I have always worked very hard for other people. Sometimes I was rewarded, usually I wasn’t. As my own boss, I will reap all the rewards of my hard work. I won’t have to put up with the idiosyncrasies of a boss. I will not have to deal with office politics. I am the boss and I am in charge.

The greatest reward I have found in having my own “work at home” business is that I now have so much more confidence in myself. It was really scary starting out, but as I progress, my self-confidence grows. I am learning new things. Who would think a 51 year old would learn HTML/PHP so I could redesign my website? I did it! I have learned to network with others in my field. So much can be learned from them. As I grow in knowledge, I will pass it on to those new in the field.

I encourage you to investigate the “work at home” industry. Don’t jump on promises of overnight wealth. It doesn’t happen. Look for a legitimate, stable opportunity. If you have the dream of working from home, do something about it. Don’t just dream, take action. With work and determination, who knows what you will be able to accomplish.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Who Can Start A Home Business?

Many people think about starting a home business. A good percentage of them will decide that they cannot do it. I would like to answer some questions you might have.

Do you have to be a person who is not working? No, in fact most people who start up a home business are also working a full-time job. It would be great to quit our "day job", but in most cases, that's not reality. Most of us squeeze out time in the evenings and on weekends for our home business.

Do you have to be someone who wants a full-time income? No to this also. A lot of people want to supplement their income. You might be a man or a woman who feels he/she needs more than his/her present career to support his/her family in the style he/she wants. You might be a Mom who is staying home now, but wants to add to the family's income. You might be a student who wants to earn some money, but wants a flexible schedule to fit in with college life.

Is it possible to earn a good income? Yes it is. I know people who are earning $400,000 and above with "at home businesses". I wish I were in that position, but I have just begun and have to work toward that goal. It is not going to happen overnight. If an opportunity promises you that - don't even consider it.

Can you start a good business without investing thousands of dollars? Yes you can. There are many legitimate businesses that I have found which require no investment or a very low investment.

After that, it is up to you. The online world of business is very competitive. You must advertise. Most of this costs money. There are types of free advertisement. If you are not spending money on it, you have to be prepared to spend a lot of time.

How can you learn how to market a business? If you sign up for a good, solid opportunity (like I did) there will be lots of support available. There is so much that your head will be spinning from information overload. I could not believe it! There are people competing for the same market, but they take the time to help others. For someone who has never tried something like this, it is perfect. You could not ask for more support. I seriously advise anyone who is thinking about starting a business to investigate this. You will be starting on the road to financial freedom. Come join me.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


In this day and age so many things are rushed. Sometimes we want to shout, “Slow down”. But sometimes in our own lives we are guilty of the opposite extreme. Our fears stop us from acting when we should. I am a prime example. For many years, I thought to work from home, but I did not have the self confidence to do that. I look back now and realize how much further ahead I would be if I had conquered my fears and started a business.

What fears do you face when you think about starting a business? The major one is….MONEY.

You are afraid you will lose the money you invest in a new business. You have to be careful. A lot of online businesses are just waiting to take your money. My first venture into an online business was with a company that took my money and then did not deliver what they promised. If that happens to you, here is a tip. Don’t let up. Keep calling and emailing, requesting your money back. Don’t back down if they did not give you what they promised. I did get my money back. That gave my confidence a boost.

There are two websites that you should visit before investing. One is The other is

If a business has a report on either website, I would exercise caution. Fortunately my second venture into the online business was a much wiser choice. I kept getting email about one particular site. It sounded good. I could tell that if I became an affiliate, there was a lot of material available for me to learn from. This was important to me. I wanted a good foundation. Sometimes my head spins because I am now putting so much information into it. And there is so much more to learn.

There are so many benefits of having an online business. Conquer your fears. Give yourself a chance to grow. You are the only one who can put yourself on the road to success. Have determination and you can do it. Start Today!
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Deciding To Start Your Own Business

What a scary thought! Who would want to make that leap of faith and start their own business? Do you really have the self confidence to do it? Take a deep breath and think about it.

If you are contemplating starting your own business, I know these thoughts are running through your head. They certainly raced through my mind when I was thinking about it. This is a decision that needs thorough thought. Don’t jump into it without thinking.

Have you thought about opening a store? The investment for an “on the street” business is great – thousands and thousands of dollars. That excludes most of us. A workable alternative is a “work at home” business. The increasing popularity of the internet has really opened up that field. The instability of so many businesses has created a need for many people to work for themselves.

It is very possible to start an “at home business” with very little investment. This allows the “little guy” (you and me) to be self-employed. If you search the web for online businesses, you will find many that do require a large initial outlay of cash. That wasn’t for me. I wanted an opportunity to start with little or no cash output and then I could determine expenditures on advertising and other things. This would allow me to control my budget. Not having a lot to spend, I was aware that it is possible to find free methods of advertising which would require more time than money.

Some people will quit their “day job” and jump into a business. I do not advise this unless you are very financially secure. I continue my full time job, devoting all the hours I can in the evenings and weekends to my new business. This takes a lot of determination! You really need a lot of self confidence to believe that this business will succeed and you will be able to do it full time in the future. You really have to want to change your lifestyle. The thought of being in control of my destiny fuels me. I am determined to succeed.

Work at home businesses are also perfect for part time work. Those of you who just want to supplement your family’s income for vacation money, Christmas money, money to pay the bills would do well with an online business. You can control how much you earn and how much time you spend.

In this day of corporations constantly downsizing, no job is secure. Wouldn’t you rather be the one in charge? Wouldn’t you rather not have a long commute each day? Make the move! Start working for yourself.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Monday, September 22, 2008

Running A Home Business: What You Need To Know

Running a business from your home is no joke. There are a lot of details that you will need to keep track of if you aspire to be successful. Keep in mind that a home business is in essence not much different from traditional ones. The aim of your business is to make money, remember that. It has to be as efficient and as profitable as you can make it.

Here are the cardinal rules of running your own home business.

Know yourself:

You have to have at least a passing knowledge of yourself to be successful in any endeavor. Its cliché, but you have to understand yourself. By examining yourself, you should be able to pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses. You’ll want to capitalize on the former and minimize the effects of the latter. For example, if you are a people person, you might want to handle the service section of your home business. If you are the more analytical type, you might consider becoming your own financial planner and leave the service section to someone else. Again, focus on what you can do well, and apply that skill to your business.

Know your business:

Know your trade inside and out, and exhaust all efforts to be up-to-date with all the advances in your realm of business. Read up on what you have to on a regular basis. Newspapers, trade magazines, and business books might be a good place to start. Remember that it is ideas that make real money. Exercise some creativity, call up a few original ideas, and you will have an edge over the competition. Alternatively, you can also combine pre-existing ideas and apply them to your business. By creating or synthesizing ideas, you might be able to create a niche for yourself, which should be the goal of every business.

Know your customers:

There is a saying in America, and it goes something like this: “The customer is always right.” However, consider this saying from Japan: “The customer is God.” No matter which saying you believe to be more accurate, you must treat your customers like they are the most valuable persons in your life. After all, it is they that make it possible for you to make a living; it is only proper that you treasure them and that you look out for them, within reason. Study your customers. Try to put yourself in their shoes, anticipate their concerns, and provide for what they want and need.

Under-commit, but over-perform. Amaze people with the level of service you offer, or the quality of the goods that you sell. Exert all reasonable efforts to exceed their expectations. If they want something done by tomorrow, have it done by this afternoon. If they expect a bill of a hundred dollars, give them one for just ninety-five dollars. By doing things a little better than everyone else, your customers will come to associate you with excellence. And who doesn’t want to do business with someone excellent?

Running a home business is fraught with risk, but it can also be a vehicle for huge rewards. However, by studying yourself and your business, and by offering excellent service, you will have a recipe for success. Ignore your fears and take the plunge – you’ll be glad you did.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at