Friday, November 7, 2008

Home Business Tax Deductions You Should Take

In any home business you definitely have more tax advantages than if you were self-employed. The tax advantages become substantial when you consider how you can improve the profitability of your business by declaring all of the home business tax deductions you are entitled to.

You may be missing some very important deductions. You must itemize your deductions for your home business operation on a separate schedule just as you would for your personal deductions. Knowing which deductions you are entitled to can save your home business hundreds of dollars a year.

Here is some background information on how your income tax amount is arrived at by the IRS.

The U.S. taxation code states that almost all income is subject to federal income tax. The way that you, as the owner of your home business, arrive at the final amount of income tax is as follows:

Gross Income - (All Expenses + Miscellaneous Deductions + Depreciation on Assets) = Taxable Income.

Taxable Income X (Your Tax Rate) = Income tax for the fiscal year.

Here is a quick definition of the terms in the above taxation equation:

Gross Income = The total of all income for the year after the cost of the inventory has been paid for.

Expenses = All costs of doing business during the fiscal tax year. Examples include payroll, materials, supplies and interest on business loans, etc. To find out if an expense qualifies as a legitimate business expense, consult your accountant or the IRS.

Depreciation = This is the way of spreading out the deductible of an asset over a period of more than one year.

The IRS has certain different depreciation schedules for different business property. This is done for assets like real estate, equipment and other assets with a long economic life. This method of taxation write-off has certain advantages. Be sure to talk to your accountant regarding proper depreciation rules. These rules are subject to change by the Congress and the IRS.

Miscellaneous Deductions:

This is an often misunderstood and overlooked way to save a lot of money on taxes. Remember that these types of expenses must be totaled up and declared on a separate schedule of your income tax forms.

Always track your expenses and be sure to save at least one copy of every deduction. You will be asked for proof of every transaction that is declared as a deduction if you are audited by the IRS!

Here is a list of some of the things you can deduct from your income taxes:

Business related expenses include:

1. Air fares
2. Auto expenses
3. Books and Magazines
4. Educational Expenses
5. Home Office Space* + a portion of utilities, telephone, and maintenance costs
6. Office Furniture
7. Cleaning Expenses
8. Meals with Business Clients
9. Laundry Expenses (When Traveling)
10. Advertising
11. Impairment-related Expenses
12. Licenses and Regulatory Fees

* If you own your home you must use the IRS depreciation rules to determine this deduction. If you rent you may also deduct a portion of your rent.

Check IRS Publication 535 to find out if you can deduct any or all of the above.

As you can see there are many deductions that are allowable for your home business. The best way to get more information on tax deductions and related information on income taxes is to go online to There you will find a helpful search engine containing thousands of government publications that you can research and print out if you need to.

Now you have a good idea of the deductions you are entitled to take. So do your research, keep track of your expenses and take all of the deductions you can for maximum profit every year.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I Need A Holiday: But How Can I?

What is a Holiday: vacation: leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure; "we get two weeks of vacation every summer"; "we took a short holiday in Panama" a day on which work is suspended by law or custom; "no mail is delivered on federal holidays"; "it's a good thing that New Year's was a holiday.

"A good holiday is one spent among people whose notions of time are vaguer than yours." John B. Priestly

When you've been working long and hard at your home business for a while, you might feel like you've earned yourself a little break. There are home business owners out there who haven't taken a real holiday since they started their business -- including some who started their business as long as five years ago!

After all, how can you ever just desert your business and your customers and go bronze yourself on the beach? How can you avoid being on call 24/7 throughout your holiday? Well, everyone deserves some time to themselves at least once a year, if they want to keep being productive and avoid stress. Here's what to do.

A quick and simple way to let people know that you've gone away is to change your answerphone message. This allows you to still hear what people have to say when you get back, and stops them from wondering why you never seem to answer your phone.

A good format for the message is as follows: 'Hi, this is [your name] at [company name]. I'm sorry I'm not in the office right now, but I will be back on [give a date]. If you leave a message, I will be sure to get back to you'.

Of course, when you go on holiday, you're relying on people being willing to wait for you. That means you can't really take the kids to Disneyworld for two weeks, or spend a month staying with a friend abroad -- it's just too long to be away from your business for.

Similar to an answerphone message, but less commonly used, is the email autoresponder. Again, you don't want people to wonder why their emails are going unanswered, so your best bet is to set up your email program to automatically reply to any email you get with a message saying that you've gone away.

You should regard a weekend away as ideal (it avoids the whole problem for the most part), and a week as the maximum you can allow yourself. Don't let people make you feel bad about only taking one-week holidays: after all, you could always have more than one each year.

Of Course this famous quote from Amanda Bradley is still the best:"Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!" **********************************************************************************
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

How To Be More Effective Working From Home

Some of the people I know, work from home. Balancing work within the home environment can often be difficult.

If you're a Mom working at home, you may be juggling children, family commitments, running a household and working on your business. Make life easier with these few simple guidelines.

If you're a Dad working from home, you have the added distractions of wanting to spend time with your family while keeping the focus on your business and maybe you also take on some of the household, child-care duties too.

It's good to have a structure in which to work which creates a balance between ensuring that work gets done and enjoying the flexibility of working from home without getting overwhelmed.

- Create an "office". If you don't have one already - clear a space that you can truly call your office. Maybe you currently work from the kitchen table or a corner of your living room. Is there a space you can clear which can be your office?

If you run your entire business from home, it's more than likely that you'll have a specific room that is your office.

- Does it look like your office?
- Does it reflect your business?
- Do you have everything you need to hand?

Perhaps your office also double as a spare room, junk room or storage area. Is it neatly arranged or are you surrounded by boxes and other clutter?

What could you do to improve the environment in which you work? Keep papers in files and folders that you can put away at the end of the day. Have clear space around you as you work.

- Keep to your office hours. You can be flexible with your working day but don't be tempted to blur the lines between your work life and your home life too much. By all means take breaks during the day to have some 'home' life, or time to get chores done. But place a time limit around these. Set a fixed start time and finish time to your working day.

Think about why you have chosen to work from home instead of working in an office. If you want to have a day or half day a week when you don't work, then do that. Book it out in your diary at the beginning of the week or month.

You should be enjoying your time not struggling to juggle home life with work life. And that applies even if you do work in an office.

- Set boundaries around your time. Have an answer machine you switch on outside of office hours.

Just because the phone rings - you don't have to answer it immediately.
Just because an email arrives in your inbox - you don't have to reply to it immediately.

At least not straight away. Schedule time each day to attend to these tasks and you'll be using your time more effectively.

Don't allow yourself to get into the habit of working all hours - late into the evening or on weekends just because your office is at home, only a few feet away and you can just 'pop in' to check emails.

- Set boundaries with other people in your life. If you're in your office - you are working. If you get distracted, take a complete break and then get back into work mode. Be mindful of other people around you - if you're at home, they may expect you to be more involved. Explain when you can and when you need space, time or some peace and quiet.

Set the boundaries in the beginning and it will make it easier for everyone.

- Working from home can bring a certain amount of guilt - you either feel guilty because you should be working when you are spending time with your family or you feel guilty when your working that you should be with your family.

Working for yourself is hard enough - don't be your own worst enemy and feel that you have to work all hours. You don't. Give yourself a break and keep some perspective on your work life balance. If you want to work four days a week, so you get to spend more time with your family, then do that! What's stopping you? Probably yourself.

Enjoy working at home and don't let it become a burden. **********************************************************************************
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Income On The Internet

Finding a way to have an income online is not as difficult as it would seem. It is possible to find homework businesses in every part of the internet, and start the necessary steps to making money on the Internet if you are looking for a full time income or just pocket money, maybe extra cash for that holiday that you promised yourself a new car or bigger house anything is possible with your own internet business.

If you have done your research and you are already aware of the ways in which you will be able to generate an income on the Internet, then the first step of your starting your new homework business is already completed this part may feel very time consuming but is a very important process. Many people will find that they spend large amounts of time on this first step of finding legitimate homework, because essentially it is the most important. Selling someone else's products or transcription is a legitimate area for homework, and can be some of the best ways to help you make an income on the Internet.

Try and set yourself goals and targets but you must make sure that you have short term medium term and long term goals track your progress regularly to make sure you are going in the right direction, make small adjustments that will keep you on target. The goals you have will give you focus so that you can overcome the minor obstacles that you will come across.

After you have decided on which area will be the focus of your homework, check with your state about the laws and guidelines surrounding conducting a business and generating an income from the Internet. Next, you need to learn that the money you actually earn is not always your income. Of course any money made will have to be declared during tax time, so it is important to keep detailed accounts of the expenses and profit generated from your homework, as well as all receipts.

The next step that will be beneficial is to consider ways to advertise your new homework, as advertising is of prime importance in any business. Think of any of the big names in business and you will find that they reached that status and became big by advertising. If you follow the tips and instructions that you are given to the letter you will find that it is possible to advertise for absolutely nothing, advertising that costs nothing will always be the best advertising you can get. Even though you have carefully planned and researched the steps involved in starting your homework, people will not buy your products or utilize your services unless they know it exists.

Therefore, there are numerous ways to let people know about your homework. Start by telling anyone you know, especially family and friends, which is one of the best ways to spread the word about your new way to make an income from the Internet. You can pay for your advertising but beware costs can get out of hand much better to use free advertising until you are sure of the kind of wording that will work for you to bring you customers. Other advertising methods to consider also include flyers, newspaper adverts, bumper stickers, and newsletters, which detail how your new homework can benefit the consumers. By spreading the word about your new homework, not only will you generate an income on the Internet, but you will generate a profitable one as well.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Monday, November 3, 2008

I'm Established Now - So Start Planning Your Growth

What is growth: increase: a process of becoming larger or longer or more numerous or more important; "the increase in unemployment"; "the growth of population"

Business refers to at least three closely related commercial topics. The first is a commercial, professional or industrial organization or enterprise, generally referred to as "a business." The second is commercial, professional, and industrial activity generally, as in "business continues to evolve as markets change." Finally, business can be used to refer to a particular area of economic activity, such as the "record business" or the "computer business"

If you've got a profit-making home business on your hands, the next step is growth -- expansion into new markets and new products. But how can you grow when the physical space you have is so restricted?

Remember that business plan you made when you started it all? Well, growing your business isn't that different to starting a new one: you still need to plan ahead, and know what you're doing. Take out your existing business plan and look at what needs to be brought up to date, what still stands, and what needs to be added.

The most important thing to keep in mind when you turn your business plan into a growth plan is this: don't forget your core focus. Tempting as it can be to diversify into all sorts of areas as a way to grow, you don't have experience in these areas -- try to do more of what you know, and keep new things to a minimum.

While running your business, you might have become frustrated with how much more you could do if you just had a little money to invest. Equity finance is a popular way to raise money to invest in a business. It involves you selling a small share of your company to someone who is interested in investing. They don't have to have any involvement in the running of the business, necessarily -- the only real condition is that you agree to give them a percentage of your profits equal to the percentage of your business that you sold them, known as a dividend.

One thing that can be fatal for home businesses is trying to grow too fast. Some people have a tendency to let success go to their head, and will borrow tons of money to expand their business at an amazing rate, only to have a breakdown when they realize that they just can't manage a business that large.

"In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love; they had five hundred years of democracy and peace and what did they produce? The cuckoo clock."
Orson Welles.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Art of Business Networking in a New Age

Business networking is a decade old concept of doing business, which has grown immensely. With the advent of internet, business networking has gone from strength to strength and has generated millions of dollars in business. Although business networking is individual based and marketing oriented, it has brought to the fore many a product that eluded the reach of many people.

These business networks have a business model that is also known as multilevel marketing. The business model follows the system of appointing individual distributors that work with the company by selling the products as well as appointing other distributors under them. Basically the earning of the individual is partly from margins generated by sale of goods and a percentage of sales achieved by the distributors they appoint. A business network individual grows by appointing distributors under him and motivating them to appoint more under them. The level of earning under each network depends upon the network statistics and percentages as laid down by the parent company.

Many innovative business networking schemes keep cropping up anew day after day and one need not be surprised if an invitation comes your way. They are easy to run and easy to sell. This is so, because these business networks target the people near and around a business person, like relatives, friends, colleagues and acquaintances. When a good business networking opportunity comes across, it becomes keeping in touch and earning money all the more fun.

These business networking schemes also help increase your circle of friends and acquaintances and help to increase one's social influence and business presence that may be unrelated to the network business itself.

The best way to go about taking up a business networking proposition is to select the best available sponsor. The sponsor should be able to guide a new independent distributor in the initial stages of business and help learn the finer nuances. He or she should be able to act as a friend, philosopher and guide. Taking the business slow at the beginning would be good, so that a new distributor can break teeth into it. Most business networking programs offer excellent and peerless training sessions that change your outlook towards life forever.

No question about it; you provide one of the most valuable services imaginable. However, without an ongoing and ever-increasing number of new, quality prospects, you'll eventually run out of people with whom to share the benefits. You might even end up asking yourself that most dreaded of questions in the world of sales, which is, "Who do I talk to next, now that my original list of names has run out?" That thought can be downright discouraging, can't it? Then again, it need not happen.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at