Saturday, June 21, 2008

Set Goals For Your Network Marketing Business

Very little in life is gained without setting goals. Paul Getty, a wealthy philanthropist and avid book collector, said long ago: "In life, if you don't know where you're going, you're sure to end up somewhere else."

Your goals for growing your network marketing business are the steps that will lead you to realizing your dreams and ultimately, your personal success. Success is built upon success. The level to which you succeed will be determined by the goals you set for yourself personally and for your network marketing business itself.

In order for your goals in network marketing to be attained, they must be:

Written down
Realistic, yet challenging
and time oriented.

You should set goals that are obtainable and measurable, then set a realistic time for them to be accomplished. For instance, you can set goals for how many people you will place product with and share your network marketing opportunity with during the course of a week or two.

How many do you want to personally sponsor and get activated in your network marketing business during a specific time period? What rank do you want to reach in your network marketing company in the coming days, weeks, and months? How many meetings and appointments are you willing to set in order to achieve your goals?

You can also set personal educational and development goals, such as how often you will participate in teaching and training calls or meetings, listening to or watching educational CDs and DVDs, and how much time you will devote to reading about network marketing each day.

It is important that you set some short-term goals that are achievable, so you can create the momentum necessary to accomplish the goals for your network marketing business mid- and long-term. There is nothing more motivating than reaching specific milestones on the way to your BIG dream. Starting small can help.

Your first short-term goal should be building your network marketing business to profit, and this is commonly achieved by bringing 2-3 people into your organization that become active sponsors. After that, you should devote your time to help those you've brought into your network marketing organization do the same.

Now you set a weekly or monthly goal of bringing one person into your business, and again helping those below you do the same in order for you to achieve the higher levels in your network marketing company.

Again, it is very important that your short-term goals are achievable and thus lead to accomplishing your mid- and long-range goals. Your sponsor should be available to assist you in setting goals that you can realistically achieve.

Remember that your "Why" for getting involved with network marketing leads to setting goals, which leads to action, which leads to success. By following and repeating these steps, and teaching these concepts to those who join your network marketing organization, you become closer to realizing your dreams by building a successful network marketing business.

However, simply writing down your network marketing goals does not guarantee your success. For your goals to be meaningful, you must remain committed to them. Determine that you're not just going to START your business, but you're going to FINISH what you started.

In life, there are many starters and few finishers. Be determined to finish. Deciding to invest some of your time, energy, and financial resources into yourself and your network marketing business will not only determine your level of personal success, but it will also greatly influence those you bring into your organization.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at