As a network marketer, I'm sure you talk to prospects about your network marketing home business. In your discussion, you might find that as you talk about the company founder, the product statement for 1994, and the name of the rock formation in Estonia where the magic herb is found for your vitamin formula, their eyes begin to glaze over. Even worse, they might make a hasty retreat and go as far as to duck and run if they ever see you coming their way again! So, it's fairly obvious that your prospect does not need this type of information. The question is what do your network marketing prospects REALLY want to know? Simply, the answer to these three basic questions:
1. What business are you in?
2. How much money can I earn?
3. So, what do I have to do to earn this money?
Answer these questions in an efficient, clear, and concise way, and you will find an interested prospect! Let's get to business and see how this is done.
Question #1: What Kind of Business Are You In?
This is a reasonable question. I mean, who would ever join a business if they had no clue what it was about? Would you do that? I hope not! Therefore, when your prospects ask this question, you must be very clear so that they will not delay their decision Here's an example of an example of poor answer to this question:
"I am in the global search for entrepreneurial talent, for time freedom and financial freedom, whereby they can enhance their efforts through multiple streams of residual income, thereby improving their lifestyle . . ."
Ummmmmmmmm. Anybody else confused besides me on that one? So, please don't say silly things like this to your network marketing prospects. Instead, when you describe your business, you should use the "which means" words to connect your business to one of your products or services. This helps the prospect understand exactly what you do in your business. Here is what you can say:
"I am in the health and wellness business which means that we have a delicious nutritional shake that people drink which helps them wake up an hour earlier every morning feeling like million dollars, and fall asleep at night within five minutes of their heads hitting the pillow."
Got it? Good. On to the next question.
Question #2: How Much Money Can I Earn?
This is an easy question to answer. You state an amount that you feel your prospect is interested in earning per month. If someone is looking to earn only a couple of hundred extra per month, you describe income. For someone who wants financial independence and work from home, the quote would be different.
If you don't know your prospect well, all you would need to say ask if they were to make an extra income with your business, how much extra income are they looking for?
Now, on the last question your prospects will ask.
Question #3: So, What Exactly Do I Have To Do To Earn Money?
Isn't that a reasonable question? I would want to know what I have to do as a prospect. Let's give them a clear answer instead of saying things like "Oh, you just have to talk to people", or "We are a wonderful sharing and caring business" By a clear answer, I also don't mean describing the compensation plan or sharing with them the company history! Just tell the prospect approximately what kind of activity he will need to do earn a certain a particular amount of money based on what you told them when answering question #2. . For example, if you quoted $500 you would say something like:
"All you have to do is: between you, and everybody you talk to, and everybody they talk to forever and ever . . . find about 2 families who want to drink the shake so that they wake up in the morning feeling great and then you would earn an extra $500 a month."
I would call this a clear answer to your network marketing prospect. They now know exactly what they have to do to earn that extra $500 a month.
Once your prospects have these three questions answered about your home business, you close with something like, "Well, what do you think" or "And that's that." Very simple. No haggling, hassling, high-pressure sales pitch here. You just gave them the facts and now the decision is up to your prospect.
Use these techniques and watch your network marketing businesses prospect interest increase by 100%!
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Monday, December 29, 2008
The Secret Is Out: What Network Marketing Prospects Really Want To Know
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
What Is The Biggest Secret To Building Any Online Business?
Are you one of the many who always end up saying, could of, would of, should of? Find out for yourself how to begin your online business in your spare time.
Successful online marketers know that you need to find something that has not been done before. Something that will do all of the work for you. Something that even offers a guarantee that you will succeed.
The demand for home businesses has skyrocketed, thanks to the internet. People want the freedom to work from home. Today, millions of people are looking for a way to diversify, retire early or make money online. This is why starting a home based business is the fastest growing industry in the world.
To succeed online you need to find a system that will work with you and not against you. Most people fail because they get no help and are left to succeed on their own. That is why most people never achieve any success online.
What should you do? Find a company with a multi million dollar advertising budget. One that has the top internet marketers in the world building a business for you.
You see, with some programs you do not have to do a thing to be successful.
Have you ever heard of a pre launch? A pre launch simply means that a program has just started and is building its core group of marketers. Find a company in pre launch, get in at the top and your chances of success increase ten fold.
A good online marketing business should allow everyone to make money.
Remember that you should not have to bring anyone into a business to make a solid residual income. Once a company that is in pre launch is launched the companies advertising budget should help you build your business instead of just taking your money.
Before joining any online business it is important to research the product and make sure that it is a popular one.
So, not only should you be provided with free advertising which will build your online business but the product should be very marketable.
What makes a great online business?
1. No selling or prospecting needed.
2. No answering questions or speaking to prospects.
3. Totally passive income
4. Mass appeal.
5. You can make money as an active member, by bringing in others who want to be passive.
6. No technical knowledge needed.
7. Previous experience or knowledge is not needed.
8. Low cost.
9. Additional passive and active income streams should be available.
Many companies promise great results but never deliver no matter how hard you work.
Once you realize that making money from home has little to do with experience and everything to do with having the right system in place then your success is guaranteed.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Does Your Home Based Business Drive You Crazy
Running a home based business is not easy. Actually it is easier to be driven crazy by all of the pressures brought about by running the business. There are just so many things to consider, so many issues to deal with that it is not surprising if you are driven a little insane.
It is therefore very important to take stock of yourself and ensure that you are doing things, which will help you maintain your sanity. Perhaps the best way to keep sane is to remember the reasons why you decided to go into a home based business in the first place. It is also important to remember that you have a family who rely on you and at the same time provide you with support and satisfaction in life.
A primary way to keep your sanity is to make an assesment of the things which you consider important in life and evaluate your work at home business to those factors. After making this assessment prioritise the things you need to do in order to make and keep your business a success. This is something, which you probably did when you thought about going into a home business but did you actually write down your priorities and make a full assessment of them. This is a useful exercise if you feel that you have somehow lost your way.
The more you go into your business the more you are going to find that there are issues for you to work through and the more complicated your business will become, so the earlier you prioritise your issues the better.
Another way you can keep your sanity is to separate your business life and your non working life. Allocate time when you will be with your business and times when you will be with your family. This of course is easier if your only work is your home based business. However if your home based business is part time then it is very difficult to keep your time separate as the demands seem to be greater and the time you have to achieve things becomes very limited. Certainly the time you have to spend on family and recreational activities is greatly reduced.
Nevertheless it is still important to keep a balance in your life between work and rest. Begin balancing at the very start. Even though you may at the beginning of your business you may be very enthusiastic and you think that you have to give your business your all it is not good to lose your soul in the process. However it is never too late to develop more balance between your business and personal life.
Three important factors to maintaining your sanity are as follows:
Firstly, provide yourself with a daily routine. Set up a schedule outlining when you are going to work and when you are going to use your time on other things.
Secondly, it is useful to have a part of the house set up as an office. Working on a kitchen bench can be very stressful.
Thirdly, ensure that you have all the equipment, which makes working a lot more convenient.
At first it may be quite necessary to use up most of your recreational time to devote to your business. It may be necessary to work outside of an office set up in the home and it may be necessary to use the oldest equipment available. However if your business is successful you can in time set yourself up in the most comfortable way possible. This will become your wisest investment and keep you from going crazy as you operate your home based business.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Monday, December 22, 2008
Benefits Of A Family Home Business
When you first open a home business, like it or not your family is involved. Whether it is peripheral involvement by staying out of your way while you work or taking an active role in running the business, getting your family involved in your home business can actually help its chance of success. In what capacity family members are able to be involved will depend on the type of home business you operate and the age of some of the family members.
Obviously, really young children will not be able to offer a lot of assistance but as they grow older finding tasks around the house can be beneficial for you, to help remove the burden of some time consuming, yet non productive tasks, such as sweeping the floor in the office or emptying the trash cans. Offering to pay them a small salary for their efforts they can begin to learn the importance of working for what they want.
Unfortunately, there are many parents who get so wrapped up in running their home business that they tend to ignore the children, even when they are old enough to start offering some real help. By getting them involved early, they will not only learn a work ethic and the meaning of working for their money but they may also take an interest in the business and run it someday when you retire.
As far as other family members, hiring them may work but to do so you must go through the hiring process the same as you would any potential employee. If there is one position to fill and after interviewing family and other applicants, all things being equal it may work to hire a relative that is qualified for the position. The interview should give you an idea if they want the job with the company or just want you to pay them for showing up sometimes because you are related and do not want to anger Uncle Bill.
It would need to be clear from the start that you are running a home business in order to make a living not to keep all the relatives employed and if they fall below established standards then, they will no longer be employed by you. Additionally, if a relative has to be let go for any reason and your aunt, uncle or whoever calls to complain, as long as the individual is over the age of majority in your state, you owe them no explanation.
In rare cases a husband and wife home business cruises along to great success as they both have the same financial goals in mind. It is imperative that of the two one person is in charge of certain decisions and there is always opening for discussion but once the final decision is made, it will be followed by both. In many other cases, spending the entire workday together as well as the rest of the evening, neither party has a break from their work partner which can lead to dissention at home.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Friday, December 19, 2008
Successful Home Businesses- What Do They Know That You Haven't Figured Out Yet?
There are many successful home businesses around today. Then there are those that are struggling to make even a little amount of money. You have tried and tried but nothing you do seem to work. So what is it that the people with successful home businesses know that you don't?
There are two things that they do that a lot of people don't, this is set goals and use the power of positive thinking. With these two things you will be surprised at home much difference they can make in your home business success.
First, you always want to set goals no matter what home business you are doing. Setting goals is important for a couple of different reasons. One reason that it is good is that this will show you what it is that you want to achieve. This will then help you have the motivation to work towards those goals. Another reason that it is good is because they can help you stay focused. Staying focused is something that you will need to do in order to achieve those goals. You will need to read over your goals at least once a week to keep them fresh in your mind. You will also need to revise those goals every time you achieve one. Don't just achieve it and not set new goals because this will hinder you later on.
Second, believe it or not your attitude can affect whether your business is successful. When you think in negative thoughts you will be putting out negative vibes. This can make you have more problems with becoming successful. When you think positive you will be putting out positive vibes and this will make it much easier for you to have success with your home business. This will not only affect your business but all aspects of your life.
You may not believe it but it is still true just the same. I know that if you could talk to someone who has a successful home business they would tell you exactly what I am telling you about goals and your attitude. There are many people who will not believe it but you can try it for yourself. Start thinking positively about everything and see what kind of results that you get. You will be surprised by what you see happening. There are many people out there who will not believe me and that is their right. However when you try it for yourself and see what happens you will be amazed.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The Greatest Lie Ever Told: Everyone is Your Prospect!
Outdated network marketing ideologies (some people call them lies), have made failure a common destination for most network marketers in our industry.
The "everyone is your prospect" (and other tired theories), end up making you feel frustrated and incompetent, not to mention it sets you up for failure.
Why? Because you go out and try to "sell" your product or your business opportunity to everybody you come in contact with and then feel like a loser when people repeatedly tell you they're not interested!
Here's the reality: not everyone is a prospect for your business opportunity or product despite what you've been taught. Shocker huh?
Although your upline and in some cases, your company has drilled it into your head that everyone is a prospect for what you're marketing, you must keep in mind you're in business and not everyone wants what you're selling.
You must also know that it's to your company's benefit for you to think that you have a huge market with wide-open arms just ready for your product. That's probably how they sold you on the opportunity - right?
Take for example the three foot rule. The three foot rule is an offshoot of the "everyone is your prospect" theory. This is where you find a catchy phrase to start a conversation with anyone and everyone who's unlucky enough to venture within three feet of you. The goal is to "work" your opportunity into the conversation. Don't you feel phony when you do this?
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with making small talk with strangers when you're out and about, but if your only reason for doing so is to get an "opening" to pitch your business, then its contrived. Besides, most people can sense when you're insincere and fake. Who do you think you're fooling?
Now, think about it. What kind of role-modeling are you showing for your potential prospect anyway? After you pitch them your opportunity, the first thing that comes into their mind is, "will I have to go up to strange people in public places to recruit for my business too? I don't want to do that... this is not for me."
You are making your potential prospects even more resistant to your proposition with your actions and you don't even know it. But maybe you do, because the three-foot rule and the other "lies" you've been practicing and believing in have not been working.
It's a reality that you feel awkward prospecting this way, but your upline says it's one of the "techniques" we use. Your family hates taking you out in public places, like restaurants and stores, because they know you're going to launch into your network marketing spiel at any given moment. They're embarrassed and ashamed you work your business this way. You're like a lion on the prowl in the Serengeti!
The more you conduct yourself this way, the more you feel a lost of your dignity. You feel like a schmuck, like the creepy guy that sits alone in the back of a movie theatre watching a children's' flick and talking to himself.
Despite what you've been told, not everyone is your prospect. That can never be! Some people are happy working a job. Some people are so fearful and distrustful of business people that they could never muster up the courage to become one of them. Some people don't like risk. Some people just aren't qualified to be their own boss.
By now, if you've done the three foot rule for any length of time, you know that it is not a good use of your time. In fact you are getting frustrated, and angry that you have to resort to such tactics, but you feel you are obligated to use any wacky prospecting technique your upline comes up with.
If they told you to dress up as a clown complete with the big red nose and rainbow curly wig and go door to door prospecting, you'd do it because they told you it worked. You want to be teachable and trainable, so you do anything they tell you to do, much to your displeasure.
Around about now you are ready to quit. You've had enough of the "everyone is your prospect" lie and other lies. The reason you are not having much success is because...
You are not going after your target market! Your job is not to convince, bribe or convert anyone into having a business. Your job is to talk to people who are on the same page as you. In other words you want people who are actively seeking out a solution to their problem and you want them coming to you first.
When people seek you out, you are seen as an expert. When it's the other way around you are seen as a pest and a desperate one at that. Why would you want to waste valuable time trying to convince uninterested people of your opportunity or to try your product?
The reality is that if you keep believing the "lies" or the ineffective marketing techniques your upline is telling you to do, you will not have much success if any success at all.
If you want to have massive success you must go after your target market. I promise you that you will drastically reduce your chances of failure in this industry by doing so.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Making Your at Home Writing Career Viable
Working as a writer has long been a popular work at home job. It has become an increasingly viable way to earn a good income, as the Internet has increased the possibilities.
You don't just have to worry about whether or not someone else will find your work worth publishing. Now you have more people wanting content to publish and more ways to earn money from your own work.
Earning a living as a writer still is not necessarily easy. You're going to have to work at your craft. You won't always find people interested in what you would prefer to write. You may have to work on your style and how it relates to people interested in your services.
Many writers work for others. There are many employers of varying sorts. You can go freelance and find individual assignments, or you can find someone who needs your writing skills regularly. There are advantages to each option, and it can very much so be a matter of personal preference.
Publishing your own work has become incredibly easy. Many people earn a living writing for their own website, whether in blog form or otherwise. The earning potential varies tremendously, depending on topic and your own skill at monetizing a website. But with the right software you don't have to be a great website designer or constantly pay someone to maintain your site for you. All you need is to get set up and go.
There are also many opportunities in writing for others. Many website owners would sooner pay someone else to do their writing, whether it be writing articles for their site or sales copy for their product. You bring the skills, they tell you what is needed.
It's easy to work for low pay online. There's a lot of competition out there, and many writers willing to work for a pittance. It can be hard to get serious pay as a writer, but it is not impossible. Show your quality and know that you are worth it. If you're helping people earn a better living, they will know when you're the writer they need to keep using.
In many cases, having your own website is strongly recommended. It's a way to show off your work and attract clients if you're freelancing. A good website is a major part of your presence on the web. Even if you don't expect to do a lot of marketing online, listing a website on your business card is just one more sign of being serious and professional.
There have rarely been more possibilities for earning a living as a writer. Not all writers will succeed, and not all styles of writing will appeal to people online. But if you can adapt you will give yourself more chances to build a viable business as a writer.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Internet Based Home Business- What Is One Of The Most Important Things You Need
When you have an internet based home business there will be all kinds of tools that you need to help you run your business. You will need a website for your internet home based business plus anything else that you find that will benefit your business. However, there is one thing that will help you become more successful than anything else.
What you will need is a list. Don't know what a list is? This is where you supply a newsletter or ezine to people for free and then they sign up for it. When they sign up they get put on your list to receive your newsletter. This can be more valuable to your business than anything else you will ever have. Let me tell you some reasons why this is so important.
First: When you are trying to do business on the internet you will have to gain the trust of your customers. This can be a hard thing to do because people can't see you or talk to you. Thus it will be very hard to know what kind of person you are and they will have no way of getting to know you to find out. You will provide your list of customers with a free newsletter that will help them learn how to market their business or something that would be of value to them. You also want to provide them with free tools, software or anything else that you think will benefit them. This will help them learn that you want to provide them with things that they will need thus gaining their trust. The more people can see that you care the more liable they are to buy from you or join your opportunity. This leads to our second reason why you want a list.
Second: When you have a business you will have products to sell or an opportunity that you need to build a team for. When you have a list of customers that already trust you they will take your word for it when you tell them that they need something. So you can continue to send them different products or opportunities for your home business. They will more than likely buy from you over someone else because they already know you.
There may be just two reasons here but they are very important reasons why you will want your own list. I could go on and on about this but you need find out about lists and why you want one by researching it. This can be your most important tool for your internet based home business. So educate yourself on it and start your own list now. You will be glad you did.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Monday, December 15, 2008
Choosing The Perfect Home Business Idea
A lot of people get stumped when it comes to choosing a home business. In some cases, people are confused as to what home business they will engage in that they either end up starting a few home businesses at the same time or never really start anything at all. In both cases, the entrepreneur does not gain anything of value. If you are of those people who have no idea what home business is right for you, you should first make an inventory of your skills and resources before you attempt to start any type of business. Always remember that at home business is not something that will grow on its own so make sure that you know what you are doing if you do not want to end with lots of frustrations and no money.
Choose Something That You Are Familiar With
When it comes to choosing the perfect home business idea, it would be a good idea for you to focus your attention on the things that you are familiar with. For instance, if you are a computer programmer, it would be a good idea for you to explore the possibilities of engaging into a programming business. On the other hand, if you are one of those people who love to work with your hands, it would be a good idea for you to find a business that will put your creativity to good use.
Never attempt to start a home business that requires certain skills that you do not have at the moment. Note that it is always easier for you to spot opportunities in a field that you are very much familiar with. Yes, you can always learn new skills but since learning new skills will take a lot of item, effort and money on your part, you might as well stick to the things that you already know and save yourself from a lot of trouble. There is really no point in going through all the troubles of learning new things when you can capitalize on the things that you already know.
Find The Softest Entry Point
When it comes to setting up your home business, you need to probe into a specific industry and find a soft entry point. For instance, if you are a writer and you would like to engage into online writing, it would be a good idea for you to start working on some non paying or low paying jobs for a while and build your portfolio. Once you have collected some impressive items in your portfolio, you can move on to those high paying jobs and earn some really good income. Take your time when it comes to setting up your small business. Always remember that business do not grow overnight so be patient. There may be times when money is scarce and your business will not do so well but if you are patient and work hard towards your goal, you will eventually achieve that goal.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Friday, December 12, 2008
How to Make Extra Money in This Weak Economy
As the economy continues to worsen worldwide, more and more people are turning to the Internet to make extra money. A great way to make extra money online is by using affiliate products. Affiliate products are created by a merchant who pays you a commission each time someone who you refer to their website makes a purchase. Commissions can vary between 20% and 75% of the sale price.
It is an easy business to get started in because the merchant takes care of all of the details. The merchant creates the product, designs a quality sales page, delivers the product, takes care of all sales questions and problems, and sends you a check. In short, the merchant takes care of everything. Your only job is to refer traffic to the merchant’s sales page and cash checks.
For those reasons, the use of affiliate products is very popular with people who are trying to make extra money online. But that doesn’t mean that it is easy. Getting traffic is the thing that is difficult.
If you are trying to earn extra money online, you probably can’t afford to pay for advertising, so you need to use free techniques to generate traffic. One of the best ways to get free advertising is through the use of articles.
Well-written informative articles that provide valuable information related to your affiliate products can be very effective. In each article, include a link to your blog or affiliate program. When people read your article, they will click on your link, and generate traffic.
Good articles are frequently noticed by the search engines and this brings you even more traffic. This technique is very effective but does not work if you only write 1 or 2 articles. You have to write many articles to generate meaningful traffic.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Survival in Network Marketing: What is the Staying Power You Need?
You and countless others know the survival rate in network marketing is pretty dismal. Most people initially get excited about an opportunity, join, and then reality strikes! All of the hard work seems to go nowhere, everybody says "no", family and friends are all convinced the business opportunity is a scam and pyramid scheme, etc. Is it any wonder that people quit? However, there is one simple thing that you can do to help yourself through those downtimes and prevent your from ending up in the ranks of the quitters. Let's discover what the one thing is. It's easy to do, but few people take the time to do it!
You must take some time and create a powerful "why". This is the staying power that is the true secret to survival in network marketing. Most of us, including you, have problems and situations that need to be solved. IF you truly want your life to be changed and problems solved for the good, you have to figure out why you want to be in network marketing. This "why" will sustain you through criticism, negativity, lack of support from others, being told "no", etc. Before you even choose a network marketing business, opportunity, you really have to come up with a powerful "why" with staying power.
You might be thinking how to come up with a "why" that has this mystical staying power. Keep in mind that your why isn't all about the money. It has to be much deeper than that. Usually, it is something you want or want to get away from. Here are some questions that can get those creative thinking juices flowing:
*What gets you really excited?
*How many hours a week do you want to work?
*What do you love and hate about your job?
*Other than money, what are you looking for?
*If you had the time to do anything you wanted, what would it be?
*What problem scares you to death that money can solve?
*What does your family mean to you?
*What do you want to accomplish in your lifetime?
*What would it mean to help others and change lives?
*What would you really like to give the people who love you the most?
*What do you want for your own personal growth?
Pretty thought provoking questions aren't they? I encourage you to spend some quiet time creating your "why" that has great staying power. Then, write down the three biggest reasons you have to be successful. Keep doing this until you finally have an "a-ha" moment and realize this is "why" you choose to become involved in network marketing. This is the "why" you can survive in this business when other's drop out like flies.
Network marketing can be challenging. Everyone has periods of discouragement and thoughts of quitting at times. However, if you take the time to create a powerful "why" that has "staying power", you can survive in network marketing.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Challenges of Change in Business!
Change is everywhere and you should expect more! Both sides promised it in the Presidential election. Citizens are screaming for it after the near collapse of the economy; and they also want changes in energy policy, health care, global warming, and the war in Iraq – the list seems endless. It is not surprising that executives wonder how to use such changes to propel their business to success in today’s global markets. Business expert and author Richard (Dick) Stieglitz knows after thirty-five years helping business and government leaders how to make change work in complex environments. He publishes a monthly e-letter called “The Change Challenge” and has channeled the lessons into his new book, “Taming the Dragons of Change in Business” (Acuity Publishing).
Stieglitz uses insightful stories about success and failure to show readers how to THRIVE, not just SURVIVE, in today’s rapidly changing business world. One of his astute observations is that change travels at the speed of light because in today’s global economy we can talk to anyone, anywhere, at any time, about any topic. It is an economy that values who you know more than your skills, intelligence, and education. If you want to expand your value in the business world, expand who you know and the ways you produce strategic value through relationships. Stieglitz tells us that if you and your organization just do your job, you risk finding that your job(s) have been out-sourced or off-shored to someone who will do it cheaper. He explains the rules of the relationship economy and tells you how to leverage relationships and change to your advantage.
“Taming the Dragons of Change in Business” is a must-read if you want to get the most from yourself, your ideas, and your relationships with customers, colleagues, competitors and suppliers. The dragons he refers to are the emotional reactions and doubts you and your staff feel when an unexpected change occurs. They often cause you to resist essential changes or block the actions you need to take. To “tame those dragons,” Stieglitz offers ten tips for anticipating, embracing, and using change to achieve success. A provocative and often amusing read, each tip is explained with a series of vignettes. Stieglitz is open about how he tamed his personal dragons to build a successful business, and he provides readers with practical techniques for spotting and taming their dragons. Stieglitz also identifies ten “Future Changes” that could be major business opportunities for you and your organization.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
How Should You Review a Work at Home Business Opportunity?
One of the big challenges about starting a home business is getting past all the scams. There are many wonderful opportunities out there, but finding them is not easy. And there are so many opportunities that sound wonderful, yet turn out to be scams.
What can you do?
You need to learn how to review home business opportunities for yourself. While you can rely somewhat on what people say about them online, many will have a financial interest in making the opportunity sound good. This is not helpful if they're promoting a scam.
There are some sites that can help. You can check with the BBB, but that is not always a reliable indicator. The Ripoff Report website is a good resource too.
The challenge is that if an opportunity is new, there won't be any obvious negative information to be found. How do you cope then?
The first thing to do is to look at what you are being told up front about the opportunity. What does it cost you? What will you be doing? How will you earn money?
All of these should be realistic. You should not be earning primarily from recruiting, for example. Similarly, if earnings claims are made, ask for the backup documentation. If earnings claims are made and the opportunity costs more than $500, the FTC requires the earnings claim to be backed up in writing. Even if the opportunity costs less than $500 it's a good idea to ask how they arrived at that number.
Ask to talk to other people who have joined the opportunity. You will have to watch out for shills, but a person who is really working a new opportunity should be able to tell you the good and the bad about it. Try to get contact information for several people, not just one or two. If you can get in contact with people you can meet in person, so much the better.
Google and other search engines are also good resources. Type in the business name with the word scam, and see what you come up with. You will probably want to use quotation marks around the name of the business, but have the word scam outside the quotes. Try it both ways if you're having trouble getting results.
Make sure you take your time deciding if you want to join an opportunity. If the opportunity is good, there's no need to rush. If you're being pressured for a fast decision, it may not be the best idea to join the opportunity. Legitimate ones won't have to worry that you'll find negative information, after all.
You should always do your research when it comes to a home business opportunity. You'll protect yourself and save yourself a lot of frustration. There are great opportunities out there.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Monday, December 8, 2008
Structure Your Home Business The Right Way
All of us who operate our own businesses from home and online, use many different tools to promote those businesses. From software programs and online web services, to advertising sources and e-mail promotion ... we all make use of a variety of different means to ''get ourselves out there'' and increase our visibility.
In the main, working online these tools will fall into five categories:
1) Online Tools and Services.
These could include autoresponders, web hosting, site and ad submission services, communication services (instant messaging and online conference rooms, for instance), and article distribution services.
2) Software.
This category would include site and ad submitters, office suites, e-mail clients, contact management software ... the list is endless.
3) List Building Tools.
Here we find our puchased lead companies, online list-building sites, etc.
4) Advertising.
This category includes everything from Google AdWords to online marketing lists, safelists, and traffic exchanges. It would also include those hi-tech marketing gizmos that run as toolbars in your web browser or send e-mail directly to your desktop.
5) Training Resources.
These, of course, are the services we turn to for "success training", computer training, education in marketing and sales ... even spiritual and motivational guidance.
Sometimes these categories will overlap. But basically, that's it.
Now, I can hear what many of you are saying right now ... "You mean all that stuff I have to pay for, right?" ... Wrong.
If you are operating a home business online, and you're currently paying for tools and services of this kind ... you've structured your business the wrong way.
All of the resources I use to build my business are what I term, Supplemental Businesses. That means that they have an Affiliate Program ... free to join ... which will pay you ... either in "credits" of some kind, or in cash. I don't want to have to pay for the tools I use.
In fact ... I want them to pay me!
The way these should be used is simple in that respect: join them ... join their affiliate program ... receive your affiliate link. Pass that link on as you recommend the tool to your downline members, partners, or subscribers. Going further ... you can pass your link outside your downline through your mailing lists, safelists, online advertising sites, email lists, etc.
With just a few folks joining through your affiliate link in a Supplemental Business ... your use of that business as a marketing tool is usually paid for. You're now using the tool for free. With more enrollments in that business ... that tool is now paying you!
Here's the best part:
As your downlines in these Supplemental Businesses grow, they begin to provide you with something very important ... the operating expenses you need to continually expand your Primary Business! In other words ... if you structure your business correctly, the tools you use can generate enough funds to pay all of your advertising and operating expenses ... growing each month ... leaving your Primary Business income free and clear for your own personal use.
When you structure your business this way, you are operating in the style of what is known as a "Funded Proposal". It's a great concept. There are many "Funded Proposal", or "Funded Sponsoring" systems out there. However ... you don't need a system to operate in that manner.
I worked before with many Internet and Network marketing "Newbies". As I coached and mentored them to success in their home businesses, I recommended that, right from the start, they kept their eyes on structuring their businesses in this dynamic and self-sustaining manner. I recommend that you do the same.
Remember: You shouldn't be paying for your tools and services; your tools and services should be paying you! ***********************************************************************************
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Friday, December 5, 2008
Make Money Scams-3 You Should Probably Avoid
One problem people have when they go online to make money is they look for the fastest way to do it. What ends up happening is you end up spending money to make money and it does not work out for you.
There are many make money scams that are not really scams and there are products and opportunities that will scam you without making any money.
Let's look at 3 that could be make money scams for you.
1. Get paid to take surveys. This is legitimate, but very few people who try to do this ever make any money. Although you are not really scammed what happens is you buy a book that teaches you how to find companies willing to pay people to take surveys.
You end up with a list that you begin filling out personal information on. Many times you provide a credit card to receive a free offer. If you do not remember to cancel you end up with a paid membership or buying a product that costs more than the money you made filling out the survey.
There is a lady named Deborah Casey who is a survey interview expert and you can find an interview with her online on Rosalind Gardner's NetProfitsToday Blog.
2. Stuff envelopes. If you have been looking for a way to make money at home you have seen classified ads in newspapers or on the internet. For a small fee you will receive a list of jobs to stuff envelopes and get paid to do it. What happens is you send in the fee and never ever make any money after that.
3. Type at home. You buy a book which teaches you to place classified ads via pay per click advertising and other methods promoting the book you just bought. Are you typing at home? I guess so, but you are not doing it for any companies that will hire you.
So are these 3 scams or not?
The problem is that these are probably not going to do for you what you want them to. Generally you spend money you do not really have to try and earn money that you will never make. You end up frustrated and back online looking for another way to earn money.
What you really are looking for is a legitimate home business which you can start with your own money making website or blog. That or go to and look for a job from a real employer looking to hire work at home people. That avoids make money scams, but will require you to actually work for the money you make.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Make Money Work at Home Truths
This article is all about how to take up a work at home job and make money online. To work from home and earn money online doesn't necessarily mean that one needs to be a marketing genius to do it. It only requires the willingness to learn it.
The very first thing that comes to people's mind while thinking about ways to make money online by working at home is the scare of a scam. The scare is rightly justified, considering all such stories are doing the rounds all the time. But the people genuinely interested to make money online have more other things to worry about than scams. Scams are not so very difficult to deal with. The genuine sign of any `work at home offer' is that, it never asks for money to register so as to start with them. All legitimate opportunities to make money online are always registered it with BBB (Better Business Bureau) and have a 24*7 online support. The greater the time for which the program has been there is a sign of greater credibility
To start to make money by working at home one needs to choose a product that could fill a need in the market. One needs to find out what people are searching for on the internet. A very good tool for searching is the suggestion tool with Type the relevant phrases and one will know what people are searching for. It will help oneself to find out how big is the market of the product/services about which one is planning to market. Google is another such tool that gives us an idea about the size of your market.
The large number of websites already present should not be discouraging. One can out do their work with the right techniques and approach. The simple tools which anyone need to start a home business and eventually make money online are a computer, an email id, a telephone and internet access. However, it takes patience to learn something even as simple as making a website. But once on the road after joining the right affiliate program, it provides oneself with high quality products, training material and marketing tools free of cost. The next step is as to how to generate traffic and to get prospects to visit our site? This is one important aspect where people fail and give up the idea to work at home and make money online. You get to own a website with great and useful products.
There are many ways to market your website across the net. You need to research through all the methods available and then fix one and maintain it. Mastering the technique is important. More techniques can be added after gaining a level of expertise. The better the management, the easier it becomes to earn money working from home.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
How to Start a Work at Home Business
Ever thought you could be an entrepreneur with minimal investments and not many responsibilities yet earning a merry amount that could satisfy all your needs, yes you can be an entrepreneur the answer lies in starting up your own home based business.
Today's times are hard as each one of us faces the ever growing rat race that involves a cut throat competition and expects each one to deliver more than his/her capacity. In spite of this we live and we continue living fighting all odds whether they'd be personal or professional day in and day out. There are mounting inflationary markets that confront us and push us further to work harder in order to satisfy even the least of our requirements. In times such as these it's a rarity to have time for one self even to contemplate what one is going through or is being put through. But its time you gave that self a little eye of consideration and started working for yourself on your own terms and conditions.
Thanks to the advancing technology and changing lifestyles of people there lies a vast opportunity to be explored in terms of starting up your own home based business. The home based business like any other business may have its pros and cons but there will always be a sense of satisfaction that you would get out of the contributions you make to your business in other words it will be your baby.
Starting up a home based business would be fairly ease if you were aware of your potentials in terms of finance, knowledge, skills and the inherent and acquired talent that you possess and are ready to put to use. Another thing that you must be clear about is the fact that you are looking forward to start up your business and not doing home based job.
Once you have been able to pin point the field of business that you look forward to cater to you need to work upon researching what is best and what is not for the business and the market in terms of your competitors and products and skills that you wish to sell. Then you must build up your own business plan including management aspects such as sales, additional labor if required how to sources it, budgetary provisions that you are going to self finance the business or is it going to require a loan from a financial institution etc.
Therefore its time to hit the hot iron and put your own before the others that is consider to start your home based business. The beauty of this economic option available to you lies in its flexibility that allows you to continue with your current job or go in as a full time business personnel the choice is yours but its time you give it a thought and help yourself and your family grow with those positive and never say die attitudes in life.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The Beauty of Working at Home
Working at Home is growing at a phenomenal pace around the world. The beauty of it is that your time is your own and you can dig in anytime you want. Even Large multinationals are now seeing the benefits of employing people in the home workplace.
Because of the vast improvement of communications in the last 10-15 years, the home is now becoming its own office or company in its own right. All of the machines and instruments that were once only located in the work office can now be located and used just as efficiently in the home office. Powerful computers, fax machines and internet connections can now be easily installed in the home.
Discipline and honesty are huge traits that have to be addressed when working from home. Procrastinating your work is not a problem as long as the work gets completed. When working from home, the important matter is not when the work is done, it is that the actual work is being done.
Many entrepreneurs that work from home will tell you that if they have missed work by running some errands during the day, they will complete the work later on that evening or they will do extra the following day. Until you reach a point in your life where you can pick and choose when and where you work, discipline is the foundation on which your work at home business will thrive.
If you have a full time job and are insecure about trying a work at home job, I would first suggest doing it part time. By doing it part time you will start to understand if this life is for you or not.
There is definitely people (of which I am not) that love the great out-doors and want to be constantly out of the house 9-5 Monday to Friday. No matter how good an opportunity came along, these people still would not like to do it. On the other hand I believe there is the majority crying out for change(have you heard this before?). These are the people that would love to try something new if it only would increase the quality of their lives.
These people are the new leaders in internet and network marketing. These people are the people that provide the real determination to succeed in their home based businesses. By reading this article, if you think you are one of these people, then you are in the right place. Give your home based business a try, you have nothing to lose only a regret that you didn't start it sooner!
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Big Work at Home Talk
Communication with your family is one of the most important parts of working at home. Without it, expectations are not made clear and resentment can build. It's something you should start out when you decide to work from home, and repeat as necessary.
A big part of the work at home talk involves getting everyone in your household to agree on how seriously to treat your work. If you're going more for a hobby than a serious income your family should know this. But if your family will be relying on your income to get by they need to know to treat your work that seriously.
What About Housework?
Many work at home parents still try to do it all. Keep a perfect house as they run a business or work at their job. This is incredibly stressful and makes it harder to succeed at home.
A certain degree of chaos can make working at home much saner. Talk with your family about what you can tolerate in terms of mess. For example many families will want to stick with having dishes done promptly, but may be able to stand vacuuming less often.
Consider also the division of labor. Are the kids doing reasonable chores for their ages? Are both parents doing their share of housecleaning if both are working, even though one is at home more?
The Working Hours Challenge
Getting your working hours right can be one of the most difficult things to master. Quite a bit depends on the needs of your family. If you have a baby or toddler, odds are that your working hours will be scheduled by when baby is sleeping or your spouse can take over that job.
Older children can learn to respect your working hours to a degree. How insistent you should be depends on how many hours you need to work and the ages of your children. A 4 year old cannot be held to the same standards as a teen, obviously.
Whatever your working hours, leave plenty of time for family time. The big point for a lot of people about working at home is to have more time with family. If you lose that, why are you working at home?
One schedule that can work is to declare that from 5 in the evening until the kids go to bed is family time. Beyond that, make sure you include time for just you and your spouse, but the schedule you select can depend on your needs as a couple. Keep everyone off the computer at this time, and if you have a business phone, don't answer it. Of course, if the kids have homework, let them do it, but try to have dedicated family time regularly.
Talk Money
Money is a big part of working at home. If you have a work at home job, there may be expectations from your family as to how much you earn and what the money will go towards.
But if you have a home business, the money talk can be even more important. How much can be risked? Any business involves some sort of expense, whether it is to join an opportunity, have a website hosted, or just buying business cards to hand out to people you meet.
If things go well with your business, how much should be reinvested versus being used for family or household expenses? Reinvesting in your business is vital to its growth but you may need the money for other things. Your financial priorities need to be clear.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Goal Setting Is the Fast Lane to Success
When I first decided to get into an online business, I became so excited that I worked day and night to get everything set up and ready to go. I put everything else aside and developed a kind of tunnel vision of what I wanted from my home based marketing efforts.
I put aside time from leisure activities and put a lot of things in my life on hold to create sufficient time for my business. I'd say if you're in this for the long haul like I am, you've done likewise.
But now that you've developed tunnel vision and found more time for your business, how do you get the most from that time? The best thing I've found is what the best business people both on and off the Internet do: set, meet, and maintain goals towards success.
If you're wondering what this is all about or how to go about it, here's what to do.
Set goals at three levels and try to stick to them. The three levels are long-term, mid-term, and short-term goals.
Long-term goals reflect how much you'd like to increase your income and how soon. Make those decisions and memorize them. Put your business on a time line and follow it day by day.
In order to avoid disaster that could put you out of business, be careful in selecting the business opportunities you're going to pursue. Don't bite off more than you can chew by joining every affiliate plan presented to you.
Limit yourself to no more than three at the beginning. Be very selective, making sure that those you're involved in balance each other, hold to a specific theme, or belong to one business type.
The long-term goals determine mid-term ones. How much do you have to make per week, per month, every six months, to achieve the long-term goals?
After answering these questions make up your time line, using a sheet of paper. Draw a line at the left all the way down the paper. Divide the line into twelve months with hash marks. Label the hash marks by the month.
To make sure you are working towards you're goals post them on small notes on your computer, around the house, and in your car. Find places you'll be likely to see them - on the bathroom mirror, the fridge, the TV, and the car dashboard.
Now choose your short-term goals - the daily and weekly ones. Make up a "to-do today" list and a "to-do tomorrow" list. Check yourself regularly to make sure items on these lists get the attention they need and are completed each day. At the end of the week, check off your weekly goals.
Okay, now you've met your goals, so what? Well, meeting your goals should make you feel very good, and you should highlight that with some kind of reward system.
We all know we can't spend the profits of our work before we even make them. It is indeed possible and appropriate to meet goals before we make money. However, what profits we do make need to go right back into the business as advertising, new software, web hosting, and the like.
But we can reward ourselves when we meet certain goals. Short- term and mid-term goals can be rewarded non-monetarily.
For completing a short-term task that's been haunting you lately, don't go out to eat. Rather, have a nutritious snack, watch a TV show, or read your favorite section of the newspaper.
For mid-range goals met, go to Ebay and price a set of golf clubs, let's say, or look at car ads. Perhaps you could get out photos from a recent vacation and dream of your return to the spot. Use photos instead of notes posted as reminders of meeting your goals.
Long-term rewards can be monetary, but don't break the bank. Hold off on making any major purchases out of your profits until later. Instead, take the family out to eat at a moderately priced restaurant, go to a football or hockey game, or have friends over for cards and snacks.
Keep your tunnel vision active by chipping away at your goals. Remember, short-term, mid-term Article Submission, long-term goals are the avenue to success.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Earn Big Internet Bucks From The Global Financial Meltdown
The world financial system is on the rocks. What can you do? How can you profit from an economy that is shuffling to a halt, and that looks like it won't be getting going for some time to come?
Markets are plummeting. Your nest-egg of blue chip shares you were relying on to help you in your retirement will no longer buy you that retirement condo in Florida. You'll be lucky if you can manage a damp mobile home overlooking a swamp. Your house is now worth less than you paid for it and the banks are failing. There's a worrying shiver going through the global economy and your boss is thinking of outsourcing everything to China.
So what are you going to do about it? How do you react to an economy that is grinding to a halt, and that looks like it won't be recovering any time soon? You could protest about how unfair it all is. You could campaign for changes in the banking laws so it won't happen again. You could curl up in a little ball and hide 'till it all goes away...
When anything changes there are always winners and losers. You can be sure that someone, somewhere will profit from this global chaos. The only question is... will it be you?
Let me ask you this... what do people do when they don't have money to spend. They stop going out, they stop going on holiday, they stop buying new cars. What do they do instead? They stay in and surf the Internet! See where I'm going with this? I'm suggesting that the current world recession could be very good news for work-at-home entrepreneurs who are in business online. We're just about to be in a booming economy as all those people who don't want to go out and spend money get online to look for bargains, entertainment, education and opportunities.
But how do we cash in on on this coming boom in Internet surfing? The answer is simple... share your experience and your expertise with the rest of the world and get them to pay you for doing so.
What is it that you have done in your life that you could share with other people that would be useful to them, entertain them and educate them? The answers to these questions will give you the starting point for creating your own e-book. An e-book that may just be exactly what someone else out there is looking for and is willing to pay for!
So cut up your credit-card an write your E-Book! Not only will it keep you off the streets and out of the shops,it might just be the financial lifeline that could mean the difference between just surviving and really thriving in this worryingly uncertain Global downturn.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Stop Throwing Your Money Away!!!
Why is it time after time I see people just throwing their money away? Heck if you just want to spend your hard earned money you make on complete junk why not just give it to me so I can invest it or something and turn it into a bigger profit? I have come to realize people talk a big game, but can never back it up when it counts.
What do I mean by this? Well everyone who starts a home based business says they are tired of the scams, and do not want to buy into the hype and fancy cars and houses. However time after time people still do it. Why? Well I guess people just can't seem to get enough of seeing other people's success online and they want it so bad they will do anything to get it even if it means spending there last ounce of money to get it.
Then people wonder why the fail, and they become to believe every home based business is just one big scam out to get their money, or the person who signed them up to the business is a crook and took their money. My answer to that then is, stop throwing your money away. I do not want to seem so insensitive here but seriously what does it take, and how many times does it take for people to realize what is real and what is not real?
Here is what you will need to succeed in an online business. If they do not offer it then walk away no matter what they say, or what you see. Just because someone else is making money does not mean you will.
Do your homework. Go out and study the business your looking to join. Read reviews, find people who are already it in and call them on the phone and ask hard questions, and see what they say. Most importantly ask if they will train you, support you, and above all help you when you need it. If not then guess what. You just threw your money away once again.
Here is another helpful tip. Stay away from the cheap programs. They are nothing but complete junk. Sure one may actually be worth the money from time to time but more than likely they are not worth your money. A recent study has shown that it takes just as much effort to convince someone to buy something for $50 as it would for $1,000. So why make so little when you could be easily making more money? It just does not make sense to me. So I will say it one more time. Stay away from the cheap little programs.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Working From Home - Six Mistakes to Avoid
Are you thinking of working from home?
Home based work has its own set of challenges. Here is a list of mistakes that you should avoid.
1. Lack of Initial Planning
A home based venture can be started any time and in any manner that you want. There are no plans to be approved and no blueprint to be prepared. However the lack of proper planning can be disastrous. Plan thoroughly before you initiate anything. Think of all the raw materials and resources that will be required. Make sure you have proper understanding of the nature of your work and its challenges. Ascertain that you have some extra funds to meet unseen expenses.
2. Indiscipline
When you are working from home, there is no one to keep an eye on your work. A temptation to do something other than work always exists. This can be a cause of distraction. A lot of discipline will be required to keep your focus on work.
3. Procrastination
In the absence of a boss and with no deadlines to meet, you will keep procrastinating. A good strategy would be to set time targets. Time management skills are a common factor to successes of most people. Make a time table and stick to it.
4. Boredom
When you don’t like a thing, you aren’t going to do it for long. Select a line of work that you enjoy. Working from home usually means long hours of solitude. There is a strong possibility that you will quit out of boredom if you don’t choose an area of work that you enjoy. Taking little breaks from your work can also do wonders to your mood.
5. Stopping the Learning Process
Working from home means no one to interact with, no one to compete with and no one to exchange ideas with. This may lead to a stagnation of your knowledge base. To avoid this, interact frequently with the people in your field. Keep abreast with the latest developments concerning your field and read more than just the local newspaper. Internet is a great source of information - use it to your advantage.
6. Compromising the Quality
Home based works means there are no benchmarks with which you can compare your work. A strict watch on work quality is needed. You should always be looking for ways to improve the quality of your work.
Most of the people, who are working from home, may be making these mistakes; but making mistakes is not a sin - it's a sin when you refuse to correct them. Start correcting them today.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Monday, November 24, 2008
Base Your Home Business Opportunity on Online Marketing
When you're learning about something new, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of relevant information available. This informative article should help you focus on the central points.
When you base your home business opportunity on online marketing, you will be able to tap into a large number of resources that each promise to give you access to a whole different segment of the market. There is a plethora of online marketing opportunities that will permit you to introduce your home business to a wide audience. Conversely, if you find that you would have a hard time marketing your business to a large audience, perhaps this business opportunity needs to be revised a little bit in order to appeal to a much larger segment of the market. Here are some tips for getting the word out about your home based business opportunity via online marketing.
Build a professionally looking website. Too often individuals make the mistake of going overboard when creating a website, and the result is a site with too many ads, pop ups or pop under, and streaming videos that take the viewer's eyes away from the business itself. Unless you know how to design a website yourself, this is a task best left to the professionals. Keep in mind that a well-designed site will permit potential customers to visit your store and learn about your business 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You want to put your best foot forward when it comes to website based marketing.
If you find yourself confused by what you've read to this point, don't despair. Everything should be crystal clear by the time you finish.
Purchase email addresses. You need to take great care that you do so from a reputable business so that you will not be accused of spamming, but once you have found such as list, use it. This is a great opportunity for emailing out newsletters, recipes, memorable quotes, and special offers. If your newsletters are witty, you will be able to add new subscribers by folks who liked what they read when a friend forwarded it.
Set up an affiliate program, and permit others to receive a little profit from sending visitors to your website. You might even specify that the commission will not be paid out until someone signs up for a newsletter or places an order.
Change your email signature to showcase your business. Think about how many emails you send out every day, and you will be amazed how many potential customers you can reach simply with your signature.
As you can see when you base your home business opportunity on online marketing, you will be able to attract customers on a daily basis, even when you are not online. In addition to the foregoing, because of the many times that emails get forwarded when they contain witty or important information, you will be able to capitalize on your email investment many times over! So go ahead and give it a try; you will not be disappointed.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Friday, November 21, 2008
The Essentials of Starting a Home Business
Starting an online business from your home is a big step. You're frantically trying to put all of the pieces together while also worrying about the financial aspects of owning a business. When you're just starting out, concentrate on the essentials of owning a home business. Try not to focus too much on what the future might hold, but stay focused on what's necessary right now to get things up and running.
Below are some essentials you should focus on when starting an online business from your home. Your business organization and success could depend on it!
Essential #1: Home Office Basics
One of the biggest mistakes home-based business owners make is that they fail to create a well-organized home office. Your home office should be a comfortable working area, have plenty of storage space and contain all the necessary equipment to operate your business efficiently such as a printer, phone, calculator, file cabinet and minor supplies.
Working at home doesn't mean your work area design is no longer important. You'll want to be comfortable as well as professional. No matter how limited your space you can create a nice, neat working area with a little creativity.
Essential #2: Tax Preparation System
An absolute essential for your home business is a system for preparing your taxes. If you're taking orders online, you'll need to file taxes using certain methods. The reason this is important at the start of your business is because keeping good records is necessary for proper tax filing. This should be carefully planned from the beginning to avoid mistakes that could cost you later. Speak with an accountant about your particular business needs, and how you should keep records for taxes. It's good to have all bases covered in this area!
Essential #3: Business Budget
Having a business budget is a wise decision, even if you're starting out with very little money. You might ask, "How can one budget only a few hundred dollars?" It's simple - just write down what you have versus what you owe. You'll have either a positive or negative balance. The key is being able to know where you stand financially in your business at any given moment. You can only move forward if you have a starting point. Budgeting your money and time from the start will help the flow of your home business.
These three elements are critical when starting a home-based business. You can be flexible in how you go about establishing each of these areas in your business. Starting early will save you from many headaches later.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Are You Doing Business By Shaking Hands Online
We all understand the importance of doing business properly which means shaking hands with your prospects, you may be asking yourself how can you do that electronically through a computer??
Let me tell you exactly how to do it from your very own home computer.....
First of all you need to register with an online community now there are various ones such as MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, AOL and many more which can all give you access to millions of prospects online that you can effectively promote your business opportunity too.
I reccomend AOL the reason being is that it is one of the internets oldest and easiest to use online services with more members than most online communities therefore giving you access to more prospects than your business may well be able to handle. Once you have registered with your community in this case assuming that it is AOL, you must then start to create your member profile.
Now your online profile has to be as interesting and targetted as possible, it should contain information such as your full name, world location, age, hobbies, occupation and your skills. On your profile you must provide as much information as you can provided you also keep it relevant, the reason being if you have a bad profile people are not going to want to chat however on the other hand if you have an extremely interesting profile you will get a much better response from your prospects.
The time has now come to perform a search in the member directory in order to find prospects. The ways in which you can do this are simply by entering the location, interests, age or sex of the type of prospects you are looking for, the more information you provide during your search the better quality of prospects you will find.
Once you have filtered through your search results you must then send your prospects an instant message some good hook lines that have been tried and tested by me are listed below.
"Hi there I was just taking a break at work when I did a search of the member directory and I found your profile, you have a really good one"
"Ive just been looking through your profile and I noticed you play golf I also have a very keen interest in golf"
"From reading your profile I can see that you swim alot Im currently working as a lifeguard"
"I see you currently work in network marketing so do I, how long have you been doing it for?"
After starting a conversation with your prospects you may well eventually get asked the question is this network marketing?
Below are some replies which i currently use....
"What is your understanding of network marketing? Do you know much about it?"
"Do you like network marketing?"
"Have you ever tried network marketing?"
The most important thing to remember is even if you do not promote your business during your early conversations with your new prospects you will however have built a relationship with them and can then follow up with them on a regular basis and build a certain level of trust also, when they log online you must wait around 5 minutes before sending them any instant messages.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Starting A Business With Planning
No successful business ever existed without the anticipation of things that may happen upon the establishment of the business and as the business go on. Anticipating may also mean planning. Planning is one way of putting every possibilities and impossibilities together to set up one concrete concept into realization.
Putting up a business is not just as easy as learning the A-B-C. There are complicated things and issues that one must tackle and somehow solve to make the business successful. As said above, there are plenty of factors and considerations that must always be anticipated by the proprietor. These factors are actually existing facts around the proprietor and around the place where the business is intended to be established. One of the existing facts that can greatly affect a business is the feasibility of location. Funds or capital the same are also important factors to consider.
Business planning is a tool that one can utilize in order to arrive at a good, concrete and successful business. There are so many ways or approaches that can be applied in business planning. Basically, the approach that one must use in business planning is directly related to the type of business that he intends to put up. The bigger the intended business is, the more complicated a business planning should be.
So, what does a business plan contain and how does it affect the business in general? A business plan may contain several steps that pertain solely on the business. This will greatly affect the business because this is a fact-supported assumption of what might happen when the business has already launched. Here are some of the several steps or entry that a business plan must have:
-Description of the business - this entry will describe what the venture you are planning to put up is all about. This includes the name of the business and other features of it. You may also include here the benefits and the reason why this business is an advantage to the place.
-Objective of the organization - this is a simple declaration of what the business administrator would want his business to become and to do with the community.
-Feasibility - this is a research that will prove that the business intended to be established will be embraced by the prospected consumers.
-Marketing Plans - this is a procedure or system that is to be followed by the administrator to keep the business going. This will include research on what type or group of people that the business will cater to. Aside from that, this entry must also answer the question of the consumers like what can they get from the business, how can they use the business, the amount they can spend to the business, etc.
-Management and staff planning - a business can never grow if only one person is running it. For example, a grocery store can never grow if the store keeper, the cashier, the proprietor, the auditor, the janitor, etc. is one and the same person. The staff and store management is very important and thus is usually included in a business plan.
-Financial plans - This is the most important entry in a business plan. This will determine whether the business intended to be built can stand for several months without suffering from financial loses and the like. The capital needed is relative to the size and the kind of business to be established.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Monday, November 17, 2008
The Benefits of a Work at Home Business
Over the past few years, a lot of things have changed and one of the most noticeable changes is the increase in number of people who work from their home. The development in technology has helped a number of people to find different ways for earning decent amount of money. As a result of the development of technology and Internet, a number of people work from their home. Some people run their business from their home whereas some people offer some services from their home.
Apart from the decent income while enjoying the comforts of the home, there are a number of benefits associated with home-based businesses. Set your own prices: While working at home, you're your own boss and you decide on your own whether it's profitable to work on a particular project or not. You enjoy the flexibility to set your own price in order to earn decent amount of money for the efforts you put in. You get to decide whether a particular job is profitable or not. When you run your business from home, you determine the cost of the project in the first place and this is done by analyzing the efforts, skills and the time required for completing the project.
Once you've determined the price, you inform the other party about the cost of the project and you start with the project once the other party has accepted the price. By setting your own prices, you make sure that you don't get underpaid. As an employee working in some company, you don't enjoy the flexibility of determining the price of the project and at times, you're even asked to complete a task even if it's not profitable. So, running home-based business offers an advantage of determining the cost to make sure you get the amount that you deserve. Spend more time with family: There's nothing better than spending time with family.
While working as a salaried employee for an organization, you've to follow the office timings and when some important project comes up, you're even asked to do over-time. This decreases the amount of time spent with family. If you work from your home then you get to spend more time with your family as you don't need to follow the office timings. You work as per your convenience and the flexible working hours allow you to spend more time with your family. While working from home, you enjoy the flexibility to adjust the working hours if your family needs attention whereas you don't enjoy the flexibility of adjusting the working hours while working as an employee for some organization. Less stress: Another advantage of working at home is that an individual running home-based business faces less stress when compared to an individual working as a salaried employee for an organization.
While working for an organization, you're asked to meet the strict deadlines, take on complex projects and to do so, you spend more hours in office without paying attention to food, entertainment, social life and this affects health. There have been a number of cases in the past in which the person was admitted to the hospital because of the burden of the office work. In home-based business, you're your own boss and you decide accordingly whether you've the time for a project or not. Enjoy the profits: As an employee working for a company, you're asked to complete complex projects without any increase in the salary. Complex projects require advanced skills, experience and time and so, companies charge more for them. However, the incentive is usually not shared with the employees.
In other words, individuals who complete the complex projects are usually not given any special incentive when compared to the individuals working on the simple projects. So, usually you earn same amount of money whether you complete a complex project or a simple one. However, the situation is different in home-based business. As you're your own boss in the home-based business, you determine the price according to the complexity of the project and this way, you can make sure that you earn the amount of money that you deserve.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at
Friday, November 14, 2008
How To Run Your Business From Home
Working from home is everyones dream, after all who would not want to forego the daily commute during rush hours and instead run a business from home? Here are some ideas how to go about it without also running up your credit cards, running out of patience or simply spinning your wheels.
Running a business from home takes time and dedication. You need to have the time to work on whatever it is you choose to do without interruption. You need to have the dedication to the business to set business hours. If you have children in the home, this may require some finagling but with a bit of finesse, you should be able to come up with a workable plan and schedule. Try to set your time for doing business when the children are at school or at a play date. Dont try to squeeze in a little business before dinner or while the kids are brushing their teeth. Business time belongs to the business and family time belongs to your kids. The two should not mix.
Find a home business which will interest you and which will fit into your life style. For example, if your passions are dogs, find something you can do that involves your canine friends. Marketing bird seed will not satisfy half as much as selling dog food. Do not compromise your interests!
Market your business from home by building a professional looking website, amending your email signature to point people to your new endeavor and by coming up with creative new ways of showing folks in your neighborhood what you are doing.
Get your family involved into your new passion by assigning your children little tasks and perhaps getting your spouse to help out as well.
Networking with other businesses in your area is a great idea to really become successful in your own business. For example, if you are selling a certain brand of dog food, let the local pet groomer know what you are doing and maybe she would refer clients to you if you offered them a discount on the product and also promised to refer your clients to the groomers.
As you can quite easily see, running a business from home can be a lot of fun and it can become a goldmine if you go about it the right way. If it is just another thing that you try to fit into an already packed schedule, the odds are unfortunately against you. So go ahead and invest your time, energy and a reasonable amount of start up capital into a venture that you love and that you foresee loving for a long time and the money will soon follow.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at