Monday, May 26, 2008

Do You Know How to Choose the PERFECT Network Marketing Opportunity for YOU? - Part 4

Part 4 of 6

Getting back to what your sponsor may have to offer in addition to training, did they have an MLM coach specifically?

I’ve also studied wealth-building and I advise others on the best proven techniques for maximizing their income. I've also paid big bucks for several Leadership and Self-Mastery programs.This isn’t a game, it’s my dream, and I’m building a solid, outrageously profitable business so I can live my dreams.

Notable MLM coach Jim Rohn says, “If you help enough people get what they want, you’ll get what you want.” That’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m doing everything in my power as a mentor to help as many people as possible make a better life for themselves and live their dreams. In so doing, I’ll get what I want, too. This is the way the Universe works.

Be sure to find out what you’ll get for your start-up money. Is it a good deal or not? Will any of it go toward building your business? When you join my team, if you choose the most popular start-up option, for example, you will immediately get points added to your organization to start you on your way to making some money.

For MLM resources, you’ll get a turnkey online system to connect you with the parent company, a website, and access to more information than you’d be able to assimilate in six months. You also get a large sampling of various products to try so you can build your belief in them. You’ll save a substantial amount over the retail price. Now that is a good and fair deal, wouldn’t you say?

What kind of marketing tools does the company provide? You’ll need business cards, of course, but what else? Brochures. Email and an Internet presence is critical today. You need at least one website. I have two; the corporate site for retailing the products and a team site for prospecting that attracts precisely the kind of people we’re looking for.

What kind of MLM prospecting will you favour? Do you love to talk to people face to face? Do you look forward to telling everyone you know about your new business and your fantastic products, or will you prefer to find people via the Internet and do presentations via the telephone, using web sites and webmail?

Do you want to go out and meet people in town, or do you want to purchase leads? Do you want to participate in trade shows and open house-style events with related vendors? There are benefits to all, but again, you need to find a team that focuses on the best fit for you, because if you detest MLM prospecting, you’ll never succeed in your business. You MUST learn to love MLM prospecting and have fun with it.

Look for a mentor and MLM coach who puts people at ease, who didn’t steamroll you, but asked politely if they may assist you, and how. If we give people choices and ample opportunity to say “no”, they’ll be a lot more willing to listen. If we know how to let the prospect come up with the reasons for moving forward or not, we’ll never experience rejection and we can actually ENJOY finding our business partners.

See Part 5
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at