Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Formula For Success

“Failure is only a word, how you see it determines it’s effects on you”

Now remember this: Success is always a constant which is equal to 1. Success = 1 (Always a constant)

The formula for Success is = (Trial - Failure ) to the power of ‘e’

Where ‘e’ = Experience!

Now watch the magic.

James passed his driving test after 50 trials.

How many times did James passed his driving test? Once

He succeeded after 50 trials but succeeded once. Success = the constant 1

If James passed his driving test at the 50th time, then he had 50 attempts at it.

( ‘T’ = Trial, which is = 50).

This means he had 49 failed attempts (’F’ = Failure) and he learned from his failures 49 times (’e’ = Experience).

By applying the success formula, Success = (T - F) to the power of 'e’, You will realize that James formula for success is equal to a constant which is 1.

Working out the success equation = (50 - 49) to the power of 49 is equal to 1.

James passed his test once, but he had to have a number of trials and failed attempts in order to succeed. The rate at which he succeeded was wholly dependent on how quickly he was able to learn from his experiences.

Success = the constant 1 and failure plays a major part in the formula for success. Embrace it, don’t fear it.

Success = 1(always constant).

Key Lessons to take with you

1. Let failure be your compass.
2. Always remember, rejection is not personal, it is direction.
3. If I try today and fail, I am one step closer to my glory because my failed attempts actually count towards my success formula.

“If I told you that it will take a 1000 failed attempts before you became a billionaire, would you stop at the 998th attempt? Change your mind set today ”

"Failure is the best thing that ever happened to me because when I prepare for failure, I avoid it, learn from it, and then succeed!"

Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Focus is the Key to Profits

Does it pay to do more with less and focus more?

Focus is the key to your profits!

Look at one of my favorite examples: Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald’s.

Ray used to get asked, “When are you going to diversify?” He had a great answer for this question: “We will diversify into new businesses other than this one-pattern hamburger shop as soon as all of the restrooms in all of the McDonald’s are all working properly and are cleaned at the same time.”

He would go to a McDonald's every day with his wife, and his wife would come out of the lady’s room and say, “Dear, you can’t diversify yet.”

Speaking of restrooms, the ones in most gas stations are disgusting most of the time.

There was one gas station in Phoenix, Arizona, where the gas was more expensive than anywhere else in town and people were lined up six and eight blocks to get gas.

What was their secret?

The gas company turned around 180 degrees and used the 99/1 percent axiom. All you have to be is 1 percent different and it’s all the difference in the world.

What they did was make the bathrooms three times as big. They made them immaculate, they had art on the walls; they had nice-smelling toilet paper. They had a man on the outside inspect the restrooms after every customer to make sure that when you went in and out, the restroom was always immaculate—both the men’s and the women’s. Everybody went to this station not to get gas, because gas is a commodity, but because it had a clean restroom that was safe for you and your kids. People would line up and pay the most ever for gas. The focus was now on the customer, and a 1% difference changed their results 99%.

A change in focus can always make a difference.

The question is “What is your focus?” in that you have to be challenged to leverage your business 10 times, 100 times, 1,000 times, or a million times. It’s not just Ray Kroc doing McDonald’s; it is you.

You just need to choose one thing that you are going to do better than anybody else on the planet. You and everyone in your business are going to be completely focused on just one thing.

I have a good friend who moves big money in the venture capital space and he tells me that focus is the only reliable indicator of future profitability. The company that knows what business it is in and devotes more resources to that area than anyone else will have the highest profitability.

Focus is the only reliable predictor of future profitability!
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Friday, March 7, 2008

How To Succeed Fast

Do you want to succeed fast in business, career, studies etc.? In order to succeed fast you need to fail as fast as possible.

You should be willing to try out new things, be willing to stub your feet and not be afraid of making mistakes. If you are afraid of failing, you will not try new things.

So the simple thing to remember if you want to achieve success fast is to fail fast. I am not saying to fail deliberately (infact you have to try and minimize risk as much as possible), but at the same time you have to be mentally prepared for failure. Any worthwile success takes time and effort. You are likely to make a lot of mistakes along the way and have to learn from the mistakes. If you shy away from mistakes and failures, then you are likely to get frustrated and easily give up on your goals.

Now that you know the secret of fast success (the secret is to fail as fast as possible and as many times as required until you can finally achieve success), let us now look at couple of ways you can use to fail fast:

1.Try out new things: Don't be afraid of trying out new ideas and approaches. New things involve a certain factor of risk because you are attempting them for the first time, but don't let that stop you for going ahead.

2. Make things more challenging: You can try making a task a little more difficult and challenging, so that you can learn new things and fast while doing it. Making tasks more challenging can speed up your learning process and help in improving your skills. But don't try to make them too difficult or else you may give them up altogether.

Whenever you fail or make a mistake, it is very important that you learn from that mistake in order to benefit from it.

Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

What To Do When Everything Seems To Go Wrong?

Have you ever experienced a time in your life when everything seems to be going wrong for you? You probably have. In fact you may even be going through such a time now. Don't worry. All is not lost. There are steps you can take to push through the gloom into sunshine.

One thing that I understood well was that I had to push through those hard times in order to experience the great times. So I came up with a little motto to help me do just that. The motto goes like this:

"Pain and fatigue are just a test, to sort the champions from the rest!"

Most people never become successful because they give up when the going gets tough. The champions on the other hand move up a gear and drive their way through those tough times and come out the other end as winners enjoying the spoils of their victory.

Are there some practical steps you can take that will help you through the gloom and out into the sunshine? Yes there are. First of all, ask yourself if there is anything that you are doing, or failing to do, that is causing the hardship or perhaps unnecessarily increasing the hardship.

Examine your thoughts, habits, actions, decisions and choices to see if you can improve on any, or all, of them in such a way as to help your situation. If there is anything that you can do to improve your situation then do it. If you analyze your thoughts, habits, actions, decisions and choices and decide that you are on the right track then the difficulties that you are facing could be just a matter of chance. All life is a matter of probability. What you are doing with success strategies and tactics is seeking to move the probabilities into your favor.

Success strategies really do work and they really do increase your likelihood of enjoying a successful life, but that doesn't mean that things can't go wrong for you from time to time. Most people, no matter how successful, will suffer hardships and setbacks from time to time in their life.

If you are confident that you are on the right track then the best strategy is to increase the amount of goal directed action that you are taking. A heavy load needs a strong back. So when your burdens start to feel heavy it is up to you to increase your own strength. Increase your strength of action. Increase your strength of will. Increase the strength and quality of your knowledge and delegation and determination.

It is that fighting spirit that will strengthen your character.

Edison, the great inventor, was famous for his persistence, regardless of the setbacks. He once said that most people who give up have no idea just how close they were to success.

If you intelligently apply massive, goal directed action, assess the result, decide on the next action needed, and then massively apply that action you will win. You will get to enjoy the fruits of your labor. But by far the greatest win you will have is the strength of character that you develop while lesser persons are giving up.


Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Success - It's Never Too Late

Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonalds, was over fifty when he started making money. Kroc was a paper cup salesman who obtained the marketing rights to a multi-mixer invented by Earl Prince. He criss-crossed the US for seventeen years selling these mixers until he met up with the McDonald brothers. Dick and Mac McDonald ordered eight of his mixers and had them churning away all day.

Kroc was entranced by the effectiveness of the McDonald's operation and started thinking about building McDonald's restaurants all over the US. He thought he could then sell more multi-mixers. The McDonald brothers weren't too keen to the idea so they franchised the restaurants to Kroc. He ultimately bought out the McDonald brothers and as they say - the rest is history.

Ray Kroc's belief in himself was unshakeable, as he noted later - "I was 52 years old. I had diabetes and incipient arthritis. I had lost my gall bladder and most of my thyroid gland." Kroc didn't allow his age or his physical condition to hold him back. If you have negative beliefs about yourself that are holding you back, here's a way to change them.

Your subconscious will always attempt to move away from pain and towards pleasure. So start to associate massive pain to your negative belief. Think about how it will hold you back and stop you achieving what you're trying to achieve. Think about how miserable you'll feel if you don't even try.

Old people rarely regret what they've done in their life but they do regret what they haven't done. So think forward to when you're 75 or 80 years of age and imagine how you'll feel if you've never tried.

Then start to think of the pleasure you'll receive in fulfilling your beliefs. Think about how good you'll feel when you achieve what you set out to do. If when you're older you look back and think about things you didn't achieve, at least you'll be able to say - "I tried, I gave it my best shot and I didn't sit on the sidelines."

Thing Big! The level of your success will be determined by how much you believe in yourself. If you think small and expect small achievements - that's what you'll get. If you think big then you're more likely to have big successes.

Thinking big and having big expectations are often easier, and no more difficult, than having small plans and small expectations.

The psychologist Abraham Maslow said - "If you deliberately plan to be less than you are capable of being; then I warn you that you will be unhappy for the rest of your life. You will be evading your own capabilities, your own possibilities."
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet.

Perseverance - How Not To Be A Quitter

The Definition Of Perseverance

From a dictionary: "Persisting in or remaining constant to a purpose, idea or task in spite of obstacles." Notice it doesn't start, "Wisely persisting..." Perseverance can clearly be a both a good thing and a bad thing. Remember that when you find yourself wanting to quit something. Quitting might be the wisest choice.

Of course, the problem with the idea that you should quit when something isn't worth the effort, is that it's often used as a rationalization. It comes to mind when the effort is difficult, but really is worthwhile. It's confusing at times, so how do you wisely persevere? There are three important aspects to consider.

Keys To Wise Perseverance:

1. Self awareness: Notice when you look for excuses, rather than truth. Are you letting fear or laziness cause you to quit or procrastinate? If honestly watching yourself is difficult, explain your reasoning to a friend. Close friends may be more likely than you to know when you're rationalizing. (Think about it from the other direction and you'll see this can be true.)

2. Costs and benefits: To wisely persevere, you need to see the costs and benefits of what you are doing. If moving to Hollywood to become a star is going to cost you your business or family life, you have to see that clearly before you decide. An honest and good decision requires honest and good information.

3. Motivation: Once you've made a decision, and you're sure you made it for the right reasons, you have to motivate yourself. In fact, perseverance requires that you regularly re-motivate yourself. Write goals down, do daily affirmations, and whatever else you have to do.

Habit is the most powerful secret of success. Practice watching yourself to make self-awareness a habit. Practice analyzing costs and benefits objectively, and practice motivating yourself. By the way, there are many good motivation techniques, so if what you're doing doesn't work - go read up on them and try something else. That's perseverance.

Eugene Rivera is the webmaster of True Web Success and Secrets of Online Success for the last 15 years. Go to

Top Blogging News

Thursday, March 6, 2008

5 Critical Facts To Pay Per Click Success

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is a good supplement to natural search engine optimization, IF you keep a few tactics straight.

1. Choose the right search terms. If you go after the broad phrases and terms, you'll pay top dollar. Strive for more descriptive and specific search terms that reflect your products or services.

2. Map out a strategy. Don't go after every possible keyword or phrase. Target your online ads around business priorities--such as seasonal purchases, your most profitable products and services, etc.

3. Use bid management software. Software can regulate your bids and turn off keywords. You might be interested in clicks during business hours; you might not want to pay for those clicks at 1 a.m. (There’s less of a chance that it's a business prospect at that time of night).

4. Write effective ads. Google, Yahoo! Searching Marketing and other services have limits on characters per line. With Google, it's tough not to push the limits because space is so narrow. With Yahoo! Search marketing, focus on getting your message across without consuming every character. Long ads may discourage people from reading them.

5. Test. Test. Test. Try different keywords, ad copy, landing pages and calls to action. Put your budget - whatever size it is - to the best use after effective evaluation.

The Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Industry is estimated to reach $23 billion by 2010. The vast majority of SEM investment in the coming years will involve pay-per-click. We applaud the SEM vendors and companies who can prepare a coherent plan that produces outstanding conversions. But for all the clicks and conversions via pay-per-click, many SEM players will miss the lead generation that natural SEO offers through greater Internet acceptance and traffic.

The fact is that people are far more likely to click on a natural listing. Studies show that about 60%-70% of the links people click on are organic, not the PPC variety. Again, be careful how you spend your online advertising dollars. Make them work for you!

Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He has been the webmaster of True Web Success for the last 15 years. Go to

How To make Money w/ Google Adwords

Can you really make money from this?

Late 2003, I think was the first time an eBook popped up that claimed that one could make money from Google Adwords. The main method that was revealed involved combining Google Adwords and the Clickbank affiliate program, to make money, online, everyday almost on autopilot.

Please allow me to very quickly outline how you can make money on the internet, using this system. Here are 2 things you need to get started...

1) You need a Google Adwords account. =>

2) You also have to sign up as a Clickbank affiliate =>

Ok, so how does it work? Well, you simply go to and on the main page you click on "Promote Products" on the right. You will be taken to the index page of all products being sold via Clickbank. Each product is listed with a short description and the percentage you make as an affiliate.

Just select the product you wish to promote, grab your affiliate promotion URL, by clicking on the [earn 50%]. Your personal affiliate link will pop up, just copy and paste that, into a text editor like notepad. The next thing I like to do is visit the main sales page of the product I have selected, and select some benefits from the sales copy, I can then use these to write my Google Adwords Ad.

Alright then, how do you write your Ad? The general profitable Google Adwords format that has seemed to work for many is like this. Line one your heading ask a question, line two mention a feature of the product or eBook, line 3 give a benefit, then line 4 your websites address goes there.

Once you have selected your budget and you submit your ad, it will probably start showing on the Google network within the next 10 minutes. When searchers see your Google ad, they click on it and Google will charge you for every click, according to how much you bid on a particular keyword. If the searcher who clicks on your ad, then goes ahead and buys from the site, you will receive the respective commission from Clickbank, and you can check your earnings when you login to your clickbank account.

However, there are 2 things to watch out for... Your Return on Investment (ROI) and your Click through Rate (CTR). The ROI helps you determine how profitable your Google Ad is, when you subtract the cost of running your ads from the amount earned in your clickbank account. The CTR helps you fine tune your ad so you can increase the number of people clicking on it especially if its a profitable ad, if more people are clicking on the ad itself it would probably result in an increase in your affiliate income. In Conclusion... You can also use Google Adwords to promote your own websites and other non clickbank products too, you just need to adopt and adjust the system I have outlined above.

Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He has been the webmaster of True Web Success for the last 15 years. Learn how to get Google ads for free and maximize your pay-per-click advertising. Visit our webpage at and start driving unlimited targeted traffic to your website everyday usually with little or no effort on your part.

Know How To Get Paid with no effort

Earning more revenue from your website is the goal of most webmasters. However, this is time consuming and with so many things to do options is what you need. There are so many great ways to increase your sites revenue. To name a few: Adsense, Adbrite, Adster and BlogAds.

These sites all provide third party sponsored link programs. You run the ads, people click and you get paid. Seems simple right? Now it's time to get creative and make even more money while offering a great service. Rather than creating daily articles so your site has enough pages and content find yourself a feed to automatically generate page content for you.

Let’s say your website is only 10 pages and you don't have the time to create more pages to expand your site. There is a creative solution. First, you need to locate a content feed so you have enough pages on your site. Next, you need to find a third party sponsored link site that will deliver text or banner ads. If you are still with me you will have two snippets of code provided by two services: a content service and a sponsored link service. Two services working together to make your site money.