Saturday, June 21, 2008

Set Goals For Your Network Marketing Business

Very little in life is gained without setting goals. Paul Getty, a wealthy philanthropist and avid book collector, said long ago: "In life, if you don't know where you're going, you're sure to end up somewhere else."

Your goals for growing your network marketing business are the steps that will lead you to realizing your dreams and ultimately, your personal success. Success is built upon success. The level to which you succeed will be determined by the goals you set for yourself personally and for your network marketing business itself.

In order for your goals in network marketing to be attained, they must be:

Written down
Realistic, yet challenging
and time oriented.

You should set goals that are obtainable and measurable, then set a realistic time for them to be accomplished. For instance, you can set goals for how many people you will place product with and share your network marketing opportunity with during the course of a week or two.

How many do you want to personally sponsor and get activated in your network marketing business during a specific time period? What rank do you want to reach in your network marketing company in the coming days, weeks, and months? How many meetings and appointments are you willing to set in order to achieve your goals?

You can also set personal educational and development goals, such as how often you will participate in teaching and training calls or meetings, listening to or watching educational CDs and DVDs, and how much time you will devote to reading about network marketing each day.

It is important that you set some short-term goals that are achievable, so you can create the momentum necessary to accomplish the goals for your network marketing business mid- and long-term. There is nothing more motivating than reaching specific milestones on the way to your BIG dream. Starting small can help.

Your first short-term goal should be building your network marketing business to profit, and this is commonly achieved by bringing 2-3 people into your organization that become active sponsors. After that, you should devote your time to help those you've brought into your network marketing organization do the same.

Now you set a weekly or monthly goal of bringing one person into your business, and again helping those below you do the same in order for you to achieve the higher levels in your network marketing company.

Again, it is very important that your short-term goals are achievable and thus lead to accomplishing your mid- and long-range goals. Your sponsor should be available to assist you in setting goals that you can realistically achieve.

Remember that your "Why" for getting involved with network marketing leads to setting goals, which leads to action, which leads to success. By following and repeating these steps, and teaching these concepts to those who join your network marketing organization, you become closer to realizing your dreams by building a successful network marketing business.

However, simply writing down your network marketing goals does not guarantee your success. For your goals to be meaningful, you must remain committed to them. Determine that you're not just going to START your business, but you're going to FINISH what you started.

In life, there are many starters and few finishers. Be determined to finish. Deciding to invest some of your time, energy, and financial resources into yourself and your network marketing business will not only determine your level of personal success, but it will also greatly influence those you bring into your organization.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Friday, June 20, 2008

Secrets To A Profitable Home Based Business

Practically every man's supplication is to either win the lotto or become a business big shot. But even a traditional "street side" enterprise would entail considerable greenbacks to initiate. However, the genesis of the Internet made an average man's dream come true. Web-based businesses do not require big bucks funding and usually have greater flexibility than brick-and-mortar operations.

Although the prevailing drift towards working at home was attributed to working moms wanting to stay home for their children, current statistics reflect that majority of at-home workers are men who are enabled by the Net terminal to build up a booming future. Billions of dollars of ebay commerce and online businesses are operated from the bedroom; the Web phenomenon have made many ritzy rich, and even the scandal-ridden MLM businesses were, inarguably, profitable spinoffs of the cyberspace. The internet has indeed mainstreamed the home business industry.

Success stories of home based millionaires blare incessantly online, which we know are mostly fantasies, still they continue to wow gullible hopers. Why so? Because the spiels promote the businesses as easy and simple, and it's idiosyncratic for man to want to have everything easily, instantly. The awful reality is, business is zilch for scores of home based entrepreneurs.

One common problem encountered by an at-home businessman is his misimpression that his business will take off by itself. A home based business, just as any traditional enterprise still need some brains and brawn to operate. It will be a jumbo challenge for an inexperienced entrepreneur to plunge into an undertaking without serious planning and thorough probing. There are mulitifarious business choices in the marketplace and if you are not keenly discerning, you'll be easily suckered into some shady deals. It is very important that you allocate considerable time and effort into your project, especially during the conception stage.

An online home business needs relatively a modest budget to run, the hunk of which goes to the purchase of a computer with Internet capabilities. Some people indiscriminately get carried away by excitement and incur wanton expenses on nonessentials which could be avoided if a strict research is done. Configure a spending plan and stick to it. Emphatically refuse to be sweet-talked by spurious sales letters that will waylay you to buy on impulse. The availability of pertinent resources online that render information and curative assistance is a boon to the newbie.

A personality disposition that a home based entrepreneur must try to cultivate is flexibility. You must not fear technological and theoretical advancement; the internet will continually and organically grow - you must expand your parameters and keep up with the pace of innovation. Another important trait to develop is persistence - the ability to not easily succumb to issues and battles that accost all entrepreneurial pursuits, regardless of nature or origin.

Profit is the be-all and end-all of business - it is doubtlessly attainable. You can solicit advice from business mentors or gurus (reliable ones exist) but the ball and chain of progress hangs around your neck.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Thursday, June 19, 2008

What is the Key Trait for Financial Success as an Entrepreneur?

Knowing yourself is the key to success in every aspect of life, but it’s not easy. One reason is that your personality traits, your habitual ways of perceiving and acting, don’t allow you to see how you could do things differently and more successfully. People often choose occupations that don’t work well with their traits. For example, if you need to pace yourself to do your best work and don’t thrive in a crisis, you will find more success in being a dispatcher than in being a firefighter.

For entrepreneurs, the key trait is Internal Direction. If you’re high on Internal Direction, you have an easy time making decisions and make them quickly. You have a strong sense of what your goal is and how to get there. With other appropriate traits, you can be a leader others come to for advice. In fact, being a business owner is best for you, because you can be the one making decisions and don’t need to compromise with others about what to do. This trait is described in depth in the book about the Piani Trait System, Trait Secrets. (You can also learn more about this and other traits on the Piani and Company website or the Trait Secrets website.)

Of course, every trait has a downside, and for this one, it’s that you can be perceived as stubborn, headstrong, or not a team player, but in your own business that is not a problem.

But what if you aren’t high on Internal Direction? You can either be high on its opposite, External Direction, or somewhere in between the two. If you are high on External Direction, it can be hard for you to make decisions. You waste important time vacillating or researching forever. But every trait has an upside, too! You’re a great team player and negotiate easily. Or you may be in the middle, sometimes having an easy time with setting goals and making decisions, sometimes having difficulty.

Can you still be successful as an entrepreneur without Internal Direction? Yes, if you can find at least one, but preferably both of the two key elements you need. The first is a good team leader or mentor who can help you with decisions. You need someone who is high on Internal Direction, so that s/he won’t waste time trying to help you find your way yourself. For this solution to work, you have to be willing to admit you need help and to ask for it. That relates to another trait, the Autonomy trait, which you can read about in another article or in Trait Secrets.

The second element, finding a ready-made system, works well if you are moderate to high on the Structure trait, which means that you are comfortable with systems. People who are high on this trait tend to form habits easily, have a hard time with change, and are disciplined when they have a system to follow (and if they don’t have one, if they can, they’ll create one!) With this trait, once you learn a system, the system pretty much makes decisions for you. The good news is, many network marketing companies have systems all set up for you. You can jump right in and you won’t need to make decisions, just follow the well laid path. However, you'll want to check out the system to make sure it is one you'll be comfortable with.

What if you are high on External Direction and low on Structure? People low on Structure like flexibility and have a hard time following plans. You won't be able to decide on where to go or how to get there, and even if you get help with direction, if you don't follow the system, you are in for a much harder road. It gets more complicated here, but having people with the right traits to work with always helps.

The key to financial success and successful career change is knowing who you are and what you need to be successful. Whether you are high on Internal Direction or External Direction, once you know yourself you can decide to place yourself in the right situation for success.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Why More and More People Choose To Be Home Business Entrepreneurs

Based on recent surveys, the three major stimuli for the astounding crescendo of home based business into a consequential peak are: money, flexibility and time savings.

Many at-home entrepreneurs acquisce that bidding adieu to their nine-to-five grind has been the smartest concession they have ever reached in their life. Even the high-salaried worker realizes that the paychecks he scores will not enable him the financial stability he dreams to attain in the long run. It's a rare possibility to get rich working for others. On the other hand, the prospect of unlimited profits highly motivates a home based entrepreneur; he knows that all the strenuous expenditure of energy he devotes to his business equate to the amount of profits he would generate subsequently.

According to a startling report that the Bureau of Labor released, out of 100 Americans who started working at the age of 25, a measly 4% will be financially stable at retirement age. What happens to the rest? It's a dismal reality that 63% of the people would be dependent on relatives, friends or charity for their sustenance at 65, while 4% will continue to work in their old age to make both ends meet. Frightened at such a foreboding scenario, the sensible ones are starting to make plans to opt out of the ruts, and find the benefits of having a home business baffling to ignore.

A home based business affords the utmost independence for the entrepreneur. Taking advantage of the complex infrastructure yet efficient nature of the World Wide Web, at-home businessmen can summon leisure anytime, do extra household errands whenever, without getting handicapped because the internet capabilities permit their business operations 24/7. They can earn money even while sleeping.

Financial freedom is a breeze mainly because starting a home based business does not require exorbitant funding; a moderate budget is all one needs to keep a home business running, the bigger chunk of which is apportioned to web maintenance. Furthermore, the income tax breaks for business use of the home are essentially stimulating, and are a substantial source of extra money at tax time. CPAs are known to coax their professional clients who have six-figure incomes to establish home businesses as a tax shield.

Many work-at-home moms attest that the time they have available to be with their children is something they would never swap for any high-paying job. They would rather choose anonymity over career prestige because the invaluable time it allows them to spend with their children are indeed irredeemable. They would always consider the home business stratagem as a superlative blessing.

Flexible working hours is another fringe benefit of the home business. You can choose to work at anytime you want, or decide not to work at your whim without the threat of getting fired. You accumulate time savings because you dispense with the commuting time and hours consumed getting ready for work.

Beyond facts and factoids, what matters about deciding to be a home business entrepreneur is you augment your chances of succeeding.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Making working at home work for you

Wouldn't it be nice to work at home and do what ever you want, when ever you want to do it. The idea of working at home is becoming more and more popular as the months and years go by for more and more people. The ability to work from home is a dream for many, and now anyone can make that dream a reality.

The reason why it has become so popular to start a home based business is because many want to spend more time at home with their families. Having a boss watching over their head every day and all day is pretty much discouraging and annoying.

Working at home allows a person or a parent to see their baby's first steps, wake up when ever they feel like it, and to do what ever they want. People who work at home tend to be more relaxed, productive, and less stressed. People who have a day job are more stressed, angry, and frustrated with their jobs and lives. You know that, right?

Many people think that when you open your own home based business you probably make more money than your last day job. This is not the case. Many people have actually known that if they open their own home based business, their incomes can drop by a few percentages. Working at home and not having a boss is much more important to them than the money they are making now.

While working from home gives you such a sense of freedom and happiness, it also requires you to be self-motivated. Putting things off will be an everyday thing for you but you need to make sure that you don't. At any job, your boss is the one that "motivates" you to do something and do it right away. So you need to be self motivated each day and don't put things off and doing it later.

According to recent survey by one of the top research group, there was an increase of 65% of people who were looking to work at home online or offline in the year 2007.

Another nice thing about working at home is that it also costs less than working outside the home, in both terms of finance and time. Gas can cost you less and waking up when ever you want to also has its benefits. Now, don't be mistaken, working from home requires a lot of hard work and you need to be self motivated and driven to achieving your goals.

Here is another very important factor that you need to consider when you are working at home:

Family members think that just because you are full time at home, you have all the time in the world to do what ever you want to. You do, but you need to let them know that when you have set specific hours that you need to work, no one should interrupt you at any time. If you have your own office, close the door and put a sign that says "Do Not Disturb". This should tell your family member that when this sign is up, no one should come in the room and disturb you.

Treat your business like you take care of your child. If you do take care of it and do what ever it takes to make it work, then it will just prosper and succeed. If you don't take care of it and do the necessary things that you need to be doing on a daily basis, then you will probably come across failure. You don't want that.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Monday, June 16, 2008

Invest in Yourself to Acquire Wealth

Invest in yourself, it is one of the most important things that you can do to achieve personal success.

Learning how to maximize the enormous potential that lies in your mind and body is a necessity. It can turn into considerable riches. Everything you need to accomplish anything you want is already inside of you. When it comes to your success, the biggest investment you can make is in yourself.

An investment is not truly an investment unless it appreciates in value. This is a very basic principle that makes complete sense. Think about it. Are we not our own biggest investment? Shouldn't we give ourselves whatever is necessary to grow personally? Take charge of your own growth because you have the most to gain from growing and the most to lose if you stand still.

If you're thinking about starting a business, improving your professional skills, or making yourself stand out with your employer, you may want to consider investing in yourself through education. This includes learning how to set goals, how to manage your time, how to remove fear and doubt, how to adjust your thinking, create new habits, squash bad habits, how to take care of your health, how to focus, how to acquire financial abundance, etc. By taking the time to do these things, your return on investment will be exponential!

A very simple example of investing in yourself is to read. By reading, you are able to gain information that will benefit you in many ways. You can gather information from books, magazines, and the Internet; resources that you could not have tapped into had you not committed into investing in yourself.

You see, when you invest in yourself, a thousand other doors open. Imagine the possibilities if you invest in yourself daily. You will basically be compounding all the interest you earn daily and your return will be more than priceless. A million other doors will begin to open. Release your God given potential and begin the process.

Start your day with something intensely positive. When waking, choose thoughts of gratitude for the simple things in your life. This will benefit you immensely and set the stage for the mindset of personal growth.

You are your most important commodity. Be proactive about making regular deposits in your "life bank account". By preparing sufficiently, your positive actions will build up these investments. You'll be in a position to make a withdrawal and still have reserves to draw on.

What areas of your life do you need to invest in? What areas of your life have you been neglecting? Once you have identified problem areas, ask yourself, "What will it take for me to make positive changes?"

By investing in yourself, you can make it happen, make anything happen. Whatever your dreams, goals, or aspirations may be, you WILL make it happen.

To start creating a self-investment habit suggests Brian Tracy, a best selling author and international speaker. Invest 3% of your income on personal development. That personal development could be books, coaching, workshops, or any number of possibilities that focus on giving you a greater awareness of yourself and/or adding more tools to your toolbox.

There are so many people all over the world that are living their dreams. Join them! Don't wait for everything to be "Just Right" to start going for your dreams. You are more than capable of achieving your success. The only thing holding you back ....You guessed it.... It is YOU! Get started today and make it happen!

I will leave you with a quote.

"No one ever attains very eminent success by simply doing what is required of him; it is the amount and excellence of what is over and above the required that determines the greatness of ultimate distinction."

Charles Kendall Adams 1835-1902, Professor of History and Author
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Sunday, June 15, 2008

What a Home Based Business Is

Seems like a simple question about what a home based business is. But as you begin your search for information on starting and running a home business, you'll find that different businesses start from different points of view. And you'll have different needs depending on your own view of a home business.

A home business is, among other things, a business run by one or more people out of someone's residence. The business operator is also the business owner who calls the shots, takes the risk, and enjoys the success of the business. This does not include those who work out of their home as employees of another business, such as telecommuters - though many of these issues discussed in this book apply to telecommuters as well as home business owners.

Home businesses can be further broken down into several different categories. Many magazines and books focus on the late-twentieth-century version of a home-based business: an office in a home where the proprietor offers a service to clients, such as a tax preparer, resume writer, or book editor. Walk-in customer traffic is at a minimum and is usually by appointment.

There are also more retail-oriented home businesses, in which the product or service requires a customer visit. This might be a retail craft shop, hair salon, day care, kennel, or automotive repair business. Parking and a business space apart from the home are usually requirements of this kind of home business.

Then there are the contractors, such as plumbers, electricians and landscapers. These business opportunity seekers administrate their business out of their homes but actually do the work off-site, at the customer's home or business.

Online business opportunities are also starting to pick up stream in the mainstream business world. So much so that universities and colleges offer 4 year degree programs in internet marketing. Building an online business gets easier and easier with new advances in technology and marketing. Also, the potential to create a residual stream of income is something that cannot be overlooked. Another benefit of creating an business online is that it is also a portable home business that can be controlled from a laptop computer, allowing your business to follow you no matter where in the world you happen to be.

Business opportunity seekers are one of the most common home businesses in America today. What do we mean by a hobby business? Well, simply that you have a hobby, knitting, woodworking, photography, or gardening that grows from a casual way to pass your time into an organized home business that generates revenue and incurs expenses. You may do little more than sell your products or services to friends or neighbors, or you may be regularly promoting, and advertising your hobby business to garner more and more customers, but your primary motivation is likely to be an enjoyment of the business activity.

There are a number of advantages to a hobby business. Business opportunity seekers may already have a reputation for quality work among your neighbors or among other hobbyists. That reputation can be helpful as you seek to build your business in the beginning. It's built-in good will, an important asset for any successful business.

Another advantage is that you are likely to already own many of the tools, machinery, software or other necessary items required for your business, which will minimize the initial capital outlay needed to start up. While for some businesses, commercial grade equipment will be necessary for more frequent usage, what you have on hand will likely get you started.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at