Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Birth of a Successful Internet Business: Part One of Ten -- Soul-Searching

Developing a successful Internet business is the ultimate goal of the Internet entrepreneur. However, statistics show that most Internet businesses never make any real money.

Making money on the Internet isn't easy -- it takes a great deal of time and effort and requires a total commitment. You must be completely passionate about your business and have a sincere desire to succeed. Anything less will be a complete waste of your time and will most likely result in failure.

You must also realize that success isn't going to happen overnight. There will be many obstacles along the way and a great deal to be learned. However, anything worth having is worth working towards and won't come easy. There will be many long days and sleepless nights. However, if everything falls into place, and you plan each step very carefully, the end will justify the means.

The largest obstacle you will ever encounter is fear -- fear of the unknown -- fear of change -- fear of failing. Fear is the root of failure and prevents dreamers from living their true passion. They fail to try.

Above all else, you must take the first step to overcome your fears. With each step you take, you will become a little closer to achieving your dreams. As long as you keep trying, you'll never fail.

There are many common characteristics shared by successful Internet entrepreneurs. Below are some of the most important:

Set Your Goals

Set your goals and write them down on a piece of paper. Set short-term reachable goals and long-term higher goals. However, don't set them too high, as this will cause you to become discouraged if you don't achieve them.

Work consistently towards accomplishing your goals each day, each week and each month until you reach your short-term goals. When you have attained your short-term goals, set them a little higher each time. Ultimately you will achieve your long-term goals.


Get up early each day just as if you were working outside your home. You have to take your business very seriously and be completely self-disciplined.


Set up a daily schedule and stick to it. Your own personal drive will have a great impact on your success. You must have the ability to work independently and stay on task.

Positive Attitude

Your attitude is one of the most important factors that will determine your success. Your attitude will either guarantee your success or guarantee your failure. If you have a positive attitude and believe in yourself above all else, you will succeed.

Organizational Skills

Create a list of all the things you want to accomplish during the day. This will give you an organized approach to each day.

Attention to Detail

Whatever you're doing, do it to the best of your ability. Pay close attention to detail. Nothing is ever going to be perfect, as you're only human. However, if something is worth doing, it's worth doing right.

Developing your own Internet business is one of the most difficult, yet rewarding experiences of a lifetime. It is a continuous learning experience and will be filled with many valuable lessons you will carry with you for the rest of your life -- some good, some bad, but lessons still the same.

Although there aren't any shortcuts to achieving your dreams, there is something you can do to speed up the process -- Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Follow in the footsteps of successful Internet entrepreneurs who are already successful. Not only will you save yourself a lot of time and money, but you'll also have a road map to success.

Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Friday, March 14, 2008

Best Home Based Businesses to Build Your Fortune With!

Type in best home based businesses on any search engine today, and you'll get thousands of hits. That's an indication of just how many opportunities there are for home businesses these days, but which ones really deserve to be in the category of best home businesses?

For starters, the top ten home based business opportunities picked by Entrepreneur magazine's Business Startups Online are listed below:

Internet Consultant
Personal Organizer
Network Marketer
Mystery Shopper
Career Coach
Adventure Tour Guide
Home caregiver for elders
Specialty Catalog Merchant
Medical Biller

Other businesses that you'll find as top rated home businesses and that may even be in the top 100 home based business opportunity category are:

Research surveys
Online proofreading
Typing services
Internet research
Web surfing
Multi Level Marketing (MLM's)
Affiliate programs of all kinds
Internet marketing
Online auctions
Email reading
Pay-per-click Business

These are just a few of the many businesses that you'll find listed on best home based business opportunity lists. However, the truth of the matter is that the top home based business for you is going to be the one that best suits you. Here are some questions to ask yourself that will help you narrow down the choices of the best home based idea for you.

What are my interests?
What are my skills and strengths?
What are my weaknesses?
Do I want to interact with people?
What's my goal in wanting a home business?
Am I looking for the best home based businesses that only require part-time work, or would I prefer a full-time home based business opportunity?
Do I want to turn my hobby into a home business?
Would one of the best home based businesses requiring sales be right for me?
If I could quit my job today, what would sort of business would I want to have?

The purpose of these questions is to get you thinking about what you really want from a top rated home based business. Before you do anything, know what your interests and talents are. The best home based internet business opportunity for web surfing or pay-per-click may sound great, but if you like being around other people much of the time, then you aren't going to be happy stuck in front of a computer screen all day.

You'd probably be better off in a home based business that offers you the chance to be out and about with people. Having a realistic view of yourself and your abilities is vital as you make a decision about the best home business opportunity for you.

Also, be aware that many of the so-called best home based businesses are scams. The recent spike in people wanting to start home based businesses is the reason behind the increased scamming. These supposed best home based businesses may not be entirely illegal, but they are over-promising on the financial results you'll get.

Remember your dad telling you that if it sounded too good to be true, it was? Well, Dad was right. You won't get rich overnight unless you win the lottery or inherit a large estate. That's just the way it is.

So, please do a great deal of research before you invest any money, whether a small or large amount, in what's being touted as a top home based business opportunity. Many of the investments required for the top home rated businesses are as low $29.95 to sign up, that's because marketing research has shown that the sweet spot for the amount of money people are willing to hand over is between $25 and $50.

Marketers are also experts at knowing what our vulnerabilities are and how to play on our emotions to get us to take the action they want us to take. So keep your cynical dad around when exploring the businesses on any top home business list.

And always make certain you have a contact person's name, a land address, a land line phone number that's active, and a valid email address for any company you want to sign up with for a home based business of your own. Also, check with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and the Small Business Administration (SBA) before you make an investment. And if you do run into a scam, report it immediately.

The truth is the best home based businesses are the ones people truly enjoy doing. Having a passion for what you're doing helps immensely when obstacles rise during the running of any home based business and they will. You have to plan for them first, but when you love what you do, mountains you encounter don't quite seem so large as they do when you don't.

Loving what you do also helps you keep your focus and determination to succeed where they need to be on creating the top rated home based business of your own. Who knows? Your best home based business idea just might make it into the number one slot on the top 10 home based business list someday.

Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Is It Possible To Earn A Fulltime Income Online?

Most of us have seen numerous adverts promoting programs that will earn us yachts and mansions for only a few dollars investment. Too good to be true? Unfortunately yes. Most of the time you will waste time and money with these programs. So is there a way to make a full time income from only working online a few hours per day? The short answer is yes but you need to put in a lot more time than a few hours per day to start with.

Over the past 24 months I have worked up to 4 hours per day building an online income. It takes dedication and focus and slowly but surely your income will grow to the point that you can cut back your hours and get some quality time with your family.

The first thing you need to do is to sit down and have a long hard think about what you want from life. I would bet that most of you will at first think about the fast cars and mansions and the celebrity lifestyles that are depicted in many aspirational adverts. However think harder, these are things you would like to have not what you want from life.

If after you've thought deeply you decide that you want to see your family grow up, you want to be able to make it to your children's school concert and not have to work late on that important project. If you decide that you want to be able to take your wife for a romantic lunch before you collect the kids from school then you have the correct frame of mind to start making an income for yourself. If you don't have a family and you decide you want to be self reliant and not a wage slave then you are on the way.

Be realistic and you won't be disappointed. Now you know what you want and you know it's realistic it's time to get yourself a strategy. I like to think of my income building strategy in terms of building a house, before you put up the walls and roof, the part of the house you can see and admire you need to put in the foundations.

The foundation of your income has to be a steady source of reliable income that you can build on. For this I built two websites ( & and monetized them by adding Adverts and Amazon feeds. I write articles and submit them to directories. I do everything I can to get the sites into the search engines and get traffic to them. Once the visitors started coming and I was getting a steady income then it's time to branch out and work on the 4 walls of our strategy.

The second part of the strategy involves taking some profit from the site building and investing it in well researched programs that have a long history of paying out. You need to do your research and due diligence here and spread the risk among a number of programs if you have any doubts about a program walk away. Now you have your foundation and 4 walls in place it's time to top it all off with the roof.

The Roof like in your house is the top level of our strategy, this is where you take everything you have learned building your foundations and walls and apply it to your own programs, by now you will know what works, you will have developed a network of contacts through programs and forums and you are ready to develop your own programs. The great thing about this strategy is that if you have no spare cash you can start out with very little, in fact it is possible to start out with $0.00 and turn this into a full-time income by clever use of resources.

Remember be focused and realistic and a full time income is within your grasp.

Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Running a Successful Home Based Business on the Web

Many people these days are looking into starting their own ecommerce business, or looking into expanding their existing business onto the web. Once they get this idea they go online and research for hours on how to run a successful business online and most of them come up with junk like, "I made $20,000 in my first month, now I am on vacation and still making money off my website". These places also state you can be really lazy and do minimal work while becoming filthy rich. Well these websites are wrong and must be avoided at all costs.

Starting an internet business is just like any other business. It takes hard work. You can not just sit around doing minimal work and expect to make a decent income. It will take much of your time getting to understand the world of ecommerce at first as well as finding your niche. Here's a few tips on how to run a successful internet business:

1. First you must find out exactly what products you want to sell. Try to find products that everyone and their moms aren't selling. Find a line of products that are in high demand but very few suppliers of them if any. If you find this (which most people don't) you just took a giant step into a successful business online.

2. Search for suppliers of this type of products with good prices. Of course like any other type of business you would have to find a supplier for your products. Now there is one benefit you will have having your business online which is called drop shipping. With drops shipping you never see the products you sell, you just send the orders to your wholesale drop ship company and they ship it out for you. The best place to find wholesale company's that would drop ship for you is

3. Decide weather you want to sell on auctions or on your own website. If you are in a rush and would like to start quickly you would probably prefer selling on auction websites such as ebay. If you sell on auctions I would also prefer you list your products on yahoo auctions since its absolutely 100% free with no costs at all. You will make less sales then ebay but there are no costs. Also you may start up your internet business with a website. Websites usually take much work in creating it and will take some time. You may hire a web designer to build one for you or just build it yourself. I prefer you learn how to, and build it yourself since its your business and you should know what's going on. Learning HTML is very easy. If you know how to use Microsoft word and Microsoft Power Point, then you would know how to use Microsoft Front Page to build your websites! It's that simple.

4. Promoting your website once it is finished. If you sell on auctions don't worry about promoting them because you will get traffic from people searching the auctions site. Promoting your website is very simple but takes much hard work and lots of your time. A few years ago people used to say, "Build it and they will come", this is no longer the case at all. If you make a website and open for business no one will come unless you market it well. The best way to get traffic (visitors) to your website is by ranking high in search engines. To do that you may hire a search engine optimization company to do so, but it may be very costly even though most times its worth it.

To do the search engine optimization (SEO) yourself here's a few tips. Build as many links as you can to your website with your keywords in the anchor text. You may do this by submitting your site to many many directories, I suggest you never stop finding new directories to list to because every day there are 100's of new directories that open. Search engine traffic may take a while to achieve meanwhile you could list your products on shopping comparison sites such as yahoo shopping,, etc. These are pay per click product search engines. I also suggest you list your site on since its 100% free.

You may also start an adwords campaign. This is simply paying to rank high in search engines with google. You may also start an affiliate program, where people advertise your site for you and you pay them a commission for each sale they give you. If you are new to all of this I suggest you post on webmaster forums to better understand the industry. Make sure you post a signature link to your website on all your posts because it will get you traffic and higher search engine rankings

Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Successful Home Business Opportunities

For years you've dreamed of being the owner of a successful business. A successful real home based businesses. You've even imagined your business at the top of the best home business list. The problem is you don't know where to start.

You start with an idea. Where, you might ask, can I find the right idea for my business from the multitude of successful home based businesses available? Well, how about your own home?

That's right. One of the most popular and most Successful Home Business Opportunities is online auctioning. Start looking in your closets, your CD rack, your bookshelves, your garage. You'll find things that people out there want. All you have to do is sign up at any of the online auction sites and let the bidding wars begin.

You'll be amazed at how much money you can make. And to become an even more successful home based business, invest the profits from your sells in higher-ticket items you can buy at a discount or on sale, then resell them. Keep this cycle going, and you'll create a highly successful home business.

That's just one example of how easy Successful Home Business Opportunities are created. In article writing, there's a rule about writing about what you know. The same is true for business: do what you know. Lawn care, childcare, pet sitting, the list is endless. Sit down and write a list of all the things you know how to do, then think of how you can turn any of those things into a business.

Because Successful Home Business Opportunities all have one thing in common: they found a need and filled it. Elderly people love to have their pets walked for them and their errands run for them. People today are all so strapped for time that they'll pay, and pay well, to have their lawns taken care of. So think of what you know how to do and how those things can be turned into real home businesses.

After you've chosen the business you want, you have to go further to make it one of the truly Successful Home Business Opportunities. Here, you have to do some planning. Some questions to think about are:

  • Where is the market for my business?
  • How do I get the news out about my business?
  • Do I need to get a business license?
  • Is my neighborhood zoned for at home businesses?
  • Should I incorporate?
  • Do I want or need a partner?
  • Is there any equipment I need to buy?
  • Where do I go for accounting services?
  • Do I need liability insurance?
  • Will I need to hire people to help me?
  • What do I do about taxes?
  • Do I need any special permits?

These are just some of the questions you need to consider when trying to build a business that joins the ranks of Successful Home Business Opportunities. But don't freak out. You don't have to have all the answers right away.

You do, however, need to have an idea of what your business will require in everything ranging from accounting to clean-up, if there is any, as you start and grow your business. Really, it's like building a house. You start with a blueprint and go from there. You build a business the same way. But you can't build anything unless you know what it is you're building. It's the same when it comes to building successful home businesses.

Now that you have the idea for your successful home based business and an idea of the steps it will take to make it into a reality, you need to put in the necessary effort. You'll also need determination.

Rome wasn't built in a day. Neither was your house or apartment building. Determination will keep you on track when you encounter bumps in the road to success. It might even take your business to the top of the best home business list someday.

Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Monday, March 10, 2008

How I Make Money Online

Nothing beats the excitement you feel when you first start to make money online. Ever since I got my first computer I had dreamed of owning a web site that would make money for me. My motivation has always been simple. I want the freedom to live life on my own terms.To be able to do what I want when I feel like it. I want to feel the security of having a regular income. And, finally I want the spending power to be able to buy what I want and go where I want. Not much to ask.

I now know that I went by the long route when I set out to learn how to make money online. I wasted an enormous amount of time, energy and money on learning things I didn't need to know and doing things that are a complete waste of time. The most annoying thing of all was that the know-it-alls who are reaping the amazing rewards of their success are so poor at showing others how they do it. However, they are very good at charging a lot for their information and then making it hard to understand what they mean. Here are the lessons that I have learned. I consider that they are the real secrets of making money online:

First, start with a niche market. I know this is different from how people do things in the real world, but in cyber space this is the best place to start. The easiest way is to pick on a group of people just like you. People with whom you share a problem.

Second, find a product that solves their problem. There are millions of them out there. Go to the clickbank store at to find one that you would like to offer and make a comission for every sale.

Third, build a really simple, one page web site. Your site only needs to offer a product that solves a problem to the people with the problem.

Fourth, drive traffic to that web site. Imagine my excitement when, by simply applying this formula, I started receiving e-mails saying: Congratulations, you just made a sale! The excitement grew when I went to my online bank account and saw the money sitting there, right under my name. And the excitement reached fever pitch when the congratulations e-mails started coming in ever-increasing numbers. My advice is simple; don't wait, use the simple formula I've outlined above to build yourself a web site today. Let me show you how. I promise that you will feel massively uplifted when you too start to make money online.

Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

Sunday, March 9, 2008

What Are the Best Home Based Business Opportunities?

So, you have decided to work from home, but you are overwhelmed by all the home based business opportunities available. How do you choose one? Take a good look at your interests, availability, and expectations to figure out which of the many home based business opportunities will work best for you.

When you are considering various home based business opportunities, you want to find something that appeals to what you like to do. Think about your hobbies or activities, the ones you just love to do. Then look at all the home based business opportunities to find some that fit your interests. This way, you will be taking advantage of home based business opportunities that you will enjoy doing so you can avoid burn-out or stress.

Also, before you choose one of the many home based business opportunities that fit your interests, you should evaluate your preparedness to handle the physical and emotional demand of running a home based business. Remember, you could start off by having to work longer hours to build your business or have to work around your family. Try to look for home based business opportunities that will fit your time management needs.

If you still have a number of home based business opportunities to choose from, then you may also want to check into any specific skills or training required to be successful in those particular home based business opportunities. For instance, accounting offers a number of lucrative home based business opportunities, but you will need specific skills to be an accountant. However, if you love numbers, getting that extra training may be worth it for you to have that occupational freedom from the home based business opportunities that will open up.

No matter the home based business opportunities, you may want to obtain a little more training in running a business. There are a number of resources available for you to learn how to run a business including keeping your books, organizing, and selling. If you feel you need to brush up on some of your computer or sales skills before you take advantage of the home based business opportunities available, then do so. You will find more confidence in building up your skills.

Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at

A Success Recipe

To make a recipe for success you need to find out what successful people are doing to get successful. You need role models and the more you know about them, the better you can copy their behavior and obtain the same. So what do successful people have in common? Below are some characteristics based on observation of people that have been successful in one or more areas of life.

Successful people are competitive - When successful people get in the game - whatever it is, they want to win. No successful person or role model ever play to lose, they go all out and give what they are able to give, within the rules and don't give up until the game is over. Even if successful persons lose, they are gracious and they learn from it. People with success find out why they lost and try to avoid the behavior that caused this loss in similar future situations.

You must stay focused to be successful - We see that people with success are staying extremely focused in what they are doing or trying to accomplish. When they set their mind to something, they keep their eyes on it like a laser beam.

Successful people have fun - Winners love what they are doing whether it is as business managers, in their job or careers, in their relationships and families etc. and they have a lot of fun with what they are doing as well.

To become successful you must work hard - People who succeed put in long hours and are working much more than the average person. Successful results are made by plain old long hours. Unfortunately, most people just aren't willing to do it, therefore most people aren't successful. Everybody needs to relax in between their working hours. Successful people know how to relax better than most of us.

Successful persons are intense - Whatever people with success are working with or trying to accomplish, they put their energy into it. They possess a kind of 'all or nothing' attitude and this is what keeps them going when the going get rough.

No risk - no success - If you are not willing to take a calculated risk now and then, you can't expect to be successful. When you do a change in your life - whatever it is - you are taking a risk. I'm running an e-commerce business but it wasn't successful in the beginning. I am still doing my job as a senior evaluator but eventually I will quit my job because I am so convinced that I can succeed that I am willing to take a risk.

To achieve success you must be strategic - When I started up my business I wrote a description of how I wanted to live the rest of my life and I estimated how much money that would cost. Then I worked out a strategy for earning this money and converted the strategy into a detailed plan of actions I had to take and when my monetary goals should be reached. I'm still working according to this success plan, but I have to admit that I have adjusted it more than one time because the partial goals I've estimated so far have appeared to be far too small compared to what has actually happened. Under such circumstances however, setting unrealistic goals makes me feel fine, at least each time I recover my successful miscalculation.

Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at