Thursday, March 6, 2008

Know How To Get Paid with no effort

Earning more revenue from your website is the goal of most webmasters. However, this is time consuming and with so many things to do options is what you need. There are so many great ways to increase your sites revenue. To name a few: Adsense, Adbrite, Adster and BlogAds.

These sites all provide third party sponsored link programs. You run the ads, people click and you get paid. Seems simple right? Now it's time to get creative and make even more money while offering a great service. Rather than creating daily articles so your site has enough pages and content find yourself a feed to automatically generate page content for you.

Let’s say your website is only 10 pages and you don't have the time to create more pages to expand your site. There is a creative solution. First, you need to locate a content feed so you have enough pages on your site. Next, you need to find a third party sponsored link site that will deliver text or banner ads. If you are still with me you will have two snippets of code provided by two services: a content service and a sponsored link service. Two services working together to make your site money.