Thursday, October 2, 2008

Information Overload

Welcome to the world of "home business". You have recently decided which business to go with. Congratulations! Hopefully it is a legitimate one.

Now you are ready to start work. Soon your email box will be overflowing, not only from the organization you joined, but from others as well. You will get messages like "You can't run your business without this" ,"We can bring more traffic to your site than anyone else", "Learn how to write effective emails", "You will earn thousands by selling this product". Your whole day could be consumed with reading emails. I started saving emails until I had more time. Finally it got to the point where I just deleted lots of them without reading.

If you joined a good company they will have a good training program. I was totally overwhelmed with the amount of resources available to me. Actually I joined a program that had several income streams. That meant several times as much information available to me. The key to this is if you have a good sponsor, you will have someone to guide you. I didn't. I got a letter saying I am your sponsor and that was about it. I floundered for awhile, grabbing bits of information from here and there and not really making any progress. My head was spinning from cramming so much information into it. It was impossible to absorb it all. Fortunately I printed out a lot of it and now I can go back to it and take the time to understand it.

I finally found direction at the forum that is available to members of my business. It is wonderful! These people are actually competing for the same market, but they take the time to help others. I couldn't believe it! You post a thread with a problem. Check back later and several members usually have responded with advice. One very successful member actually offered to mentor others in advertising at no cost. This was unbelievable! I immediately signed up. Since that time I have learned so much! My website looks so much better now. I am beginning to advertise, confident that the methods I am choosing are good ones. The traffic is increasing at my website.

I am excited about the future! I am headed in the right direction. I am so grateful that those who know more are willing to share with the "newbies". I am determined that I will continue this trend. I will help those who need it. I will work hard to help those who sign on as my affiliate. There is a world out there to conquer and I intend to do it.

There are two purposes of this article. The first is that you find a mentor. If you cannot find one in your business, look elsewhere. Check in forums. Read articles and contact authors who are willing to help. There is someone willing to help you. Sometimes you have to ask for help.

The other point I wanted to put across is that once you start learning, do not hide your knowledge. Be willing to help others. There is no greater reward than seeing someone develop with your help. The world would be a much better place if everyone thought this way. Do your part. Offer to help others.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at