Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What is Wealth?

How would you define wealth? Is it having a bank account with $1,000,000 in it? Or does it take $2,000,000, $5,000,000 or more? Is it having a Lamborghini in the driveway and a Gulfstream G5 in your hanger? Perhaps it is a mountain cabin or a beach house. Just how do you define wealth?

Is the above description one of wealth or does it describe ‘rich’? Perhaps the answer to the foregoing question is simply a matter of personal opinion. Wealth means something different to each person.

A large percentage of people would say they would like to be ‘rich’, or at least have more money. Many would even like to be wealthy, but don’t really understand what wealth is, or how to get it.

Wealth is defined as “much money or prosperity”, “having an abundance of”. But, an abundance of what? You see, the truly wealthy have created Wealth in all areas of their life; wealth in mind (knowledge), body (health), spirit (divine), personal relationships, and financial. The truly wealthy have an abundance, or prosperity of all of those areas.

But where does it all start? It is true that a few people have inherited great financial wealth those are the exception. Most wealthy people have started with no more than a desire, an idea, a strong belief in themselves, and a wealthy attitude. Richard Carlson states it this way, “Wealth Consciousness is so much more than simply having the ability to make money. It’s a mind set that involves seeing life not as a struggle, but as a magical adventure where our needs are met with grace and ease…Wealth Consciousness is a state of mind, a sense , not of believing, but really knowing that what we need is available to us.”

As one journeys toward building wealth it is important to understand that “wealth does not come from money, Money comes from Wealth..

One of the first steps is to recognize which areas of life where you would like to create wealth, and then give attention, by taking action, to each of those areas. You could start or improve your exercise program so you can have good health and vitality in your life. All of the money you can earn won’t mean much if you are in poor health and cannot enjoy the fruits of your labors. Maybe you need to develop stronger relationships with the people in your life. Also, develop new relationships, particularly with people you would like to be like or mentor with. Give increased attention to your spiritual self and connect more strongly with divine power. The divine, or faith power, provides that strong energy link to all other aspects of life and makes all things possible.

All of the mentioned areas of life are important. The different elements of life are like the legs of a stool. If you remove one of the legs the stool is out of balance and may not stand. If it does stand, it will be weak and unstable.

Do you want to be wealthy? If so, what price are you willing to pay? Are you willing to make changes in your life or are you just going to sit in front of your TV and wish. Insanity has been described as "doing the things you have always done and expecting different results." We pay the price of success only once, but we pay the price of failure every day!

It all starts with a simple desire to stand up, take action, and make necessary changes in life. Success is a choice, choose well!

Take time to understand your definition of wealth and then create a plan of action to achieve whatever you have designed. Create an attitude and belief of wealth consciousness and then trust yourself to creating the life of your design.

Once you have all areas of your life in balance, including the money, then you are truly wealthy. Then you can live a life by design, and then you can help others on their journey to building a legacy of wealth.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at http://www.secretsofonlinesuccess.info