Friday, May 23, 2008

Do You Know How to Choose the PERFECT Network Marketing Opportunity for YOU? - Part 1

Part 1 of 6

Think you’ve found the perfect home based business opportunity to take control of your life and trip the light fantastic? Before you jump in with both feet, I recommend you do your homework. Not all is as it seems, sometimes.

Just as you would have a wish list when searching for the right home, put the same thought into the features of the perfect home based business for you. Who will be your parent company in your new home-based business, what you will market, is the compensation plan lucrative, and who’ll be your business partner? If you don’t do a thorough check of the details, you could be in for some unpleasant surprises.

First, the fun stuff! Do you Iike the person who has been educating you about this opportunity? If you don’t resonate with them now, will you enjoy working with them indefinitely? Someone who will make working fun can make all the difference. It’s all about connecting with people. Wouldn’t you rather work with people you actually like?

How did you feel about the way they went about presenting the opportunity to you? If you liked it—great—because they’re going to coach you to do it the same way. If the technique of their network marketing presentation put you off, you may want to think twice about working with them. You won’t be successful at doing your network marketing presentation if you don’t feel comfortable using that style. You have to be at ease, natural-sounding and non-threatening to attract people to you.

More important, were they forthcoming with all the information you asked about? If you get the feeling they’re holding back something from their network marketing presentation, you’re probably right. They must be able to explain everything to your satisfaction. I’ve talked to people who didn’t even want to reveal the name of the company the represented! Hello? If they’re keeping secrets, it’s probably because they’ve either had negative responses to that information before, they weren’t trained very well, or they don’t have a strong belief in their company. And if they don’t—why should you? Integrity is of ultimate importance in the home based business. If they weren’t trained effectively, how will they train you?

Are they slick-talkers who use a lot of fabulous, incredible, phenomenal, astounding adjectives to describe their company, products and compensation plan or do they behave with unquestionable integrity? Beware of hype. Enthusiasm is desirable, but it’s up to you to decide for yourself just how great these are. What THEY think doesn’t matter. If they try to dazzle you, it should be with hard evidence. Make them prove it.

For example: Is the company new or old? Both can be a good scenario. An older company has a track record and is operating on sound business practices that have kept it afloat and their associates happy. A young company may be about to jump into their explosive growth stage when you can benefit a great deal. The company I represent is 15 years old, founded in integrity, continues to break sales records every single quarter and is still opening up new markets worldwide.

What kind of products do they market? Are they products you really want to use? Are they affordable to the average person? You’ll have to use them yourself so you can tell others how impressed you are with them. If someone markets a healthy juice, is it all they say it is? Can you make a living selling just one product? I’d much prefer to have a wide range of products that will appeal to a lot of people.

See Part 2
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at