Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I Want To Be My Own Boss!

Ok, I'm sure everyone one has said "I want to be my own boss" at some point in their lives. Probably with such a regular occurrence that people are bored of listening to you and wish you would actually do something about it. Struggling from one inadequate pay cheque to the next is most likely not how we had hoped our lives would turn out to be. But for the majority of us, it is what we have come to accept as our fate.

The idea of setting up a business on your own probably sounds quite scary, and a lot of time what is holding us back is knowing what type of business to go into. Actually seeing it through to its fullfilment may well seem like a distant day dream.

Write down your goals - Only about 3% of people actually write down their life goals. Seeing on paper what you intend to do is a great help in visualising what it is you want to achieve, and of those 3% who do write down their goals, about 99% do reach them!

Verbalize those goals - If you say to yourself everyday, I'm going to achieve this goal I've set myself (you can chose any short phrase as your mantra) it will become more real in your mind and the positive reinforcement is very self-motivating.

Visualize those goals - Sit for a moment, close your eyes and imagine you have reached the goals you have set yourself. How will you feel? Who will be there with you? What are the sensations you are feeling? Try and get to that place and how it feels. Try to retain that feeling and make sure you have time in your day to visit that place at least once. Just the fact that you are visualizing those achievements will bring you closer to actually achieving them!

Do your research- This is a key element. Know your market. Is there a market for the type of business you are planning to go into? This may seem like a silly statement, but thinking something is a good idea and the reality can be poles apart! Do your homework first -Who are your competitors? What will your start-up costs be? These are just some of the many considerations you have to research.

Be Realistic - If you are serious about becoming your own boss you have to be realistic. Unless extremely lucky, you are not going to become a success overnight. It is not going to be doing minimal work for maximum money. You will probably be working harder than you did at your job. All these things can be quite off putting but keep visualising your goals.

Make a start - This is probably the hardest part! The leap is great! Don't think you have to just get up and quit your job and become a entrepreneurial wizard. Start small, take small manageable steps. Breaking it down makes it seem like less of an obstacle and more a challenge.

If you really do want to become your own boss, make a start today! Even if it is just the decision of becoming your own boss. That step is huge! Best of luck in your endeavours.
Eugene Rivera is an internet marketing protégé. He is the webmaster of Secrets of Online Success. Learn about all the money making techniques to achieve success on the Internet. Click on our webpage at